SAFE WORK PROCEDURE Activity/Task: SWP No: Trim No: Version No: Date Signed Off: Approved: Yes / No RISK IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROLS: Please include all steps involved in the performance of the task NOTE: All PPE required must be listed and the minimum PPE for each chemical must be listed as per the relevant SDS. PROCEDURE STEPS 1. Scope: 2. Objectives: 3. References: 4. Timing: Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 Page 1 5. Responsibilities: 6. In the event of: (emergency or other) 7. Location: 8. Training Requirements: 9. Plant and Equipment Details: 10. Engineering Details, Certificates, Work Cover Approvals: 11. Maintenance Requirements: Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 Page 2 12. Task/Activity Steps: 1: Possible Hazards: Safety Controls: Risk Score: Safety Controls: Risk Score: Safety Controls: Risk Score: Safety Controls: Risk Score: Safety Controls: Risk Score: Safety Controls: Risk Score: Safety Controls: Risk Score: Safety Controls: Risk Score: 2: Possible Hazards: 3: Possible Hazards: 4: Possible Hazards: 5: Possible Hazards: 6: Possible Hazards: 7: Possible Hazards: 8: Possible Hazards: Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 Page 3 SAFE WORK PROCEDURE: Assessment dates Initial assessment date: Current assessment date: Reassessment due date: Assessors: Name: Signature: Date: Recommendation: (Technical Officer/Supervisor/Manager) Follow up required: Yes / No Name: Date: Signature: Approval: (Facility Manager, Head of School, Manager University Laboratories) Name: Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 Signature: Date: Page 4 Risk Assessment Matrix: Evaluate the level of risk associated with the hazard identified. SEVERITY LIKELIHOOD How severely could it hurt someone How likely is it to be that bad? or How ill could it make someone? !!!! Kill or cause permanent disability or ill health ++ + - -- Very likely Could happen at any time Likely Could happen sometime Unlikely Could happen, but very rarely Very unlikely Could happen, but probably never will 1 1 2 3 !!! Long term illness or serious injury 1 2 3 4 !! Medical attention and several days off work 2 3 4 5 ! First aid needed 3 4 5 6 Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 Page 5 I have read and understand this Safe Work Procedure: Name: Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 Position/Role: Signature: Date: Page 6