LESSON PLAN FORMAT MSSPED PROGRAM Topic/Subject Area: Learning Target #1 (primary): Lesson Objective (clearly defined, measurable): Learning Target #2 (supporting): Lesson Objective (clearly defined, measurable): Illinois Learning Standard or Common Core State Standard: Key Vocabulary learner will use or need to understand to engage in learning tasks: Expressive/receptive communication skill (related to the primary learning target): Describe how learner will understand or use vocabulary (and/or symbols) in lesson: Describe how learner will demonstrate learning through use or understanding of syntax and/or social communication: Describe plans to support learner’s use of language/communication given the identified language demands toward the primary learning target: Relevant IEP Goals or Benchmarks: Special Considerations/Accommodations and Modifications: Lesson Specific Planned Supports: Groupings used during the lesson (Whole group, small group, one-on-one): Materials needed to support student learning: Instruction Time Teacher Activity Describe, for each section, the Approximate teacher’s role, behaviors, activity number of minutes with some detail. needed to complete each section Lesson opening (advance organizer etc.) How will you start this lesson? (Consider building interest, prior knowledge, links to previous learning, etc. Consider student performance during previous lesson, feedback provided to students, and opportunities to apply that feedback.) How will you introduce the new learning? Body of lesson What steps will you follow to help students Student Activity For each section, in coordination with the teacher behavior, describe expected student roles, behaviors, responding, etc. with some detail. What will students be doing? (Expected student roles, responding and behaviors What activities will students be engaged in? learn? What specific method(s) or strategies will you be using to help learners achieve the lesson objectives? How will you keep students engaged and provide motivation to participate in learning tasks? What supports will you provide? What materials will you select to support learning? How will you provide students with feedback related to their performance? (Provide information on the teacher and student roles and behaviors which may include: teacher modeling, prompting, explaining, feedback and support and student mode of participation, expected interaction, expected responding (verbal, written, haptic). CLOSURE How will you, as the teacher, end this lesson? Sum up what was learned? Provide feedback to students related to achieving the lesson objectives? (How will the goals and activities of the lesson be summarized?) Debriefing Questions? The teacher must have an active part in the closure of the lesson. What do you want your student knowledge and skill “take-aways” to be? Evaluation/Assessment: (How will you evaluate student progress in meeting the lesson objectives and making progress towards the learning targets? How will you monitor student responses in applying new learning related to the lesson objectives during the lesson? Provide a means to evaluate each objective.) Maintenance and Generalization: Identify methods to assist students in monitoring their progress toward achieving the lesson objectives. How will students apply learning to new situations? Reflection: What changes can be made to this lesson to improve learner outcomes? What patterns do you see in terms of learner strengths and errors? What types of supports were successful in helping the learner achieve the lesson objectives? Describe the feedback provided to learners: Describe how learners will be given opportunities to apply the feedback: