Ancient Civilizations Assign (Egypt)

UNIT ONE: Culminating Activity
Learning Goals:
YOU get to choose the way you will share your understanding of the
political, social, & economic aspects in the time period studied.
1. Choose an activity you would like to complete. Everyone’s activity must approved by the
2. Activities may be completed independently (or with a partner with your teacher’s
3. Your activity must explore two of the three changes mentioned above.
4. A two page (double spaced,12 font, 1 inch borders) report must accompany your activity.
5. References are required.
a) Footnotes will be used.
b) As mandated by the CWS/SS Dept: Grade 11 research must show the use of at least three
books, and two web sites. Web sites must end in, .edu, or .gov.
c) A bibliography is mandatory.
d) Technology such as Power Point slide shows, video, etc. are acceptable.
e) Set up a conference time with your teacher.
Options for Activities:
1. Create a model or diorama
2. Create a painting (or a movie poster, cartoon,…)
3. Create a written piece
4. Create an interview
5. Produce an Ancient History Magazine
6. Design a game
7. Write a song
Some examples of Assignments:
A) Building a small replica of the Step Pyramid of Saqqara, Stone Henge, etc....
B) Creating an artistic replica of a “Book of the Dead”
C) Creating an ancient Egyptian costume or a portion of a costume (ex. Necklace, or head piece)
D) Interviewing a specific pharaoh
E) Draw an Egyptian wall art painting
F) Mesopotamian Idol : perform a “musical number,” depicting a specific Mesopotamian
civilization’s greatest accomplishments and legacies.
G) Stone Age Business Activity: Students form a prehistoric Advertising Executives with the
task of promoting a new prehistoric invention (ex. bow and arrow, chariot, etc…)
H) Archaeology Activity: Select and research one major archaeological discovery that has
enlightened the modern world on how people and respective civilizations lived prior to the
16th century. (ex. Babylon Ishtar Gate, Catal Huyuk, Lascaux Caves, Stone Henge) –
Powerpoint or Model??
I) Food! Create a Neolithic or Egyptian dish (menu)
J) Write your own creation story for a Neolithic group who don’t have the benefits of modern
K) Creat a Comic Strip (