In March 2013, CCURI conducted a study of the barriers that exist with respect to undergraduate research at a community college. The participants were grouped according to the undergraduate research model they were adopting and categorized as: Modifying an existing course to create a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) Creating a new course to create a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) Creating a Summer-based Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) where students would be engaged in research over some period of time during the summer Creating a Program-based Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) where students would engage in research across multiple courses within a degree program. The participants were initially asked to brainstorm all of the key steps and tasks that are required in order to create their assigned model (CURE, SURE, PURE). They were then asked to brainstorm all of the potential and realized barriers that they have faced in developing their model. The results of this brainstorm activity were collected and assembled on a matrix, with the tasks forming the rows and the barriers as columns. The faculty were handed the matrix and first asked to look at each of the tasks listed for the various research models and weigh the level of importance of that task with respect to developing the CURE, SURE or PURE. The participants were then asked to measure (rate) the strength of the specific barriers to conducting undergraduate research at the community college level. Below are tables with the primarily results. The first column lists the undergraduate research model, the second lists the top 3 tasks to implementation of that model and the third lists the top 3 barriers to implementation. Please share solutions that you have to the barriers based on your experiences. You may work in groups or as individuals. School________________________________________________________ Research Model Task Top 3 Barriers Lack of time Identify a course and obtain approval No release time to work on course Lack of faculty buy-in Lack of time Barrier Analysis for CURE; Modify Existing Course Identify Research Project No release time to conduct research No release time to work on course Inadequate funding Lack of time Obtain Funding for Research Supplies/Equipment Lack of Admin support Solutions Lack of Funding Gain Administrative Support Lack of help from fac/admin/staff Curriculum approval process Faculty pushback Barrier Analysis for CURE; Create New Course Gain Department Support Lack of help from fac/admin/staff Curriculum approval process Financial Aid restrictions Recruit Students Lack of help from fac/admin, staff Credit limit regulations Complex student lives Lack of student incentives Recruit Students Financial aid Regulations Budget/Financial issues Lack of admin support Barrier Analysis for SURE Develop Budget Faculty Load/compensation Budget/Financial Issues, Lack of admin support Obtain Funding Enrollment policies Lack of faculty support No release time for development Get Department Support High cost for low numbers High cost for low numbers Lack of admin support Barrier Analysis for PURE Get Administrator Support High program costs Lack of admin support Lack of faculty support Develop Sustainability Plan High cost for low numbers