Club Constitution

1. TITLE: The club shall be called the "UAL __________________________” (hereinafter called the
club) and the full club title (as above) must be used for all official club activities.
2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To foster and promote “____________” at all levels providing
opportunities for representative matches and recreation.
3. AFFILIATION: The club shall form part of SUARTS Arts Active and, as such, shall adhere to all
guidelines and policies as approved by its members at SUARTS Sports Exec. The club shall also be
affiliated to “__________________________________________”.
4. MEMBERSHIP: Membership of the club shall be open to all students of those institutions in
membership of SUARTS. At the discretion of the club, members of UAL staff and alumni may join
the club. The subscription fee shall be determined annually by the club committee and SUARTS.
Members will not be permitted to take part in any club activity until his/her subscription has been
paid, with the exception of Freshers’ and club trials at the beginning of the academic year.
5. CLUB COMMITTEE: The club’s committee is responsible for the day to day running of the club and
posts must include club President and Treasurer. Committee positions must be held by current
students. There must be at least three committee meetings per term.
6. DUTIES OF CLUB EXEC: Club President shall oversee the running of the club, set goals and
objectives, preside at all meetings and oversee all corresponding activity. In their absence, a
member of the club’s committee shall take the chair. The club’s committee are ambassadors for
their club, Arts Active, SUARTS and UAL, and are responsible for the conduct of their members.
7. FINANCE: The Treasurer shall be responsible for the upkeep of the club’s accounts in accordance
with SUARTS Arts Active policies, ensuring the club does not result in debt at the end of the year.
The financial year of the club will end at the end of September.
8. MEETINGS: The elected club President, Treasurer, Team Captains and Social Secretary shall
attend the relevant handover training and committee/President meetings.
9. VOTING: All club members shall have speaking rights at all meetings, BUT only current, registered
student and full members of SUARTS are entitled to vote
10. DISSOLUTION: In the event that the club is no longer able to carry out its activities, and thus folds,
all assets will revert back to SUARTS Arts Active.
“_______________________” hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide
regulating the actions of members.
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
January 2015
Arts Active is for all our students to enjoy and be part of. Arts Active and SUARTS are committed to being
inclusive to all of its members and increase participation in the sporting community at UAL.
The SUARTS and Arts Active Code of Conduct aims to outline behaviour that is expected from all members
when representing their club and UAL to ensure a fun, inclusive and fair community open to all.
The code of conduct covers all SUARTS-, Arts Active- and club-organised events including matches;
training; social nights; club dinners; tour; Sports Ball; Varsity; post-match training or match refreshments;
Staff vs. Students; Legends etc.
Each member must be aware of this Code of Conduct and all members of committee must sign a statement
stating that they agree to adhere to this Code of Conduct on an annual basis.
The Students’ Union has a responsibility to communicate this Code of Conduct clearly to club leaders.
Equality and inclusion
SUARTS is opposed to any discrimination as a result of age, disability, gender and gender reassignment,
marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sex and sexual orientation.
Clubs and Arts Active have a duty to provide a safe space for their members of our Students’ Union and
proactively become more diverse and representative of the student body.
Any members involved in discriminatory behaviours or actions will be in breach of this code conduct and
suitable action will be taken
Excessive consumption of alcohol is not encouraged by SUARTS.
Club social activities must be organised in such a way that no member feels harassed, intimidated or
bullied. Such activities must be inclusive and make allowances for all cultural and personal beliefs.
Members should be able to opt out without fear of undue pressure, reprisal, non-selection for teams,
embarrassment or any form of discrimination.
Members who choose to take part in social activities organised by clubs and/or SUARTS should adhere to
the following principles to enable all members to participate in activities safely and enjoyably:
Members should always know what is in their drink.
Non-alcoholic options should be available during games.
All members should consider how they will maintain the positive reputation of UAL and SUARTS
when in public.
Members should consume alcohol and food of their own free will, free from coercion, bullying or
Alcohol is not to be consumed outside of licensed areas. Please note that it is illegal to consume
and carry open containers of alcohol on all London transport as well as in the boroughs of London
which include all UAL campuses.
Breach of Code of Conduct
Sanctions may be imposed on any individual member and their club if found to be in breach of this code of
Breaches of the Code of Conduct can be reported to any permanent member of Students’ Union staff or
Sabbatical Officer, but should ideally be reported to either the:
Activities Officer:
Sport and Recreational Development Coordinator:
Clubs and/or their members that breach the code of conduct repeatedly will face escalating consequences.
I agree that I shall enforce shall abide by the above code of conduct:
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________