Understanding the Serious Incident Reporting process

Understanding Disability Services Commission
Serious Incident Reporting Process
The Disability Services Commission contracts organisations to deliver services to West
Australians with disability. Under the Disability Services Act 1993, serious incidents must be
reported by disability sector organisations (funded services) and by service provision areas
of Disability Services Commission.
Under the Delivering Community Services in Partnership General Provisions for the
Purchase of Community Services by Public Authorities Agreement, disability sector
organisations are also required to report ‘notifiable incidents’ in addition to serious incidents.
What is a Serious and/or Notifiable incident?
Serious incident: refers to one or more of the following:
the death of a person with a disability;
serious physical injury or psychological harm suffered by a person with disability
abuse including (physical, emotional, sexual, psychological, financial, neglect) of a
person with disability;
the person is judged as posing a serious risk to the health, safety or welfare of
themselves or others;
exploitation or unjustified restrictive practices used with a person with disability; and
an assault on staff or a visitor to the service by a person with disability.
Notifiable incident means any of the following:
the occurrence of a Serious Incident;
where a Service User causes or contributes to injury, illness or death of any person,
or poses a serious risk to the health, safety or welfare of any person;
any referral of any matter or complaint regarding any Service User, the Services or
the Service Provider generally, to any regulatory or investigative body;
the charging of the Service Provider or an Associate with a criminal offence involving
a sexual offence, dishonesty or breach of trust or which otherwise may result in
imprisonment of that person;
serious verbal or written complaints received in relation to the Service or in relation to
the Service Provider generally; and
the occurrence of any event which may cause adverse publicity including but not
limited to if the Service Provider is contacted by the media for comment on any
aspect of the Services or involving a Service User.
How to report a serious or notifiable incident
The responsibility for reporting all serious and notifiable incidents rests with the disability
sector organisation or area of the Commission that is providing services to the individual.
The Serious Incident Report (SIR) form should be completed within seven days of a serious
incident occurring.
The Chief Executive Officer of the disability service organisation or Executive Director of the
relevant Commission directorate is required to review and sign off on the SIR form prior to
forwarding to the Commission. The completed SIR form must be emailed to the Consumer
Liaison Officer at clo@dsc.wa.gov.au
Disability sector organisations and Commission directorates must ensure their employees are
aware of the processes to follow when serious incidents occur. It is the responsibility of the
disability sector organisation or Commission service provider to manage the incident. This could
include investigation, provision of support, evaluation of practices, or involvement of other parties
such as the police. Lodging a Serious Incident report does not mean that the Commission will
investigate or take over management of the incident.
What happens with the Serious Incident Report form once submitted?
The Commission’s Consumer Liaison Officer will track and record all SIR forms received.
The CLO will review the forms and ensure all required information has been provided and
that the form has been completed correctly. If required, the CLO will forward the SIR to the
relevant Commission directorate for follow-up and response.
Once the SIR has been reviewed the CLO will inform relevant parties, ensure relevant data
has been recorded and close the file.
Further information
Refer to the Disability Services Commission revised Serious Incident Reporting Guidelines
for further details about the process and what is required. The updated SIR form can also
be accessed at the Disability Service Commission’s website .
Please contact the Consumer Liaison Officer on (08) 9426 9244 if you have any further
questions regarding the serious incident reporting process.