Summary tables, trend hypotheses, and using the cumulative data set Summary table for multiple variables in one year: It is hypothesized that in the 1996GSStab data subset, women are more likely to oppose abortion, capital punishment, and euthanasia. Table 2: Sex differences Percent opposing in Right to Life Issues female Right to Life Variables male Abortion for any reason Capital punishment Euthanasia Statistics X2 Cramer’s Hypothesis significance V support 54.3 55.6 p.697 V. n/a no 17.4 28.4 p.000 V. 129 yes 25.8 32.0 p.033 V. 068 yes Source: 1996GSStab subset Trend hypothesis: a) It is hypothesized that opposition to capital punishment will significantly increase over time, measured at three data points: 1990, 2000, and 2010. b) Furthermore, it is hypothesized that opposition to capital punishment will significantly increase over this same the period of time for both men and women, but that there will be a stronger increase in women’s opposition. c) In terms of sex differences, it is hypothesized that women are more likely to oppose capital punishment than men at each of the three data points, but that the sex differences in capital punishment opposition will decrease over time. Cappun Opposition 1990 % DPS 2000 % DPS 1990-2000 change 2010 % DPS 20002010 change Hypothesis support Overall opposition 20.6 31.2 +10.6 p.000 v. 112 32.5 +1.3 p.372 v=n/a a) Partial 1990-2000: yes 2000-2010: no Male opposition Female opposition Sex differences 18.2 24.7 +6.5 27.7 +3.0 22.6 36.5 +13.9 p.001 v.074 p.000 v.141 36.3 -0.2 p.075 v=n/a p.471 v=n/a b) Partial 1990-2000: yes 2000-2010: no 4.4 p.032 v.054 11.8 p.000 v.127 8.6 p.000 v.091 c)Partial women>men all years sex diffs lowest in 1990 Source: GSS 1972-2012 Cross-Sectional Cumulative Data set GSS 1972-2012 Cross-Sectional Cumulative Data IV DV CV Overall opposition Recoded year variables* cappun none Sex differences Sex cappun Recoded year variables Stats on changes over time Recoded year variables* cappun sex for males and females Recode two year variables 19902000 & 20002010 to measure change