Year 3/4 Curriculum Map 2014-2015 (1) School Value Maths Term 1 – Who’s Your Mummy? Term 2 – Lightning Games Science lead Term 3- Off with their heads. (Tudors) History Lead Term 4 – Why is Wallingford such a cool place to live? (Local Study) Geography/History lead Term 5 – Habitats of the world and food chains. (SATS) Science lead Term 6 – Stone Age to Iron age History Lead with links to other subjects Respect Honesty Determination Trust Excellence History Lead Cooperation Science (Egyptian medicine) Electricity- Lightning games C6,7,F3, S1,2,M7,8, M1,2,C8,P1, M5,M6, F6,F7, P2, R3,4 Stories from historical Persuasive writing(NF) setting.(F) Stories from Imaginary Newspapers and worlds(F) magazines (NF) Text: Narnia Text: The Queens token, The prince the cook and the cunning King. N/A N/A PE Dance-Strictly come Egyptian Dancing Net wall We are researchersPowerPoint(3.1/3.3) We are animatorsScratch- Create own cartoon game. Islam- Does participating Worship help people feel closer to God or their faith community? Muslim worship, Mosque, Festivals and Gymnastics/ Invasion games Dance Gymnastics Striking and fielding Invasion games Audacity- Pod casting/ we are presenters (3.6) We are communicatorsTweet. (3.5) Create their own stained glass windows- paint and graphics(3.3) Movie(2) Photoshop Christianity- How does being a Christian impact on my life and my family? Festivals, Church, Worship. All religions-Which religious books are special? Christianity-Does Participating in Christian worship help people feel closer to God or their faith community? Worship, celebrations. Buddhism- Do all religious beliefs influence people to behave well towards others? Literacy N1,2,3,4,5, C1,2,3,4,5 M3, M4, G1,2, 3,4, F2,3,8 A2,3,4,5. Explanation text (NF) Information text-(NF) Performance Poetry/mummy rap creating imagery (F) Exploring form Poems(F) Text: Read me out loud poetry book Brian Moses. ICT RE Work on each book. F9, M3, F10, C9, M4, M9,P3, C1-9, F11,F12,R2,M4,M3,M9,S3 Issues and Dilemmas Recounts (NF) (NF) Text: Danny the Champion of the World. Zoo- Anthony Brown. Plays- (F) Stand alone Text: STIG/Cave boy) Living things and their habitats- food chains/Classification Swimming Athletics Rocks/Fossils- buildings and gravestones/caves Eight fold Path Swimming Striking and fielding(cricket) Multimedia presentation/programming instructions. SCRATCH Why do religious people make journeys to special places? Makah River Ghangis Bethlehem celebrations, private prayer, Pilgrimage. Giving arms Developing the Quality of passion Lourdes Sikh golden temple History Who’s your Mummy? Egyptians- History Lead N/A Tudors- Off with their heads- Monarchs, rules, buildings, Tudor toys, clothes. (Comparison between now and then) Local History- Research Castles King-crossed river Thames (Wallingford Museum) Churches and architecture. N/A Changes from stone age to Iron age Geography Geographical Location of Egypt. Latitude and Longitude. N/A N/A N/A Art/DT Design and Build own Pyramids. Egyptian Art- Making own paper. Making Electrical game and Art Design Tudor clothes, create own Tudor toy/musical instrument/ paper ruffs. Why is Wallingford such a cool place to live? (Local Study) – Physical, Human, geographical knowledge Create water colours or washes linked to paintings/ trip out looking at the landscape/church. Stained glass windows. Create a model based on Wallingford Art linked to ICTAndy Goldsworthy Artists in general Iron age settlements, Map UK monuments. Famous stone age places e.g. stone henge. Wheel such a significant invention-DT Design a moving cart Music PSHCE Egyptian music- listen and recall sounds. SEAL –Good to be me & Going for goals & Getting on and falling out & Relationships(Y4 SEAL) N/A Tudor Music N/A N/A Stone age cave art, celtic patterns for shields Representations of stone Henge Art and models. N/A Anti-bullying 1 day focus N/A Looking after our local and world environment – recycling, oil spills & local historical features. N/A N/A Whole school 1 day Focus on pedestrian safety Our Learning Behaviour Codes are: Stick at it. Be curious. Learn from each other. Think around a problem. Evaluate my work. Enjoy reading for meaning. Learn something new.