Version: 7.2014 Section D 04 Agent Administration Chemical Agents Compliance with pharmaceutical grade agents. Investigators are expected to use pharmaceutical-grade agents whenever possible. Note that per federal guidelines the use of non-pharmaceutical grade agents requires justification, even for acute procedures. Please consult the IACUC Policy on the use of Non-Pharmaceutical grade Chemicals/Compounds to be aware of recent clarifications to this policy. If any non-pharmaceutical grade agent is used, will the criteria outlined in the IACUC policy on non-pharmaceutical grade agents be applied (i.e., justification from “always acceptable” list)? Yes. The criteria outlined in the IACUC policy will be used No. Please provide justification for a deviation from IACUC policy NonPharmaceutical grade (yes or no) Pharmaceutical, Non-pharmaceutical grade and Non-hazardous compounds Agent Name Route of administration Max Dose (mg/kg, gm, & volume mL, etc.) Frequency Please provide justification for using any Non-Pharmaceutial grade compounds listed in the above table. Agent Name Hazardous Compounds (including, carcinogens, toxins, teratogens, etc.) Type of Route of Max Dose (mg/kg, Frequency Route of agent administration gm, mL, etc.) excretion & volume Will LARC or lab workers be exposed? Biohazard agents (biological toxins, blood, body fluids, normal/neoplastic tissues or cells, recombinant DNA, etc.) Protocols using biohazard agents will not receive IACUC approval until the Investigator provides evidence of approval from the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). If you are unsure, please contact the IBC office. Do you have an IBC approved protocol for the work described in this study? Yes. Please provide the IBC protocol # No. Please contact the IBC Agent Name ABS Level; Route of Is the agent Is the agent Is the agent shed in feces, 1, 2, 2+3 administration infectious to infectious to urine, or body secretions? Precautions, or 3 & volume humans? animals? Note: It is required that the LARC BSL-2 veterinarian be notified prior to any work with biohazard or hazardous agents. See notice in the assurance section. Safety Procedures for Animal Handlers - (LARC Personnel and Laboratory Staff) Who has the potential to be exposed to this material? LARC staff Personal Protection (indicate personal protective apparel/procedures to be used): Hair cover Gown Lab coat Waterproof boots Safety glasses Goggles Film Badges Respiratory mask (type) Gloves (type): Laboratory staff Booties Face shield 1 Version: 7.2014 Materials Handling: In cabinet (indicate type): Chemical Fume Hood Biosafety cabinet Decontamination of area after use: Surveys performed required? Yes, if “yes,” all areas less than 200 cpm/100 cm 2 (must be to be released) Procedures: Location of each hood used: Waste Disposal: Bedding/excreta radioactive: Indicate disposal method: Incinerate Bedding/excreta disposed as normal Decontaminate cage before washing: No Duration: (days) Autoclave Bedding/excreta disposed through RSO 2