2013 Application IMPAQT Mission The purpose of IMPAQT is to develop strategies and initiatives to best leverage the relationship between the two campuses toward enhancing student life and the student experience on both. IMPAQT's work is year-round, and includes activities which: 1. Raise awareness on the CMU-Pittsburgh (CMU-P) about student life on the CMU-Qatar (CMU-Q) campus 2. Develop mutually-supportive relationships between CMU-P students and relevant organizations and their counterparts on the CMU-Q campus 3. Ensure that regular, sustained communication mechanisms exist between students on the two campuses enhance the experiences of CMU-Q students who visit the CMU-P campus 4. Serve as ambassadors for increasing awareness of the global Carnegie Mellon community and opportunities fro cross campus involvement on the Pittsburgh campus Application Instructions Save your application as lastname-application.[doc/pdf]. Please submit your application to IMPAQT-cmu@andrew.cmu.edu by 5pm on November 7, 2012. Upon review you will receive an email confirmation that we have received your application. If you have any questions regarding the application process, email IMPAQT-cmu@ andrew.cmu.edu. Financial Contribution The cost of the trip, which covers airfare, hotel accommodation, meals, activities, visa fees and in-country transport, is $400. If the trip's cost is a barrier for you, we encourage you to still apply for the IMPAQT program. Assistance is available to those with demonstrated need. The Office of the Dean of Student Affairs is committed to selecting students for the IMPAQT program regardless of their financial situation. IMPAQT members will review your IMPAQT application. Renee Camerlengo, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, will review requests for financial assistance separately. Please direct all financial questions to reneec@andrew.cmu.edu. PART I: Personal Information Name __________________________________________ Year level / Expected Graduation Date __________________________ / ___________ Local Address _________________________________________________________ Local Phone Number __________________________ Email ____________________________ Major(s) / Program ______________________________________________________ I give the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs permission to verify that I am in good academic standing with at least a 2.25 and am also in good conduct standing. Signature ____________________________________________ PART II: Your Contribution Please answer the four questions below in less than a page each. 1. What is it that interests you about CMU’s campus in Doha, Qatar? 2. Tell us how you heard about IMPAQT. 3. How will this experience help you in the future? 4. As part of the IMPAQT program, members develop and implement projects that bridge the Pittsburgh and Doha campuses. Please provide a description of your idea, including its objectives and any financial considerations. The projects should support IMPAQT’s mission and address one of the following experience/opportunities: a. Campus Exchange b. Doha/Pittsburgh Room c. Or feel free to propose a new initiative PART III: Supplemental Material Please submit a résumé or list of extracurricular activities, jobs, and other commitments. Save this document as lastname-resume. [doc/pdf] PART IV: Reference Please include one personal reference. There need not be a letter of recommendation, but this individual should be prepared to speak upon your behalf, if contacted. ____________________________________________ Name ___________________________ Phone Number Interviews Interviews for this experience will take place from November 15, 2012 to November 19, 2012. Please plan to be available for some period in this time frame. If you are selected for an interview, we will contact you via email on Monday, November 12, 2012 to set up an appointment.