Pregnancy and Isolation

Pregnancy, Isolation and You
 Pregnant healthcare workers ARE NOT at greater risk of contracting infectious diseases
than are other healthcare workers who are not pregnant; however, if a healthcare
worker develops an infection such as HIV, Varicella, Hepatitis B, CMV, or Rubella during
pregnancy, the infant may be at risk of becoming infected. Because of this risk, pregnant
healthcare workers should be especially familiar with and strictly adhere to precautions
to minimize the risk of transmission of infectious diseases.
 Work reassignment is generally not necessary
 Pregnant women SHOULD NOT work with patients who have Varicella infection without
serologically documented immunity to Varicella Zoster Virus.
 Pregnant healthcare workers who have questions regarding exposure in the hospital
should contact Infection Prevention & Control. Department.
AIDS (acquired immune
deficiency Syndrome)
No restriction is necessary
Chicken pox
If exposed to herpes zoster
or varicella, employees with
negative or unknown history
of chickenpox should notify
Employee Health
Reassignment is not
necessary for infection
prevention purposes
Transmission does not occur
via casual contact or from
inanimate objects. Wear
protective attire when
contact with blood and body
substances is anticipated.
Restriction from patient
contact is based on history of
immunity and not on the
The risk of getting CMV
through casual contact is
very small. The virus is
usually passed from infected
people to others through
direct contact with body
fluids, such as urine, saliva,
or breast milk. CMV is
sexually transmitted. It can
also be spread through
transplanted organs and
blood transfusions.
Hepatitis B
Herpes Simplex Type II
Employees who anticipate
contact with blood/body
fluids are urged to receive
Hepatitis B vaccine prior to
becoming pregnant
No restrictions necessary
Greater risk of acquisition is
through contaminated
needle sticks, blood
exposures, or sexual contat.
No risk via casual contact
Transmission does not occur
via casual contact or
inanimate objects. Requires
sexual contact for
transmission.Greatest risk to
the infant if at the time of
birth if the mother has active
genital herpes.
If employees are unsure of
history of chickenpox,
serologic testing is available.
Restriction is based on
history of immunity and not
on pregnancy
Herpes Zoster(shingles)
Patient care staff who have
not had chickenpox should
not have contact with
patients with chickenpox or
herpes zoster
Rubella (German Measles)
Patient care staff should not Women of childbearing age
care for patients with rubella should be immune to rubella.
until employee immunity is
proven by blood test or
documentation of
No restriction necessary
transmission does not occur.
Greatest risk is from cat feces
(emptying litter boxes) or
from poorly cooked meat.
No restriction necessary
Wear a N-95 or approved fit
tested mask.
If exposed to herpes zoster
Restriction from patient
or varicella, employees with contact is based on history of
negative or unknown history immunity and not on the
of chickenpox should notify
Employee Health