practice quiz

Chapter 3 Quiz
Multiple Choice (1 – 17): Place the number of the best answer in the blank.
_____1) Which two particles have opposite charges?
(1) an electron and a neutron
(2) an electron and a proton
(3) a proton and a neutron
(4) a proton and a positron
_____2) In which type of reaction do two lighter nuclei combine to form one heavier nucleus?
(1) combustion
(3) precipitation
(2) melting
(4) nuclear fusion
_____3) The particles in the nuclei of 4 different atoms are represented below. Which diagrams
represent nuclei of the same element?
D: 1p
E: 1p&1n
Q: 1p&2n
R: 2p&2n
(1) D and E, only
(3) Q and R, only
(2) D, E, and Q
(4) Q, R, and E
_____4) Which particle has the least mass?
(1) an atom of Helium
(3) a neutron
(2) a proton
(4) an electron
_____5) What information is necessary to determine the average atomic mass of the element
(1) the atomic mass of each artificially produced isotope of chlorine, only
(2) the relative abundance of each naturally occurring isotope of chlorine, only
(3) the complete boxed DVD set of the hit series Breaking Bad
(4) the atomic mass and the relative abundance of each naturally occurring and artificially
produced isotope of chlorine
_____6) In a neutral atom of argon-40, the number of protons
(1) equals the number of electrons
(2) equals the number of neutrons
(3) is less than the number of electrons
(4) is greater than the number of electrons
_____7) A compound has a molar mass of 60. grams per mole. What is the molecular formula of
this compound?
(1) CH2O
(3) C6H8O
(2) C2H4O2
(4) C4H8O4
_____8) Which subatomic particle is negatively charged?
(1) electron
(3) positron
(2) neutron
(4) proton
_____9) What is the mass number of a carbon atom that contains six protons, eight neutrons, and
six electrons?
(1) 6
(3) 14
(2) 8
(4) 20
_____10) A 1.0-mole sample of krypton gas has a mass of
(1) 19 g
(3) 39 g
(2) 36 g
(4) 84 g
_____11) Which particle has the greatest mass?
(1) an atom of He
(3) a neutron
(2) an electron
(4) a proton
_____12) What can be determined if only the atomic number of a neutral atom is known?
(1) the total number of neutrons in the atom, only
(2) the total number of protons in the atom, only
(3) the total number of protons and the total number of neutrons in the atom
(4) the total number of protons and the total number of electrons in the atom
_____13) Which particle has a mass that is approximately the same as the mass of a proton?
(1) an alpha particle
(3) a neutron
(2) a beta particle
(4) a positron
_____14) During all chemical reactions, matter, mass, energy, and charge are
(1) absorbed
(3) formed
(2) conserved
(4) taken to Chipotle for lunch some time
_____15) Chlorine-37 can be represented as
(1) 2017Cl
(3) 3520Cl
(2) 20Cl
_____16) Which phrase describes an atom?
(1) a positively charged electron cloud surrounding a positively charged nucleus
(2) a positively charged electron cloud surrounding a negatively charged nucleus
(3) a negatively charged electron cloud surrounding a positively charged nucleus
(4) a negatively charged electron cloud surrounding a negatively charged nucleus
_____17) Which total mass is the smallest?
(1) the mass of 2 electrons
(2) the mass of 2 neutrons
(3) the mass of 1 electron plus the mass of 1 proton
(4) the mass of 1 neutron plus the mass of 1 electron
18) Several of the ideas in Dalton’s atomic theory have been proven false. List two such ideas,
and give supportive evidence or a brief explanation as to why they are not considered immutable
19) For each of the following, list the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons:
a) 146C
b) 13856Ba+2
c) 5626Fe+3
d) 3216S-2
20) Chlorine has two major isotopes, one with a mass of 34.969 amu (abundance of 75.53%),
and another with a mass of 36.966 amu (abundance of 24.47%). Julia would really like you to
calculate chlorine’s average atomic mass. PS – Show your calculations for credit.
21) Calculate the molar mass of barium bromide, BaBr2.
22) Seth has a box of iron nails with a mass of 182.7 g. How many moles of Fe does he have?
23) Calculate the number of molecules in a .116 mole sample of NO2.
24) Marguerite has 10 million atoms of Au. Calculate the mass of her gold.