Fee Schedule and Financial Policies

Fee Schedule and Financial Policies
Initial Assessment Fee (Laboratory Fee) = $25.00 (additional $25.00 will be charged for Hepatitis B & C
screening per the assessing physicians orders)
* Treatment fee is not included in the Initial Assessment Fee
Treatment Fees
Level 1 thru Level 2 = $11.00 per day
Level 3 and above = $10.00 per day
Medication Costs
Methadone is included in the patient’s treatment fees.
Buprenorphine cost .75 cents per milligram. The cost of a patient’s dosage will be discussed at the time
of assessment.
* Approximately $14 to $24 per day for treatment with buprenorphine depending on dosage amount
Miscellaneous Charges
Late Fee = $5.oo per episode
Patient Requested Drug Screen = $10.00
Saliva Test = $10.00
Guest Dosing set up fee = $15.00 per episode
Daily Guest dosing fee (non-Stepping Stone patients) = $15.00 per day
Returned Check Fee = $15.00
Peak & Trough Blood test = $30.00
Urine Drug Screen GC/MS Confirmation = $40.00 per substance
Other additional lab work as ordered by Medical Director will be addressed individually
* Each patient will responsible for payment of any additional lab work deemed medically necessary by the Stepping Stone
Financial Policies
Payment is required at the time of services and will be accepted at the front desk only.
Treatment fees are charged regardless of attendance.
Patients can carry a $50 balance that must be paid off by the end of each month.
Patients whose balances are above $50 will automatically be placed on pre-pay status and are
not eligible to receive take home medication.
Requests for short-term financial assistance must be made at least 24 hours in advance and in
writing. We will not negotiate fee payment arrangements at the front desk.
Counselors are not authorized to approve, or negotiate payment terms.
*Patients not incompliance with Stepping Stone financial policies will be assigned “pre-pay status”.
Financial Hardship Taper
If a patient has a demonstrated financial hardship and can no longer afford treatment they will be afforded a
medication taper period. A 10 day period will be available for patients taking methadone and 6 days for
patients taking buprenorphine. During the taper period medication dosage will be reduced each day down to
zero. Daily fees will continue to be charged to the patient’s balance during this time. Should the patient elect
to stop the detox or re-enter treatment, all applicable fees must be paid.
* Stepping Stone reserves the right to reduce, or refuse, the taper period for patients whose account balances are too high
(or have outstanding returned checks) if it is not medically contraindicated.
Personal Check Policy
No checks will be accepted from patients during the first 90 days of treatment.
Check amounts are limited to $70.00.
Returned checks and the $15 returned check fee must be paid off in 3 days.
Legal charges will be filed for unpaid returned checks.
We reserve the right to refuse to accept a check for any reason and any time.
Stepping Stone: OTP Fee Schedule & Policy
Revised: September 1, 2011
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