Store Tour: Neiman Marcus Dermott Sullivan, Senior Vice President, Omni Channel Strategy, Neiman Marcus CONFIDENTIAL – NMG One -1- Neiman Marcus Group Omni-­‐Channel Objec9ve Deliver a shopping experience that is consistent across all channels enabling the customer to shop for any product, any 9me, from anywhere or at any loca9on. CONFIDENTIAL – NMG One -2- Omni Channel Retailing: Func9onal Segments Marke9ng Organiza9on Leveraging customer data from all business segments to generate relevant, targeted marke0ng campaigns with an NMG perspec0ve Aligning the merchant / planning incen0ves and metrics to ensure product is purchased and allocated with a brand perspec0ve CUSTOMER Inventory Op9miza9on Opera9ons Ensuring that all appropriate merchandise is available, at all 0mes, to support sales, improve gross margin, and provide as many choices for customers as possible Crea0ng the appropriate opera0onal processes within our stores and online to ensure we’re delivering a relevant and meaningful shopping experience for our customers CONFIDENTIAL – NMG One -3- Planned Benefits • Customers will enjoy a seamless experience as they are able to shop how they want, when they want, where they want • Orders will be fulfilled more efficiently with the improved visibility to inventory across channels and loca0ons • Assortments can be tailored to individual customer profiles, reflec0ng their preferences and paGerns • As today’s customer expect, this new plaHorm will be scalable for use with current and emerging mobile technologies • Merchants will be able to see selling trends across all channels and beGer react to customer needs • Planners will have access to accurate data with enhanced analy9c tools for improved forecas0ng • Distribu9on Centers will view consolidated vendor data, gaining efficiencies in 0me and cost • Stores will benefit by having more of the right merchandise at the right 9me for customer need Our Customers Our People CONFIDENTIAL – NMG One -4- Guiding Principles 1. Keep the customer at the center of every decision. 2. Commit visionary associates to the journey. 3. Be vigilant in delivering measurable value. 4. Avoid customizing packaged systems. 5. Own the outcomes. 6. Expect and embrace change. 7. Communicate incessantly. 8. Iterate; first trying new methods before changing. 9. Compromise for the greater view. 10. Don’t blame the system. CONFIDENTIAL – NMG One -5- Structuring the Team NMG has adopted a “Three-­‐in-­‐the-­‐Box” approach: Ø Business Ø IT Ø Consul0ng Partners Each having representa9on at every 9er in the project: Ø Execu0ve Steering CommiGee Ø Advisory Boards Ø Business and IT Architecture Boards Ø Weekly Sponsor Updates CONFIDENTIAL – NMG One -6- Partnership – Why Oracle and IBM? CONFIDENTIAL – NMG One -7- Q&A CONFIDENTIAL – NMG One -8-