Proposal Template for the Call: DIALOGUE FOR FREEDOM GENERAL INFORMATION: N AM E O F P R O J E C T / P R O J E C T T I T L E Please describe your project title in a concise way. C O N T AC T D E T AI L S NAME OF APPLICANT ORGANISATION: NAME OF APPLICANT CONTACTPERSON + TITLE: E-MAIL: OFFICE ADDRESS: POSTAL ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: +249 (0)18 +249(0)9 OTHER: PROJECT PERIOD From when to when is this project running: FROM: Click here to enter a date. UNTIL: Click here to enter a date. REQUESTED BUDGET Please state the total requested budget (please take good note of general explanation). You can apply either for two types of projects. Please note that this amount will be received in SDG and according to the corporate exchange rate used by the Dutch Embassy. MY ORGANISATION APPLIES FOR: ☐ TYPE A max. ceiling of SDG 294.000 ☐ TYPE B max. ceiling of SDG 147.000 P R O J E C T B AC K G R O U N D Please write down a short background of the project. Specify the relevant context in which you have identified the objective of the project. Possibly you have conducted a needs assessment or otherwise taken note of a reason. O V E R AL L P R O J E C T O B J E C T I V E Please specify in one sentence the project objective and explain why you have decided on this project objective. BREAKDOWN OF PROJECT OBJECTIVE INTO SUB-TARGETS AND ACTIVITIES Please list the sub-targets that are to be derived from the main objective of the project and link them with the activities.1 Explanation see below at this page. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PROJECT OUTPUTS Please identify measurable sub-targets derived from the main purpose. This constitutes the outputs of this project:2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Overall objective: giving girls basic education in village X. Sub-targets: 1. construction of school 2. training of teachers 3. Organizing the parent-school committee 4. Curriculum 5. Buying materials. 2 For example: 100 school benches are bought, 5 teachers are trained, 1 school constructed, 3 trainings to teachers given, 1 parent-school committee formed, etc. CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2014 2 of 6 2/10/2016 PROJECT OUTPUTS 7 PROJECT OUTCOMES Please identify what outcomes this project will achieve. Outcomes are the ‘higher’ results of the sum of activities.3 1 2 3 4 5 I M P AC T Please describe your rational analysis of how this project will eventually constitute to an impact. 4 AR E AS O F I M P L E M E N T A T I O N In which areas are the activities of the project implemented? ☐ Khartoum State ☐ Darfur (all states) 3 Outcomes are the results that are derived from the outputs, but can only be witnessed on the medium to longer term. Please google “logical framework” or “result chain” for more information. 4 The impact is the long term result of your work. It is difficult to attribute it to the project alone, but your project is in a wider context contributing to this. For example: training journalists on human rights may have a future impact on the ‘democratization of Sudan’ (=impact). CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2014 3 of 6 2/10/2016 PROJECT OUTCOMES ☐ East Sudan (Gedaref, Kassala, Red Sea State) ☐ Blue Nile & South Kordofan (Abyei) ☐ North Kordofan ☐ Other, please specify: I M P L E M E N T I N G O R G AN I S AT I O N Please write a short profile of your organization. What makes your organization different from others. What are your key areas of expertise? (2 paragraphs max.) I M P L E M E N T I N G O R G AN I S AT I O N Please briefly describe the implementing organization’s capacity to deliver the project? Why are you specifically suitable to implement this project? An aspect is your track record. Please describe which project and/or donors/organizations you have been working with before on the same subject. (2 paragraphs max). C O N T AC T D E T AI L S O F R E F E R E N C E S – d o n o r s , I N G O s o r U N - a g e n c i e s i n S u d a n Please provide us with references that can tell us about your work. NAME OF ORGANISATION: NAME PERSON + TITLE: E-MAIL: OFFICE ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: (0)18 09- (0)18 09- OTHER INFORMATION: CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2014 4 of 6 2/10/2016 R I S K AN AL Y S I S What could be a potential risk to the implementation of the project? How do you mitigate these? Description of risk Likelihood of risk – high/middle/low Mitigation and management S U S T AI N AB I L I T Y How will you ensure sustainability of the project outcomes. M O N I T O R I N G & E V AL U A T I O N How is the monitoring and evaluation foreseen? Please describe how you follow up on M&E. CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2014 5 of 6 2/10/2016 FINANCIAL MATTERS P L E AS E F I L L I N T H E E X C E L AT T AC H M E N T C O N C E P T B U D G E T I N S D G . Please fill in the budget form in SDG. D I G I T AL S I G N - O F F I confirm that all relevant (budgetary) details have been submitted, are realistic and truthful. With this bid I deem my bid fitting the accountability and governance standards of the Embassy of the Netherlands. Khartoum, on XX-XX-2014 Mr./Mrs. CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2014 (TITLE) 6 of 6 2/10/2016