Functional Math Syllabus: 6-8 Alternative Curriculum Mrs. López-Mora Room 105 MYP Functional Math in room 105 promotes an understanding of how cultural, societal and historical influences from a variety of cultures have shaped mathematical thought. Math in room 105 provides instruction to help students develop essential math skills for everyday use and focus on each individual students IEP goals and objectives. Functional math: this class is designed using multiple strategies and modes of learning in order to engage students in meaningful activities as established in their IEPs. Topics to cover: Number Sense Count, recognize, represent, name, & order numbers More than/less than Compare number sets Count, read, writes numbers (up to at least 1000) Place value Money Coins: identify & value Coins & bills/solve problems Use money symbols, calculator, checks, bank Algebra Functions Identify, sort, classify Understand symbols Measurement and Geometry Colors, Time, Calendar skills, using a ruler Fractions, Geometric objects/Shapes: match, identify, describe Compare length, weight, volume Decimals and percents, Estimation Ordinal Numbers, Temperature Statistic, Data, Analysis, and Probability Patterns: size, shape, color/identify, describe Using the computer Using a calculator Pictographs Bar graphs Tables Line Graphs Circle Graphs Charts Number Operations Addition, Subtraction Multiplication, Division Word Problems Homework Policy: Students will have daily assignments (Monday-Thursday) and will be expected to use their agenda to record their assignments and stay organized. Grades: 100-90= A, 80-89=B, 70-79=C, 60-69= D, 50-0 F Parent Signature_____________________________ Student Signature ________________________Date:____________