An online subscription site, that is a

An online subscription site, that is a comprehensive, easy-to-use educational resources
to help kids learn about our world and our country.
Username: pollardms
Password: welcome
World Edition - Click on a country from the world
map to see all sorts of information, statistics and
hear the national anthem. Includes link to photo
gallery, famous people and recipes. “Tools” link
you to graphs, tables definitions, world time,
distance calculator and currency converter.
Kid’s Edition - Similar to World Edition, but is
kid friendly. Click on a country from the world
map to see interesting facts and information.
Includes categories such as People & Place,
History, Lifestyle, Society, and Culture Facts
& Contacts. the Listening Station has audio
files to hear the name of the country and
States Edition - Click on at state from the U.S. map to learn all
about the state. Includes categories such as The Place, History,
The People, Cultural Notes, and Fun Facts & Contacts. There
is even a distance calculator and state clock.
Provinces Edition - Click on at province from the Canadian map
to learn all about the province. Includes categories such as The
Place, History, The People, Cultural Notes, and Fun Facts &
Contacts. There is even a distance calculator and province
clock. Graphs and Tables - collect information from the
Provinces Data Tables and then create your own tables and
K Martell
July 2009