Serving All Students: Checklist for Organizing Resources (CORe) Serving all Students: Checklist for Organizing Resources (CORe) Schools should use the following protocol when requesting support from their networks related to serving IEPs or creating new programs for students with disabilities. Regardless of circumstance, schools should continue to: 1.) Welcome the student and the family, ensuring that their needs will be met within the school 2.) Review the student’s needs and strengths and identify services within the school to meet the student’s needs 3.) Analyze, and when necessary, shift existing resources to support creation of appropriate services. The checklist on the following pages is a tool to help schools analyze student need and contextual factors in order to meet the needs of incoming students. This checklist can be used to help a school identify or create the services needed or, if they are unable to do so, to enlist the support of their network. This form is MANDATORY when resolution is required in the following circumstances: • • A school and network determine they need external support to meet a student’s needs Cluster teams reach out to networks and schools for resolution of issues raised by parents or others external to the DOE (e.g., through the T5 or school reform mailboxes, 311, or calls to DSWDELL) that schools/networks are not able to resolve. As a best practice, this form can also be used as: • A tool for data-based decision making to support student needs. Schools and School Implementation Teams (SIT) work may choose to use this tool to support their work in serving incoming students or to supplement the IEP process. Note: We recommend completing this electronically (rather than on paper) so that the staffing, space, and budget information does not have to be reentered if your school has more than one escalated case. DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 2 Once a student is assigned to a school and enrolled, this checklist can be used to help the school identify or create the services needed, with the support of the student’s family, or, if the school is unable to do so for a particular student, to get support from their network. If needed, the network can then use this checklist to enlist cluster support. The tool should be reviewed in the following sequence: SCHOOL LEVEL REVIEW • If the IEP team believes a child’s recommendation is appropriate and/or the family feels strongly that the IEP recommendation for an ICT, SETSS, or self contained program is the best way to service the student, the school must create the program. • If the school believes that more resources are needed to support the program, the school team must conduct the following to ensure it has exhausted all potential options before escalating to the network: School-level Documentation: Using this CORe Checklist, as outlined in the table below, school teams will document the efforts they have taken to (1) review appropriateness of the IEP; (2) effectively engage the family; and (3) shift existing resources to support the program creation. The school should notify its network leader that it is beginning this process. DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 3 Table of Contents Basic Information Pgs 5-6 Providing IEP Recommended Program or Service Pg 7 Teacher Resources Pgs 8-9 Space Resources Pg 10 Parent Concerns Pg 11 Budget Concerns Pg 12 How many students in the school have the same recommendations? Pg13 Cover Page for Enlisting Network Support Pg 14 Cover Page for Escalation to Cluster- FOR NETWORK USE Pg 15 Cover Page for Escalation to Central- FOR CLUSTER USE Pg 16 Documentation School-level role responsible for completing IEP review special education teacher, SIT, RS providers Student performance review special education teacher, SIT, RS providers Teacher Resources principal, assistant principal Space analysis principal, assistant principal Parent engagement special education teacher School budget review principal, assistant principal Review of program needs for other SWDs principal, assistant principal DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 4 Serving All Students: Checklist for Organizing Resources (CORe) The purpose of this checklist is to support schools to serve all students entering the school. The purpose is to help the school to adapt to meet the needs of the student and to ensure schools have explored all options for meeting student needs. Networks, please use this tool as you work with schools. All options presented here will need to be explored fully prior to cluster involvement. Basic Information School:_Click here to enter text. Student Name, OSIS:_Click here to enter text. Grade:_Click here to enter text. Disability classification: Click here to enter text. Date of IEP:_Click here to enter text. Which team made recommendation Click here to enter text. (i.e. school IEP (CSE) team, centralized CSE team) 1. We are escalating this student case for the following reasons (check all that apply): Special Education Staff Providing IEP recommended program and/or service. What service(s)? Space constraints Budget Parent concern 2. Start by getting to know the student so that their individual strengths and needs drive decisions. This should start with a thorough review of the student IEP, supplemented by objective student achievement data and conversations with the student (if appropriate) and family. This should include: Reviewing the Present Levels of Performance (PLOP), supplemented by additional or more recent objective, measurable achievement data (e.g. ARIS) if necessary. Based on this analysis, what are the primary needs of this student? Review the student’s IEP history (i.e. date of eligibility, services received over the past few years, change in levels of restrictiveness along the continuum, to consider educational benefit. * In rare circumstances the parent and school team may agree that the student’s needs may be best met through services different from those recommended on the existing IEP. In these cases, convene the IEP team—including parents and consistent with all Standard Operating Procedures Manual (SOPM) protocols, the tenets of LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) and Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), and procedural safeguards—to develop a new IEP. DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 5 3. Is there a need for positive behavior support for this student? NO YES If YES, please describe below, including whether or not the student has a need for FBA/BIP: Click here to enter text. 4. Conduct a student performance review and/or observation. What additional information did you learn about the student? Click here to enter text. 5. Has the school team developed a thorough understanding of the student’s strengths and needs? Check and explain below: Did the IEP team take into account each student’s least restrictive environment? Can the special education and services offered in a self contained placement be appropriately provided in an inclusive setting? Can the student be educated in general education classroom if appropriate supplementary aids and services are provided? If a student must be placed in a more restrictive setting, is the student integrated with nondisabled peers to the maximum extent possible? Has the IEP team considered both the academic and nonacademic benefits of education and interaction with students without disabilities? Is there a valid rationale stated for why the student is being recommended to be removed from the general education environment (if applicable)? Does the student require removal from general education in all content areas? 6. If options for meeting the student needs in the school other than the exact IEP recommendation were discussed, please list all services and delivery options explored as well as the decisions of the team with full inclusion of the parents. As written on IEP Option 2 Click here to enter text. Option 3 Click here to enter text. Option 4 Click here to enter text. * In rare circumstances the parent and school team may agree that the student’s needs may be best met through services different from those recommended on the existing IEP. In these cases, convene the IEP team—including parents and consistent with all Standard Operating Procedures Manual (SOPM) protocols, the tenets of LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) and Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), and procedural safeguards—to develop a new IEP. DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 6 Providing IEP Recommended Program or Service 1. The reason the school feels they cannot provide the program or service is due to: Lack of a service provider Lack of a special education staff Scheduling problem Other (please explain) 2. Has the school team determined that the program and service recommendations on the IEP match the needs of the student appropriately?* Check below: Yes No *Please ensure that conversations with families are documented and that all procedural safeguards , tenets of FAPE, LRE and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPM) protocols are followed. 3. Does the current IEP recommend a specialized program? If so, check which one (will need to meet criteria for that program): ASD Nest ASD Horizon ASD Support Accessible (also known as Barrier Free) Bilingual Special Education Special Program for students with classification of Intellectual Disability District 75 programs in specialized school * In rare circumstances the parent and school team may agree that the student’s needs may be best met through services different from those recommended on the existing IEP. In these cases, convene the IEP team—including parents and consistent with all Standard Operating Procedures Manual (SOPM) protocols, the tenets of LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) and Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), and procedural safeguards—to develop a new IEP. DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 7 Teacher Resources Contact your network if you need assistance in gathering license area. (MS, HS: Use your STARS report to get an overview of teacher programming.) 1. The school program has Click here to enter text. periods per week. 2. How many teachers in this school have a special education certification/license? Please list names and certifications/licenses held. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Teacher: Click here to enter text. Teacher: Click here to enter text. Teacher: Click here to enter text. Teacher: Click here to enter text. Teacher: Click here to enter text. Teacher: Click here to enter text. Teacher: Click here to enter text. Teacher: Click here to enter text. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Cert(s)/License(s): Click here to enter text. Cert(s)/License(s): Click here to enter text. Cert(s)/License(s): Click here to enter text. Cert(s)/License(s): Click here to enter text. Cert(s)/License(s): Click here to enter text. Cert(s)/License(s): Click here to enter text. Cert(s)/License(s): Click here to enter text. Cert(s)/License(s): Click here to enter text. 3. What subjects/students/service models are those teachers currently teaching & for how many periods? Please attach teacher programs as well as relevant student programs. 1.Click here to enter text. 2.Click here to enter text. 3.Click here to enter text. 4. Click here to enter text. 4. Do they have general education assignments that can be reassigned to someone else? Click here to enter text. 5. Can they be scheduled more flexibly? Click here to enter text. 6. If one or more teachers are currently SETSS, and/or ICT providers, how many students are they serving? Click here to enter text. 7. The school program has Click here to enter text. existing full-time self contained classes and ICT classes. DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 8 8. How many special education classes are in the school? How many students are in each class? Please attach print outs from SEC as well as a RACL report. (Starting in Sept., please also review how many students have already attended vs. those on register who have not yet attended.) 1. ICT (list each class, including grade and subject area and current register for gen ed and special ed, including students on register vs. students who have attended when applicable)Click here to enter text. 2. Self contained classes (include ratio, grade and subject areas, and current register) Click here to enter text. 3. Other services Click here to enter text. 9. In shared campus settings, are campus schools amenable to sharing staff? Click here to enter text. 10. Is professional development and meeting time built into the school schedule? No Yes, please describe:Click here to enter text. 11. Are teacher schedules and caseloads used optimally and used at maximum capacity (periods/week)? Click here to enter text. 12. Are SETSS providers at maximum caseload (30 ES/38 MS and HS, Section 200.6(f)(5))? Click here to enter text. 13. Are there any full-time ICT teachers that can serve students during a special? Click here to enter text. 14. Have teacher schedules been considered for flexible scheduling (e.g., transitioning teachers from classrooms, rather than students)?Click here to enter text. 15. Are special education teachers freed from electives or general education responsibilities? (necessary only if availability of special education licensed teachers is the concern). Click here to enter text. DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 9 Space Resources The network facilities liaison may need to conduct a space analysis to determine number of classes per period, number of classrooms by type. 1. Has the school adequately assessed space availability and are they leveraging all possible spaces (as per facilities liaison)? No Yes, please describe: Click here to enter text. **If you need assistance with understanding the space utilization or blueprint, you should coordinate with the space planner for the area. DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 10 Parent Concerns 1. Has the school met with the parent/guardian? No Yes If yes, are the parent and school in agreement that the program recommendation currently in the IEP is appropriate and matches the student’s needs? Click here to enter text. 2. Have alternative ways of meeting the student’s needs been explored with the parent? Click here to enter text. (Please ensure that conversations with families are documented and that all procedural safeguards , tenets of FAPE, LRE and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPM) protocols are followed.) DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 11 Budget Concerns (Please reach out to your network for support.) 1. Please list the nature of the concern, a print out of the current budget and all steps to resolve it to date, including budget appeals. Click here to enter text. DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 12 How many students in the school have the same recommendations? It is important to evaluate all of the existing student groupings in the school to find opportunities to serve students with similar needs. Please use one of the templates on the following pages. • Flexible Programming Template, Option A: Useful if pulling reports from SESIS • Flexible Programming Template, Option B: Useful if completing manually. Elementary and middle schools have preferred this template. This template requires one page per grade Please gather information on flexible programming to begin analyzing the program needs for all students with disabilities. Two sample templates are provided. You may use one of the two sample templates provided or another format that works for your school. Flexible Programming Template A (Click here for file) ACADEM IC NEEDS Flexible Programming Templat e 15 Ye a r s St udent ID Last Name First Name School DBN Grade IEP Meet ing Dat e SC (ICT) SETSS Test ing Tr a n s i t i o n Accommodat ion(s Co mpo ne nt ) Re quire d En g l i s h Ma t h Fre q u e n c y P e rio ds S o c ia l S t udie s Fre q u e n c y ( F T o r P T) P e rio ds P e rio ds S c ie nc e Fre q u e n c y ( F T o r P T) P e rio ds Fre q u e n c y ( F T o r P T) P e rio ds P e rio ds ( F T o r P T) P e rio ds P e rio ds Flexible Programming Template B (Click here for file) ART/MUSIC/ GYM G E SCIENCE SC SCIENCE ICT SCIENCE SETSS SCIENCE GEN ED MATH SC MATH SETSS MATH ICT SOC ST SC MATH GEN ED SOC ST ICT SOC ST SETSS ELA SC SOC ST GEN ED ELA ICT ELA SETSS ELA GEN ED Student’s Name DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 13 Cover Page for Enlisting Network Support 1. Primary School Point Person Click here to enter text. 2. Best contact information Click here to enter text. 3. Additional School Contacts: Click here to enter text. 4. What is/are the key issues in supporting the student in the school. Please include whether they are budgetary, staffing, space, etc. Click here to enter text. 5. What steps has the school taken thus far to resolve the problem and why those solutions were not successful. Click here to enter text. 6. Please attach a school program and other salient information (e.g. building utilization survey). Explain the attached documentation. Click here to enter text. DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 14 Cover Page for Escalation to Cluster- FOR NETWORK USE 1. Primary Network Point Person Click here to enter text. 2. Best contact information Click here to enter text. 3. Additional Network Contacts: Click here to enter text. 4. What is/are the key issues in supporting the student in the school. Please include whether they are budgetary, staffing, space, etc. Click here to enter text. 5. What steps has the network taken thus far to resolve the problem and why those solutions were not successful. Click here to enter text. 6. Please attach a school program and other salient information (e.g. building utilization survey). Explain the attached documentation. Click here to enter text. DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 15 Cover Page for Escalation to Central- FOR CLUSTER USE 1. Primary Cluster Point Person Click here to enter text. 2. Best contact information Click here to enter text. 3. Additional Cluster Contacts: Click here to enter text. 4. What is/are the key issues in supporting the student in the school. Please include whether they are budgetary, staffing, space, etc. Click here to enter text. 5. What steps has the cluster taken thus far to resolve the problem and why those solutions were not successful. Click here to enter text. 6. Please attach a school program and other salient information (e.g. building utilization survey). Explain the attached documentation. Click here to enter text. DOE INTERNAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION August 2012 16