CfBT Core Maths A4 leaflet

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Enjoying maths but A-level isn’t for you? Try Core Maths
What is Core Maths?
Core Maths is a new course designed
for post-16 students who want to
continue studying mathematics but not
at AS or A-Level. The new Core Maths
qualifications will help you retain,
deepen and extend your mathematics
to be better prepared for higher
education and employment.
Core Maths qualifications are first
examined in 2016. The qualification
merits UCAS points the same as AS
‘It’s good because I like maths but
couldn’t do A-level maths’
Core Maths student, Year 12
What do I need to be able
to study Core Maths?
You will need a grade C or above in
mathematics at GCSE.
Why should I do Core
Core Maths will help you understand
and apply clear, mathematical
reasoning to real-life problems, analyse
and interpret data in various contexts
and confidently deal with everyday
financial maths. Most courses include a
financial maths element helping you to
understand the impact of interest rates
on loans and investments.
These practical mathematical skills will
also help you with your other A-Level
subjects, in particular with sciences,
geography, business studies,
psychology, and economics.
Will it be recognised by
universities and employers?
Universities have already come out in
strong support of Core Maths
qualifications; even subjects like
history now recognise the importance
of statistics and problem solving skills
learned studying Core Maths.
Employers from all different sectors
are also firmly behind Core Maths
qualifications. Many roles in today’s
workplace require high levels of budget
management and problem-solving
skills; Core Maths will equip you with
these skills.
‘It is essential that students keep
up their maths skills but clearly
A-level and AS-level mathematics
aren’t for everybody. The Core
Maths qualification gives students
the opportunity to maintain and
develop everyday maths skills
that will be really useful to them
both at university and when they
start work.’
Dr Deidre Hughes OBE, chair of the
National Careers Council, England
Where can I do Core Maths?
Roughly 3500 students are being
taught Core Maths in over 150 schools,
sixth-form and FE colleges from
September 2014. Core Maths is
available to all schools and colleges
from September 2015.
Why Core Maths?
Core Maths qualifications are part of a
wider initiative to improve maths in
England. Only 20 per cent of students
study maths beyond GCSE in the UK –
one of the lowest rates in leading
developed countries in the world; in
Japan, this figure is 85 per cent. This
puts young people in the UK – you – at
a major disadvantage in a global job
The government wants this to change
and has put in place a plan to
encourage more students to study
maths after GCSE. The aim is that by
2020, the majority of all students in
post-16 education continue to study
some form of maths.
How do I find out more and
sign up?
You can find out more at or by
speaking to the maths department at
your school or college.
[name of institution]
[name of teacher]