Design wise, header of home page is stunning the design towards

1. Design wise, header of home page is stunning the design towards the bottom needs to be less
[NMG]: Design change request
2. Please check consistency of the fonts & boxes (in forms), join now/submit message tabs size.
[NMG]: We have compared the fonts with design.
3. Contact us & about us page to have header image Design
[NMG]: Design change request
4. Contact us page - Please remove the box with my email details
map can appear on the right hand side of the page, followed by the form in end.
Form field – message to be a bigger box, submit button to be consistent like other tabs.
5. Load More button on case study page + photographer list page
6. Badges Design - The badges design is not good. It needs to be made simpler. The referral badge
is not working either. Keep it in 1-2 color.
[NMG]: Design change request
7. Automatic email notification to photographer • When featured on home page: DONE
• When won a prize: DONE
• when any client feedback is updated on the contest he/she is participating: DONE
• when earned a badge : OK
• when a new contest is launched/ bi-weekly update on new contests
[NMG]: By Cron when site become live
8. Reports - I will add.: OK
9. User agreement upload option on brand brief page ( back end)
Following error message appears after uploading agreement.
The upload path does not appear to be valid.
10. Brief page - Submitted photo's photographer name & detail should be visible/ clickable
[NMG]: Its Working Fine
11. Photographers should be able to tag the photographs they are uploading: The images are
multiple upload so will add that tags. Explain ?
12. Add google analytics:
[NMG]: Please provide that, we will add that when we make the site live. OK
13. Check if all screens are mobile ready, upload is doable, load more tab is working?
[NMG]: All screens are working fine.
14. Favicon Design: We will add that
15. Couple of trouble shoots • bottom of the page call to action link failure: Working fine it should direct to join now and
not mention newsletter
• launch a brief link failure: Its Working
• header image keeps rotating while still filling the Join Now form: Working fine
• launch brief page captcha doesn't load: DONE
• Images on case study & photographers portfolio distorted: That is because those images are
• Header JOIN NOW sends email to the users inbox for verification + automatic password:
Change request - not working , image scrolls while filling out the email address like before.
16. Our home page is for photographers to signup, not for brands to issue brief. Right now both
messages are scrolling. Kindly remove Launch a brief image as it will go on the Launch a brief
page which needs to be changed in terms of design.
17. When a photographer registers and gets an email with the password, is it safe or prone to
hacking ? What is the best practice for this?
18. On the search index, the only criteria is earnings as of now but we need more parameters like
types of photography, region, highest followers etc
19. Contact US page needs to be redesigned, it is not working at all.
20. Post Registration
When I registered and uploaded my picture, it took the actual size and did
not resize for the frame – hence the picture became huge and my profile
got hidden below
20. When I want to submit for a contest
It is not uploading currently
The picture on the background is so big that all the content goes down – it
needs to stay in the frame
21 . Launch a brief – Will need to make it more appealing by adding more information
Does not appeal to me as a client
I need more information like the scrolling format for ex ample – how do I
find out all the info I need before I give the brief – past work,brands worked for, ,
size of the network, how it works
c. Maybe we can follow the format of the home page
a. What is the difference between CMS – FAQ section and Manage FAQ
b. Contacts – Messages from contact US page not working nor appearing here.
c. Brand Briefs section is for brands that are posting briefs from “ Launch a brief
page” So they won’t be writing about license date or uploading agreement. The
agreement will be uploaded by the admin when posting a live brief on the
22. Need to see the link that will go to the client for selection of images
23. How will the images be archived offline that haven’t been selected.
24. All images that photographers upload need to have tagging option with them