BIDL Board Meeting Minutes - November 20, 2014

Beaver Island District Library Board of Trustees
Meeting Minutes 10/16/2014
Present: Jones, Lyle, Martin, Mitchell, Moore,
Absent: LaFreniere, Welter
Other: McGinnity, Speck
1. Meeting called to order by Lyle at 4:30 pm.
2. Public Comment: None
3. Approval of/Amendments to Agenda: Discussions of Board Member Terms and Story
Time/School Coordination were both added as Old Business.
4. Approval of Minutes: October 16, 2013: McGinnity explained two changes he made to the
minutes for the October meeting, one being a typo, and the other being that the $500 for the
WOWbrary newsletter service was to be moved from regular Subscriptions (not Technology) to
the Strategic Initiative Subscription category (not regular Subscriptions). Motion to approve
minutes as amended proposed by Moore, Martin seconded—minutes approved.
5. Financial Report: Speck explained that with the cost of the Auditor’s drafting of the CAP letter,
the Professional Fees budget category will definitely need to be amended. Motion proposed by
Moore to increase the budget for Professional Fees to $4900, seconded by Mitchell, motion
approved. Motion to approve financial report proposed by Moore, Jones seconded—financials
6. Director’s Report: (See attached). Circulation and patron numbers are tracking close to last year
across the board. The Halloween Party was a successful collaboration between the Library Teen
Advisory Board (TAB) and the newly formed BICS PTA.
7. Old Business:
a. Board Member Terms – McGinnity explained that he had researched the term end dates of
all the current board members, which are—in the case of those appointed to replace
outgoing trustees whose terms had not yet expired—not a full four years from their
appointment date. As it turns out, three currently serving trustees’ terms have expired,
which means they need to be reappointed by their respective townships without delay.
McGinnity will maintain an up-to-date record of all board member terms, and will notify
members when the end of their term is approaching so that they can take appropriate
action in a timely manner.
b. Officer Elections – Elections were late due to the updates in the Board Bylaws changing the
meeting at which said elections are to occur. Moore nominated Lyle for Board Chair, Martin
seconded, motion passed. Moore nominated Welter for Board Chairperson Elect, Mitchell
seconded, motion passed. Moore nominated Jones for Board Secretary, Martin seconded,
motion passed. Jones nominated Moore for Board Treasurer, Mitchell seconded, motion
passed. According to revised bylaws, the next regular election for Board Officers will occur
at the Annual meeting, to be held in March 2015.
c. Policy Revisions – After discussion, Moore presented a motion to approve the
Computer/Internet Policy as presented, Jones seconded—motion carried. After a discussion
of whose approval is required for expenditures under the $750 threshold, Moore presented
a motion to approve the Credit Card Policy as presented, with the change that all
occurrences of “Treasurer Card” will be replaced with “Beaver Island District Library Card.”
Mitchell seconded—motion carried. After discussion, the Code of Conduct was tabled until
more Board members are present to discuss it and vote.
d. Treasury Department CAP Letter Update
The auditors drafted the letter, McGinnity revised it to replace “Accountant” with
“Bookkeeper.” The letter was sent with more than a week to spare.
e. School Story Time
Mitchell provided an update about the collaboration with the school to have students come
over for research, story time, and just when they need books. She also explained a
complaint voiced by a parent regarding our story time. McGinnity has met with the
concerned parents and looked into the issue. He assured the board there was no reason for
concern about what goes on at Library story times.
8. New Business:
a. Setting Agenda for December 18th, 2014 meeting:
Old Business:
Policy revisions: Code of Conduct (and others TBD)
9. Correspondence: None
10. Public Comment: None
Meeting adjourned 5:35 pm.
-Respectfully submitted by Patrick S. McGinnity, Director