Functional Analysis Quiz

Name: ____________________
Date: ____________
Score: __(out of 22 points)__
Assessing and Reducing Problem Behavior
1. A __functional__ __assessment_is a set of procedures to identify the causes of
maladaptive or socially inappropriate behavior and reduce it through teaching
replacement behavior instead of suppressing it through punishment.
2. When conducting a functional assessment, the causes of problem behaviors are sought in
the immediate ___environment___ and the ___learning___ ___history_____ of the
individual and are not based upon intrapsychic variables or psychodynamic processes.
3. Treatments derived from a functional assessment are classified by the ___function___
and not by the form of maladaptive behavior.
4. What is the problem with developing treatments based upon the form (topography) of the
problem behavior?
___the same topography may be emitted for various reasons; therefore, treatment by
topography may effectively reduce (extinguish) the PB in some cases, but in other cases
treatment by topography may actually strengthen (reinforce) the PB_________________
The four major functions of problem behavior are:
5. _____SMPR________________________________________
6. _____SMNR________________________________________
7. _____APR__________________________________________
8. _____ANR_________________________________________
9. The self-stimulatory sensations that are produced by one’s own interaction with the
environment have been maintained by a history of ___________ APR ______________.
10. The function of behavior where the behavior is more likely to occur after something is
delivered by another person is called _______ SMPR __________________.
11. _________ SMNR _________________is the function of behavior maintained by the
withdrawal of something that is aversive, by another person, after a behavior occurs,
thereby making that behavior more likely to occur again under similar conditions.
12. A descriptive analysis that describes what occurred just prior to and just after a problem
behavior can be as accurate as a formal functional analysis in determining the functions
of problem behavior.
13. Why is it important to topographically define problem behaviors?
___so as to ensure what’s being measured can be objectively observed and consistently
measured across observes; for consistency in treatment and data recording____________
The three general procedures to reduce problem behavior are:
14. _____ Eliminate the MO _____________________________
15. _____ EXT ________________________________________
16. _____ Differential Reinforcement ______________________
17. A problem behavior is maintained by a history of socially mediated negative
reinforcement. How should you respond when this problem behavior occurs in order to
terminate this behavior’s reinforcement contingency, thereby extinguishing the problem
___maintain the demand; no longer remove the demand; implement escape extinction;
prompt compliance with the demand; or any other acceptable response_______________
18. If the function of problem behavior is socially mediated negative reinforcement, why
would the use of “time out” as a consequence for that behavior NOT be recommended?
___because time out would actually reinforce the problem behavior given the function is
19. When the learner engages in problem behavior because it is his/her form of requesting
and you have determined that the answer is “yes, the learner can have this reinforcer” you
should implement the __count and mand___________ protocol.
20. If the learner has a history of engaging in problem behavior when he has been denied
access to a reinforcer, implement the ______accepting no_______ protocol.
21. The two procedures recommended to reduce self-stimulatory problem behaviors (i.e.,
those evoked by the antecedent “automatic reinforcement is high in value) are ___stim as
a reinforcer____________ and _____RIRD_______________.
22. Why might it be recommended to teach a functional equivalent for problem behavior
maintained by socially mediated negative reinforcement (i.e., escape from demands)?
___in cases when the learner engages in very intense self-injurious, aggressive, or
otherwise destructive problem behaviors and it would therefore be unsafe or impractical
to implement escape extinction (e.g., because of the learner’s size/strength)___________