
Free Response Question Review
Your test is going to be on Wednesday of next week. You will see two of the following Free Response
Questions, one from options 1 – 3 and one from options 4 – 6.
A. The Green Revolution has had a major impact on the modern world.
i. Define the term GREEN REVOLUTION as used during the period 1945 – 1985.
ii. Explain the principal agricultural practices/technologies associated with the
Green Revolution
iii. Name TWO regions, in different parts of the world, where the Green Revolution
has had significant impact on crop yields.
B. Identify and discuss TWO social, political, or cultural conditions necessary for the
success of the agricultural practices/technologies of the Green Revolution.
C. Identify and discuss TWO significant economic or ecological factors that may limit the
long-term success of agricultural practices/technologies of the Green Revolution.
2. The von Thunen model of rural land use is often used to analyze the distribution of different
types of agriculture across the landscape.
A. Describe the basic geographic principles of the model
B. How would the categories listed below alter the distribution of agricultural practices,
according to the von Thunen model?
i. Topographic features
ii. Modern forms of transportation
iii. Climatic and soil variations
C. Apply von Thunen’s model to either the United States or the continent of Europe and do
the following:
i. Describe in detail where the single market would be located
ii. Describe the geographic distribution of levels of the model.
3. Agriculture has been evolving since its inception some 12,000 years ago.
A. Explain the major trends in innovation that characterize the third agricultural revolution
B. Define agribusiness and relate it to the third agricultural revolution
C. Explain on positive effect of agribusiness on individual farmers in the periphery
D. Explain on negative effect of agribusiness on the individual farmers in the periphery
A. Explain the unitary governmental structure. Give an example of a unitary state, and
explain one advantage of having a unitary structure in this example
B. Explain the federal governmental structure. Give an example of a federal state, and
explain one advantage of having a federal structure in this example
C. Define devolution. Choose a state from either Europe or Asia that has recently
experienced devolution, and explain the causes that led the state to devolve
5. World Systems Theory is a model used to understand the relationships between economically
powerful and economically weak countries.
A. Define and give THREE traits of core countries.
B. Define and give THREE traits of periphery countries.
C. Explain the roots of the core – periphery dichotomy.
D. Relate the Demographic Transition Model to the World Systems Model.
6. European colonialism has had a major impact on the cultural geography of the world. For each
of the following, explain its major impact and give one specific example:
A. Language
B. Religion
C. Cultural landscape