Local ozone concentrations and flux

Annual Progress Report
CLEO 2011
2.3 Local ozone concentrations and flux-based ozone environmental objectives for
vegetation in a climate change perspective
Project leader
Håkan Pleijel
General Objective:
1.1.1Project aim and key questions
To define the relation between synoptic weather conditions and the coupling
between local and regional ozone for Sweden.
To evaluate how these relationships will develop in a climate change scenario.
To develop and introduce a new method for the assessment of ozone impacts on
vegetation in Sweden based on stomatal ozone flux to the leaves, suited to
evaluate effects of climate change for ozone impacts on vegetation.
To evaluate how ozone flux to vegetation in Sweden will change in a future climate
change scenario
This subproject has two main activities described separately below. It has strong
connections and will collaborate with activities under program area 31.
Short description of activities 2011: (one half to one page, interesting graphs, pictures etc can
be added as appendix)
During 2011 we finished two studied which formed part of CLEO 2.3 (see Reports and publications
for references):
1. The study of the potential effects of climate change and rising CO2 concentrations on plant
ozone uptake during the present century.
2. The study of the influence of local climate and topography on local surface ozone
In addition there were the following activities under 2.3 during 2011:
1. A manuscript was prepared for a detailed study of surface ozone concentrations in relation
to coastal climate: at the sea (Nidingen islet), the coast (Råö) and the inland (Östad). This
was made in collaboration with Magnuz Engardt at SMHI who provided important results
from the MATCH model. A manuscript is expected to be submitted in spring 2012.
2. Planning for a review paper on climate change effects related to ozone effects on
vegetation. Collaboration between Håkan Pleijel and Jenny Klingberg (both BioEnv GU),
Per Erik Karlsson (IVL) and Magnuz Engardt (SMHI). Manuscript submission is expected in
late 2012.
3. Planning of contribution from 2.3 to “Synergies and conflicts” of CLEO. A meeting was held
in December 2011 between Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel and Cecilia Akselsson
(responsible for Synergies and conflicts).
Deliverables 2011
2.3 Local ozone concentrations and flux-based ozone environmental
objectives for vegetation in a climate change perspective
D2.3.1a Draft report climate ozone interactions 18 – done
D2.3.1b Parameterization to MATCH model 24 – to be done
with 3.1 in 2012
D2.3.1c Scientific publication on climate-ozone interactions 24
- done, one published and one existing manuscript expected
to be finished in 2012
D2.3.2a Draft report climate ozone flux 18 – done
D2.3.2b Parameterization to MATCH model 24 – to be done
with 3.1 in 2012
D2.3.2c Scientific publication on climate-ozone interactions 24
– one paper published 2011, one more paper expected 2012
with 3.1
Additional staff involved in project:
Jenny Klingberg, PhD student, DPES University of Gothenburg. Defended her PhD thesis
1 June 2011, partly based on CLEO results: “The Influence of Climate on Ozone Risk for
Co-operation outside CLEO:
Commission for Naturvårdsverket on New Environmental Objectives: Late 2011 - early
The EU FP7 programme ECLAIRE started in October 2011 (4 year programme). Some
aspects have common goals with CLEO. Bothe Per Erik Karlsson and Håkan Pleijel are
involved in ECLAIRE.
Naturvårdsverket funded project: Betydelsen av marknära ozon för kolinbindningen till
skogen i Sverige - en modelleringsstudie. Collaboration with Johan Bergh, SLU Alnarp.
Naturvårdsverket funded project: Assessing and improving the Swedish forecast and
information capabilities or ground-level ozone. Collaboration with SMHI
Important collaboration with ICP Vegetation of CLRTAP lead to one publication with hihg
relevance for CLEO (Mills et al in the list below).
Reports and publications:
Klingberg J, Engardt M, Uddling J, Karlsson PE & Pleijel H (2011). Ozone risk for
vegetation in the future climate of Europe based on stomatal ozone uptake calculations.
Tellus 63A, 174-187.
Klingberg J, Karlsson PE, Pihl Karlsson G, Hu Y, Chen D, Pleijel H (2011). Variation in
ozone exposure in the landscape of southern Sweden with consideration of topography
and coastal climate. Atmospheric Environment, 47, 252-260.
Pleijel H, Klingberg J, Karlsson GP, Engardt, Karlsson PE. Surface ozone in the marine
environment – ozone concentration gradients in coastal areas. Manuscript.
Büker, P., Morrissey, T., Briolat, A., Falk, R., Simpson, D., Tuovinen, J.-P., Alonso, R.,
Barth, S., Baumgarten, M., Grulke, N., Karlsson, P. E., King, J., Lagergren, F., Matyssek,
R., Nunn, A., Ogaya, R., Peñuelas, J., Rhea, L., Schaub, M., Uddling, J., Werner, W., and
Emberson, L. D.: DO3SE modelling of soil moisture to determine ozone flux to European
forest trees, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 33583-33650, doi:10.5194/acpd-11-335832011, 2011
Mills, G., Håkan Pleijel, Sabine Braun, Patrick Büker, Victoria Bermejo, Esperanzo Calvo,
Helena Danielsson, Lisa Emberson, Ludger Grünhage, Ignacio González Fernández,
Harry Harmens, Felicity Hayes, Karlsson, P.E., David Simpson. 2011. New stomatal flux
based critical levels for ozone effects on vegetation. Atmospheric Environment 45, 50645068.
Oral presentations:
One poster and one oral presentation at the ACCENT-Plus symposium “Air Quality and Climate
Change: Interactions and Feedbacks”, Urbino, Italy, 13-16 September 2011:
Poster: Klingberg, J., Karlsson, P. E., Pihl Karlsson, G., Hu, Y., Chen, D., Pleijel, H. 2011.
Variations in ozone exposure in the landscape with consideration of topography and coastal
climate. Poster presentation at the ACCENT-Plus Symposium "Air Quality and Climate Change:
Interactions and Feedbacks". Urbino, Italy, 13 -16 September 2011.
Oral presentation: Pleijel, H., Klingberg, J., Engardt, M., Uddling, J., Karlsson, P.E. (2011). Ozone
risk for vegetation in the future climate of Europe based on stomatal ozone uptake calculation. Oral
presentation at Air quality and Climate change: interactions and Feedbacks, ACCENT-Plus
Symposium, Urbino, Italy, 13-16 September 2011.
Pleijel, H. (2011). Effekter på vegetation. Oral presentation at the seminar: Kortlivade
klimatpåverkande ämnen, SLCF, Stocholm, Sweden, March 8 2011.
Pleijel, H. (2011). Prospects for future ozone effects in the Nordic countries with consideration of
climate change. Invited speaker at Symposium in the honour of professor Satu Huttunen 1-2
December 2011, Department of Biology, University of Oulu, Finland.