Human Resources Services Centre Safety and Employment Relations HRSC Office Use Only Incident Investigation Form To be completed by the Supervisor/Manager (All fields mandatory) Incident Number ________________ Injury Number ________________ Please refer to the Incident Reporting and Investigation Guideline to assist with the completion of this form. All investigations must be undertaken by the Supervisor/Manager in consultation with the Elected Health and Safety Representative. Part 1. Incident Details An online incident notification form should have been completed prior to this form. Name of Person Injured or Involved in the incident/near miss or incident location Date of Incident: DD / MM / YYYY Part 2. Incident Description Complete each section relevant to the incident Please attach photographs, timelines and diagrams of where the incident occurred and equipment being used if appropriate. 2.a General Incident Details Please provide details of what the involved person was doing immediately prior to the incident and any tools or equipment in use: (please provide attachments if more space is required) What time did the incident occur? AM / PM SPECIFIC LOCATION : Was the lighting adequate? Yes No Was the area clean and tidy? Yes No Indoors On a Footpath - Ascending Yes No Outdoors On a Walkway - Descending Yes No Was Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for the task? If so, was the person correctly wearing the PPE? Did the incident occur: Comments: 2.b Did the incident involve a Slip, Trip or Fall? Yes Were they carrying anything at the time? SHOES WORN: Sneakers Open Closed WAS THE PERSON: Yes On Steps/Stairs No No (if no, proceed to next section) TYPE OF SURFACE: None Dry Wet Torn Sandals High Heels Carpet Cement Gravel Boots Steel Capped Tile Road Grass Walking Running Sand Rocks Damaged Turning a corner DID THEY FALL ON THEIR: Any other relevant information? Jumping Front Side Hands/Knees Back 2.c Did the incident involve a Manual Task? Yes No (if no, proceed to next section) Were the items within easy reach? Yes No Was ergonomic equipment used? Yes No Bending Carrying Kneeling Was the equipment being used correctly? Yes No Pulling Reaching Twisting Was the task repetitive or forceful? Yes No Catching Crouching Lifting Item Height: Pushing Sitting Lowering Distance Item Carried: Item Weight: DID THE ACTION INVOLVE: Any other relevant information? 2.d Did the incident involve Equipment or Plant? Yes What was the equipment or plant being used? Was the equipment in good condition? (consider maintenance records) Any other relevant information? Yes No Incident Investigation Form All printed copies are uncontrolled. M:\Human Resource Services\03 OSH\Forms and Templates No (if no, proceed to next section) Was the appropriate safety equipment being used? Yes No Were the Standard Operating procedures being followed? Yes No Updated 2 March 2015 Page - 1 - of 3 Human Resources Services Centre Safety and Employment Relations 2.e Did the incident involve Chemicals? Was a Safety Data Sheet available? (if yes please attach) Any other relevant information? Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No (if no, proceed to next section) Was a Risk Assessment undertaken? if yes please attach) No 2.f Did the incident involve Electricity? Was the equipment tested and tagged in accordance with ECU’s Electrical Safety Policy? Were RCDs in use and properly maintained? No Yes Yes No (if no, proceed to next section) Was there a Work Instruction for the work being undertaken and it so was it being followed? Was the injured person encouraged to seek immediate medical advice? Yes No Yes No Any other relevant information? 2.g Other contributing factors to consider (tick all those that apply) Environment – workplace/task design Environmental conditions (e.g. weather, lighting, ventilation, temperature) Failure to follow work procedures Inadequate Supervision Improper use/storage of materials Inadequate training Inadequate equipment function Lack of experience in task/not competent Inadequate equipment maintenance Poor/lack of suitable equipment Inadequate safety procedures Untidy work area Inadequate space Personal factors (e.g. stress, fatigue, pre-existing medical condition) Other: 2.h Key cause(s) of the incident Please outline the key causes of the incident and include any additional comments or observations (please provide attachments if more space is required) Part 3. Preventative action to address identified causes Please refer to the Guidelines for Accident Investigation available from the Human Resources Services Centre intranet site Where required, has the identified hazard been reported to the Maintenance Call Centre? Yes No What is the Hazard Report Number (QFM Report Number)? Has the hazard been reported anywhere else? Please outline the action to be taken to prevent a future occurrence Consider the hierarchy of controls which outlines the most effective to the least effective method of controls Risk Control Options Action to be taken Person Responsible Date to be completed Elimination Most effective (e.g. remove) Substitution (e.g. alternate) Engineering/ Isolation (e.g. guarding) Administration Least effective (e.g. training, standard operating procedures) Personal Protective Equipment (e.g. safety glasses, gloves) Incident Investigation Form All printed copies are uncontrolled. M:\Human Resource Services\03 OSH\Forms and Templates Updated 2 March 2015 Page - 2 - of 3 Human Resources Services Centre Safety and Employment Relations Part 4. Sign Off DD / MM / YYYY Person Injured / involved name: Signature: Date: Elected H&S Representative: Signature: Date: DD / MM / YYYY DD / MM / YYYY Line Manager: Signature: Date: DD / MM / YYYY Head of School / Manager name: Signature: Date: Executive Dean / Director name: Signature: Date: DD / MM / YYYY Part 5. Record Keeping Updating the Hazard Risk Register For more information on how your Faculty or Service Centre Hazard Risk Register can be updated, contact the Chair of your Local Work Health & Safety Committee Have hazards identified as contributing to this incident been included in the area’s Hazard Risk Register? If not, please review and add to the register. Yes No Incident Investigation Form Submission Completed and Signed copy to be provided within 5 working days to: Line Manager Elected Safety and Health Representative Safety and Employment Relations, Human Resources Services Centre (Building 1, Joondalup Campus or email Incident Investigation Form All printed copies are uncontrolled. M:\Human Resource Services\03 OSH\Forms and Templates Updated 2 March 2015 Page - 3 - of 3