nepal matri griha (nmg)

Progress Report 2009
(Estd. 2000 A.D.)
Reaching Out the Victim and Vulnerable
Latest Survey, in Nepal found out that 85, 00,000 people in Nepal are striving of hunger.
None of the government bodies has been able to keep an eye on this matter. But with
the resignation of Maoist Prime Minister and the government led by them, the country
further remains in dilemma. There have been clashes among political parties. Their
disagreement in forming new government and new ministers has bothered country’s
regular work. The roads are blocked everyday. Similarly, the strikes in Tarai regions
have blocked road which is severely affecting people living in the valleys. Intimidation of
unsecure life is killing people day by day. Neither they can go abroad to secure their life
nor can they live peacefully in the country.
NMG is afraid of worsening situation existing in the country. If this situation continues in
Nepal, there is no doubt that one day, there will be great shortages of food and poor
children will suffer from malnutrition which ultimately hampers the development of the
country. In the path of supporting needy children we have always hoped of reduced
number of support seekers. But if this situation continues in Nepal, there may be
increasing number of people who need support from NMG. NMG can’t turn out its face
in the time of great need. And we have great hopes from our kind hearted donors who
are providing their helping hands at all to the people far off from their places.
Medical checkup and treatment to Panauti children
Sujan KC and his mother with NMG
Nepal Matri Griha
Director of NMG herself along with
her team went to Panauti to see the
conditions of home visit patients.
Two children and their parents were
provided counseling. One child
named Sujan is suffering from
seizure disorder and speech
problem. Because of seizure
disorder, he gets unconscious for
certain moment every time. But this
kind of disease can be cured if
proper medication is provided.
During home visits, it was found
that his parents were just ignoring
his disease. They are very much
used to Sujan’s being faint and
gaining re-consciousness. They
Progress Report 2009
don’t want to take their son to the hospital even knowing that the disease can be cured.
So his parents were provided counseling and were brought in Kathmandu. All his
treatments are provided by NMG from Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu.
Similarly, another boy named Devendra was also brought in the valley and taken to the
hospital after counseling provided to his parents.
Donor of Bhaktapur therapy centre at NMG
Bhaktapur Therapy
Centre came at
NMG to oversee
the conditions of
the patients and
NMG as a whole.
had a discussion
with the donor
about the problems
it is facing. Donors
on their side gave
advices. They also
suggestions for the
entire NMG for its
betterment. We are
Donor with NMG Home Children
very happy that we
could share the problem and got some suggestions and advices to get out from these
kinds of problems. NMG always welcomes these kinds of valuable suggestions.
NMG is very lucky to get such donors who not only help in the finances but also provide
their support whenever organization needs. We are very much thankful to all the
Nepal Matri Griha
Progress Report 2009
Home children’s participation in poem competition
Home children Shobha Bishunkhe
participated in the poem competition
organized by Deep Jyoti English
School. Although NMG children
Bishnu in a green cap and shova by his
couldnot grab the winning position, NMG is
happy that they started taking participation. As
these kinds of activities widens their brain. We hope if their zeal continues, they will one
day stand in the winner position.
Contribution to NMG by Nepali Author
It is very good news to share with NMG’s
donors and friends that NMG is getting
contribution by a Nepali Author. Prakash
Dahal, a Nepali author has published his
books named as “The Bastard” and the
“Veiled Eyes”. He is the first Nepali writer
whose books have been published by
Author House USA. He had made an
agreement with NMG that he will give 50
cents of his royalty gained from selling his
each book to NMG to serve the deserving
and needy poor children of the country. It
is really great news to NMG.
Agreement by Prakash
Nepal Matri Griha
NMG would like to request all the donors
and friends to buy these books and help in
the promotion of theses books. It will be
your great support to NMG.
Progress Report 2009
Progress in the Therapy Centre
Ashish Basnet is 3 years of age
suffering from CP. Soon after his birth,
he was not able to cry. After 10 days
he had severe fever and was unable to
move his hands and feet. His left leg is
planter flexed and anteriorly tilted. His
muscles were very spastic. He is
unable to walk, sit and speak. He is
also unable to perform any functional
activities. His parents were very much
Fortunately, he came in contact with
NMG, physiotherapy centre. He is
undergoing regular physiotherapy from
the past 4 months. Within this short
span of time he has progressed a lot.
He can now able to come from supine
to prone in a lying position and roll
independently. He can now sit in a
crossed legged, long sitting, Heel
sitting on tool and short sitting for
about few seconds. When any object
Ashish with his mother
is placed near to him he is able to
move or touch it. He is able to touch
any specified mark object. These kinds of tasks were almost impossible for him. We
hope this little boy will progressed a lot with further more continuous and regular
Yoga class at NMG
Participators in yoga class
Nepal Matri Griha
Progress Report 2009
Yoga energizes ones body and soul. It revitalizes the brain and ultimately gives power
to the body. People who meditate and do yoga daily will be able to cope with every
upcoming problems and situations. They will have sharp brain. Noticing all these
changes in the people taking these classes; NMG also started Yoga class. Initially, it
was started to provide trainings to the people around NMG. But NMG home children
show great interest to take part in this daily program. So they are also allowed to
participate. The training is for an hour. The children after finishing their exercise feel
fresh and energetic. We hope this class will change the children in a very positive way.
Awareness Raising Program to the students
Students cleaning their windows
NMG as being a social school perform
various awareness programs to make
students aware about health, hygiene,
cleanliness and sanitation. As the parents
of these students are also unaware of all
these facts, the students when taught
Busy boys and girls in pasting
about these kinds of activities will also be
alert in awaring their parents and involve
environment. For this NMG School this month involved the students in cleaning their
classrooms, corridors and decorating their classes. Students pasted several articles
and drawings related to health, hygiene and cleanliness in their green board. They
found very enthusiastic in doing such works. Some of the students even told that they
will do the same after they returned to their home.
Support to physiotherapy Rehab Centre
NMG rehab centre got support from CASBV. This rehab centre aims to reach out the
disabled children far off from the valleys where there is lack of physiotherapy services.
This service is very expensive in Nepal. There are no proper vehicles for the disabled
children. Parents either have to carry their disabled children at their back or in different
Nepal Matri Griha
Progress Report 2009
baskets or in taxi. Taking children to taxi everyday to the centre is beyond their reach
because taxis cost very high. Furthermore, Nepal has a single hospital to treat disabled
children and to do the surgery for these children. So every disabled child should be
brought to Kathmandu for treatment but, it is very difficult for the poverty ridden people
to stay in the valley and manage lodging and fooding themselves. They would choose
their children untreated rather than managing expenses for their accommodation. NMG
main objectives to open the physiotherapy rehab centre and Training for Custodian is to
provide physiotherapy to the disable children and provide needed trainings to the
guardian/custodian of the disable children. As we provided service for either a month or
two months after completion of their stay they will be able to provide same kinds of
exercises at homes to their children. The centre will provide accommodation and food to
the guardian/custodian and disable children during their stay.
Because of lack of finances it was unable to operate and it compelled NMG to close it.
But we are glad that CASBV supported us in helping the targeted patients. We hope we
will surely change the life of those disabled victims.NMG would like to pay sincere
thanks to CASBV for providing this great support for physiotherapy centre.
Nepal Matri Griha