Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Quiz Review

Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Quiz Review
1. List and describe the 5 types of asexual reproduction.
Binary Fission – one cell breaks into two cells with the same DNA. Example – bacteria.
Budding – Offspring begins to form on parent organism and breaks off when it is mature enough to survive on its own.
Example – Hydra
Fragmentation – Parent organism breaks and each piece forms a new organism. Example – star fish
Spore Formation – Parent organism undergoes frequent cell division to produce many identical cells. Example –
Mushrooms or mold
Vegetative Reproduction – Offspring are formed from runners that the parent organism sends out. Example –
strawberry, spider plant, mint
2. List and describe the 3 types of sexual reproduction.
Separate Sexes – Male and female organisms are separate and are required to reproduce. Males are XY and Females are
XX. Example – most mammals
Conjugation – two cells come into contact and exchange small pieces of DNA. Example – Bacteria
Hermaphrodites – The organism is able to produce both male and female sex cells. Example – earth worms, tomatoes
3. Match the columns with the correct description
___ Haploid - E
A. The product when a sperm cell joins an egg cell
B. Sperm meets egg outside the body
___External fertilization - B
C. Number of chromosomes in a normal body cell
___Internal fertilization - F
D. The event of sperm joining egg
___Asexual reproduction - H
E. The number of chromosomes in a gamete
___Sexual reproduction
F. Sperm meets egg inside the body
G. Reproduction involving two parents
H. Reproduction involving only one parent
4. What makes up the sides of a DNA molecule?
Sugars and phosphates
5. What makes up the “rungs” on the ladder in a DNA molecule?
Nitrogen bases – Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine
6. What nitrogen bases match up together in DNA?
A and T, C and G
7. Put the following things in order from Smallest to Biggest – Chromsomes, DNA, Genes
8. Compare and contrast MITOSIS with MEIOSIS! Use the words haploid, diploid, and include the numbers of
chromosomes before the process begins, and after the process is finished.