ДЕРЖАВНИЙ ВИЩИЙ НАВЧАЛЬНИЙ ЗАКЛАД «ДОНЕЦЬКИЙ ТРАНСПОРТНО-ЕКОНОМІЧНИЙ КОЛЕДЖ» ЦИКЛОВА КОМІСІЯ ФІЛОЛОГІЧНИХ ДИСЦИПЛІН МЕТОДИЧНІ РЕКОМЕНДАЦІЇ ДО САМОСТІЙНОЇ РОБОТИ з дисципліни «Англійська мова» (інтегрований курс) для студентів 1 курсу всіх спеціальностей 2013 ВСТУП Самостійна робота студентів з дисципліни «Англійська мова» є складовою навчального процесу, важливим чинником, який формує вміння навчатися,сприяє активізації засвоєння студентом знань. Самостійна робота студентів є основним засобом опанування навчального матеріалу у позааудиторний час. Мета самостійної роботи студентів — сприяти засвоєнню в повному обсязі навчальної програми та формуванню самостійності як важливої професійної якості, сутність якої полягає в умінні систематизувати,планувати та контролювати власну діяльність. Самостійна робота на першому курсі охоплює 16 годин у першому і другому семестрі: 1. Батьки та діти 2. Улюблені розваги молоді в Україні та англомовному світі. 3. Переваги та недоліки вегетаріанства. 4. Глобальне потепління та парниковий ефект 5. Кіно і театр. 6. Фестивалі. Запрошення. 7. Інтернет – сучасний засіб спілкування молоді. 8. Реформа української системи освіти Методичні рекомендації до самостійної роботи Самостійна робота приведе до безумовного успіху, якщо ви оберете методику вивчення англійської мови, яка не буде сприйматися вами, як тягар і необхідність. Засвоєння відбувається значно швидше, якщо ви самі визначите найбільш прийнятний темп і самі мобілізуєте свою енергію. Щоб досягти успіху у вивченні англійської мови необхідно розпочати роботу над мовою з перших днів занять у вузі та займатися мовою щоденно. Звертайтеся до довідників, словників тощо, якщо вам незрозумілий той чи інший матеріал. Як працювати над текстом Робота над текстом має здійснюватись у такій послідовності: анскрипцію. підходить до даного контексту. а й деталі випадках проаналізуйте речення: зверніть увагу на порядок слів у реченні. Як вивчати лексичні одиниці. Для того, щоб розуміти тексти та розмовляти англійською мовою, треба оволодіти великим запасом слів та виразів. Випишіть слова, які хотіли б запам‘ятати. Придумайте речення або словосполуку для кожного слова чи на окремих картках. нових слів повторюються і запам‘ятовуються мимоволі. обов‘язково його промовте тексту, практикуючись в англійській мові з друзями, викладачами, носіями мови слів приділяйте тим, що не схожі на слова рідної мови. ЗАНЯТТЯ № 1 Дисципліна: Англійська мова Тема: Батьки та діти Мета: Методична: покращення методики організації самостійної діяльності студентів Дидактична: повторити та активізувати лексичні одиниці теми; покращувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення; удосконалювати техніку читання; продовжувати формувати вміння антиципації тексту. Виховна: виховувати повагу до батьків. Вид заняття: самостійне Методичне забезпечення: зошит для самостійної роботи, роздатковий матеріал, картки для роботи в парах. Завдання для виконання Завдання 1. Прочитати висловлювання та обрати правильний варіант тлумачення. Discuss the following sayings. Which of them do you agree with? Which one do you like most? 1) «Like mother, like daughter» means _____ . a) «if you admire the mother you will also admire the daughter» b) «daughters tend to do the same things as their mothers» 2) «Tied to one's mother's apron strings» means a) «a person likes cooking» b) «a person has a fetish for his or her mother's clothing» c) «a person is dependent on his or her mother» d) «a person has very strict ideas about what is proper behaviour» 3) «Every mother's son (of someone)» means ____ . a) «absolutely everyone with no exception» b) «anyone who is under-age» c) «all who are immature» d) «anyone who is living at home» 4) Children are the________ that hold a mother to life. (Sophocles) a) stitches b) anchors c) pillars d) glue 5) Every beetle is a gazelle in the a) mind b) view c) eyes d) heart of its mother. {Moorish proverb) 6) Any father whose son raises his hand______ him is guilty: of having produced a son who raised his hand him. (Charles Paguy) a) to, to b) against, against c) towards, towards d) over, over 7) A mother is glad to get the loveliest child______ (Emerson) a) dressed b) ready c) home d) asleep 8) Men are what______ mothers made them. (Emerson) a) some b) other c) their d) many 9) Only mothers can think of the _____ because they give birth to it in their children. (Maxim Gorky) a) future b) past c) present d) possible 10) A motherless son is a fish _____ low water. (Burmese proverb) a) out b) over c) in d) on 11) «The wish is father to the thought» means ._______ a) «be careful what you wish for» b) «a person believes something that he or she wishes were true» c) «wishes produce other wishes» Завдання 2. Прочитати, перекласти текст та вставити пропущені речення. Read the text below. Match choices (A—H) to (1—6). There are two choices you do not need to use. HOW TO HAVE A GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENTS 1) _________ Without mutual respect, any relationship will be an unhappy one. People who respect each other: a) value each other's opinions, b) listen to each other, c) disagree without screaming or insults. And remember, your parents have lived longer than you — don't discount their experience and knowledge. 2) _____ Trust is your key to freedom. The way to build trust is through honesty and responsibility. Honesty means you don't lie or manipulate. Responsibility means you are reliable and can be counted on to use good judgment. When your parents trust you, it's a lot easier for them to say «yes». 3) _____ Your parents want to know what's going on in your life. If you keep them in the dark, they won't know when you need their help or whether they can trust you. Tell them what you're up to, share your thoughts and feelings with them, and seek their advice for your problems (you don't have to take it). Communication builds closeness. 4) ___ If you're always honest, a parent will be likely to believe what you say. If you sometimes hide the truth or add too much drama, parents will have a harder time believing what you tell them. If you lie, they'll find it hard to trust you. 5) _____ If you have a disagreement, can you see your parents' side? If you can, say so. Telling parents you understand their views and feelings helps them be willing to see yours, too. 6) _____ Using a friendly and respectful tone makes it more likely parents will listen and take what you say seriously. It also makes it more likely that they'll talk to you in the same way. Of course, this is hard for any of us (adults included) when we're feeling heated about something. If you think your emotions might get the better of you, do something to blow off steam before talking: Go for a run. Cry. Hit your pillow. Do whatever it takes to sound calm when you need to. These guidelines work both ways. If,.on occasions, your parents violate any of these guidelines, talk to them about it. Pick a time when you are both calm and feeling good toward each other (never when you're angry). Then, explain to them what they did, how it makes you feel, and what you'd like them to do instead. A. Build trust. B. Try not to argue or whine. C. Be clear and direct. D. Be honest. E. Try to understand their point of view. F. Respect each other. G. Communicate. H. Give details that can help parents understand your situation. Завдання 3. Відповісти на запитання, користуючись матеріалом тексту: 1. Can the recommendations from the text be useful for improving your relationships with parents? 2. Which of them do you usually follow? 3. Which of them are you going to follow? 4. Which recommendations would you add to this list? ЗАНЯТТЯ № 2 Дисципліна: Англійська мова Тема: Улюблені розваги молоді в Україні та англомовному світі. Мета: Методична: покращення методики організації самостійної діяльності студентів. Дидактична: Ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями; Покращувати навички читання; Продовжити формувати комунікативні навички; Розвивати навички писемного мовлення; Виховна: Розвивати ерудицію Вид заняття: самостійне Методичне забезпечення: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал. Завдання для виконання Завдання 1 Текст для читання.. Pre-reading activity. a) Вправа 1. Прочитавши назву тексту, визначте, які з запропонованих висловлювань правильні, а які ні. . A South Korean man died after spending two days in an internet café. T / F . The man was fixed to his seat for two days. T/F . The man didn’t go to the toilet during the two days. T/F . The man died from a lack of water. T/F . The man was on a mission to become a professional gamer. T/F . His company allowed him time off to pursue his dream. T/F . Gaming is leading to many social problems. T/F . Some role playing games keep players glued to their screens. T/F б) Вправа 2. Підібрати синоніми з правої та лівої колонки. Match the following synonyms from the article: a. non-stop reportedly b. marathon quest c. apparently because of d. cardiac arrest continuous e. exhaustion leading to f. Mission epic g. profession tiredness h. due to stuck i. resulting in heart attack j. Glued career 2) Reading. Прочитати текс, доповнюючи пропущеними словами та перекласти. Після цього перевірити правильність виконання вправи 1. Fixed popular online nap cardiac break known session A 28-year-old South Korean man has died after playing an ________ computer game for almost 50 hours non-stop. The man, ________ only by his family name of Lee, started playing the ________ battle simulation game Starcraft on August 3 and was ________ to his seat for over two days. His marathon gaming ________ was apparently broken only with the occasional toilet ________ or five-minute ________. Reuters News Agency reports police sources saying the man died from ________ arrest “stemming from exhaustion”. Earn social mission obsession glued fired addicted attractive Lee was on a ________ to become a professional gamer. This is an increasingly ________ and well-paid profession in South Korea. Top players can ________ substantial amounts of money each year. Lee had recently been ________ from his job because of absences due to his ________ with gaming. The dangers of being ________ to fantasy games are resulting in many ________ problems. In particular, MMORPGs, or massively multiplayer online role playing games, keep thousands of players ________ to their screens for many hours. Завдання 2. Якомога повніше відповісти письмово на запитання вправи. What did you think when you first saw this headline? Did the headline make you want to read the article? Can you understand the man’s actions? Could you do something for 50 hours non-stop? What kind of power do you think video games have over people? Are you addicted to anything? Do you think gaming can be dangerous? Have you read about the Grand Theft Auto game in the news? Are video games creating strange people? Should video games carry a health warning similar to those on cigarette packs? Завдання 3. Написати есе. Write a letter to your government about video games. Highlight all of the dangers / benefits you see with video games. State your reasons why you think games should / should not be regulated. Read your letters to your classmates in your next lesson. Did you all have similar ideas? ЗАНЯТТЯ № 3 Дисципліна: Англійська мова Тема: Переваги та недоліки вегетаріанства. Мета: Методична: покращення методики організації самостійної діяльності студентів. Дидактична: Ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями; Покращувати навички читання; Продовжити формувати комунікативні навички; Розвивати навички писемного мовлення; Виховна: Розвивати ерудицію студентів; Прищеплювати освідомлення важливості правильного харчування. Вид заняття: самостійне Методичне забезпечення: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал. Завдання для виконання. Завдання 1. Заповнити таблицю стосовно своїх звичок у їжі. Are you happy with what you eat? Complete the table. Diet Health benefits / costs I could (not) follow this because Strict vegetarian Less strict vegetarian Fast Food Meat-based Fruitarian Liquid Завдання 2. Текст для читання.. Pre-reading activity. b) Вправа 1. Прочитавши назву тексту, визначте, які з запропонованих висловлювань правильні, а які ні. a. The article talks about a 10-year-long study into cancer. T/F b. The study in the article is the biggest ever to look at cancer and diet. T/F c. T/F Researchers studied the health of teenagers and centenarians. d. The study concludes that being vegetarian could benefit your health. T/F e. The study’s findings are not yet published anywhere. T/F f. A researcher said it was the first big study to look at a diet-cancer link. T/F g. A greater number of people around the world are becoming vegetarian. T/F h. Strict vegetarians should not eat cheese, yoghurt or honey. T/F Вправа 2. Поєднати синоніми з правої та лівої колонки. Match the following synonyms from the article: 1. Decade a. divided 2 Common b. conclusions 3. Tracked c. connection 4. Separated d. ten years 5. Protect e. widespread 6. Findings f. aware 7. Link g. followed 8. Conscious h. safeguard 9. Altogether i. rules out j. completely 10. Excludes 3) Reading. Прочитати текст, доповнюючи пропущеними словами та перекласти. Після цього перевірити правильність виконання вправи 1. Vegetarian diet reduces cancer risk Lower studies separated against found includes tracked those A decade-long study in the United Kingdom has __________ that cancer is less common among vegetarians. Health experts have always thought that a vegetarian diet is healthier than one that __________ meat. This latest research is one of the biggest __________ to compare cancers in vegetarians and non-vegetarians. The researchers __________ the health of 63,550 men and women aged between 20 and 89. They __________ people into different groups – meat-eaters, fish-eaters, and vegetarians. The research team reported a “significantly __________” number of cancers among the fish-eaters and vegetarians compared with __________ who ate meat. The study suggests being vegetarian could protect people __________ cancer. 1. Post-reading activity. Вправа 3. Якомога повніше відповісти письмово на запитання вправи. Did you like reading this article? Do you like reading about diet and health? Why do you think it has taken so long to do a major study on cancer and diet? What do you think of the argument that it is wrong to kill animals? Are strict vegetarians healthier than vegetarians who eat dairy products and honey? Have you ever changed your diet? What effects would vegetarianism have on your country’s health? Should fast food restaurants offer more vegetarian choices? Are the vegetarians you know happier and healthier? What questions would you ask Professor Timothy Key? Завдання 3. Написати єсе про вегетаріанство (200 слів) ЗАНЯТТЯ № 4 Дисципліна: Англійська мова Тема: Глобальне потепління та парниковий ефект Мета: Методична: покращення методики організації самостійної діяльності студентів. Дидактична: Ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями; Покращувати навички читання; Продовжити формувати комунікативні навички; Розвивати навички писемного мовлення; Виховна: Виховувати дбайливе ставлення до природи та усвідомлення важливості охорони довкілля; Вид заняття: самостійне Методичне забезпечення: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал. Завдання для виконання Завання 1. Текст для читання.. Pre-reading activity. c) Вправа 1. Прочитавши назву тексту, визначте, які з запропонованих висловлювань правильні, а які ні. Look at the headline and predict whether they believe the following statements about the article are true or false. Global warming is caused by human activity, not natural environmental factors. T / F Clear evidence of human-produced warming is in the world's rivers. T/F Global warming is not likely to impact water resources around the globe. T/F Many world leaders have closed their ears to global warming. T/F The US government doesn’t want to introduce expensive pollution controls. T/F Global warming is a natural phenomenon, caused by volcanoes and solar T/F energy. Scientists can successfully simulate the likely future evolution of global T/F warming. Millions of people will be at risk of having inadequate water supplies. б) Вправа 2. Підібрати синоніми з правої та лівої колонки. Match the following synonyms from the article: (a) finding affect (b) evidence (c) impact (d) uncertainty research (e) pollution consequences (f) phenomenon happening doubt quickened T/F (g) compelling sufficient (h) implications proof (i) accelerated emissions (j) adequate conclusive 4) Reading. Прочитати текст, доповнюючи пропущеними словамит та перекласти. Після цього перевірити правильність виконання вправи 1. Global warming IS human made globe simulate risk released supplies phenomenon clear debates Findings from a new study __________ Friday proves that global warming is caused by human activity, and not by natural environmental factors. Researchers at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography have found __________ evidence of human-produced warming in the world's oceans that is likely to impact water resources in regions around the __________. This finding removes much of the uncertainty associated with __________ about global warming. Many world leaders have closed their ears to this fact so they don’t have to limit their economic activity or introduce expensive pollution controls. This is one of the reasons America has not signed the Kyoto Treaty on climate change. The US government prefers to believe global warming is a natural __________, caused by volcanoes and solar energy. Professor Tim Barnett said, “This is perhaps the most compelling evidence yet that global warming is happening right now and it shows that we can successfully __________ its past and likely future evolution.” Barnett says the results hold implications for millions of people in the near future. In the decades immediately ahead, the changes will be felt in regional water __________, including areas impacted by accelerated glacier melting in the South American Andes and in western China, putting millions of people at __________ without adequate summertime water. Perhaps now more countries will sign up to the Kyoto Protocol. Завдання 2. Якомога повніше відповісти письмово на запитання вправи. What do you think of this article – are you worried? Are you pessimistic or optimistic about the future of our climate? Do you prefer hot or cold countries? What do you do to conserve energy? Do you waste a lot of electricity? Would you say you are very environmentally aware, or do you rarely think about the environment? Do you idle the engine of your car? What do you think of renewable energies, such as solar, wind or wave power? Isn’t nuclear power best for the environment? Why doesn’t US president George W. Bush sign the Kyoto Protocol? How would your life change if water became ten times more expensive? What would you do if your winters became 20 degrees colder and your summers 20 degrees hotter? How can we save the Maldives, Holland and Bangladesh from disappearing under water? Завдання 3. Скласти список речей, які ми можемо зробити, щоб уповільнити процес глобального потепління. ЗАНЯТТЯ № 8 Дисципліна: Англійська мова Тема: Реформа української системи освіти Мета: Методична: покращення методики організації самостійної діяльності студентів. Дидактична: Ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями; Покращувати навички читання; Продовжити формувати комунікативні навички; Розвивати навички писемного мовлення; Виховна: Розвивати ерудицію; Формувати свідоме ставлення до освіти. Вид заняття: самостійне Методичне забезпечення: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал. Завдання для виконання. Завдання 1. Прочитати наступні висловлювання та сказати: полюбляли їх автори ходити до школи? І яка школа їм сподобалась. Розповісти про власний досвід і висловити свою думку. 1. Read the following quotations and tell if their authors liked the schools they went to. Can we imagine what their schools were like? What did they hate about schooling? 1) «We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for ten or fifteen years, and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing». (Ralph Waldo Emerson) 2) «Society produces rogues, and education makes one rogue cleverer than another». (Oscar Wilde) 3) «The founding fathers in their wisdom decided that children were an unnatural strain on parents. So they provided jails called schools, equipped with tortures called education». (John Updike) 2. What do you NOT like about the educational system in your school? What would you like to change? What could be done to improve the system? 3. Look at the list of the ideas: — there should be more focus on individual progress than on test scores; — teachers should be paid more; — there should also be higher standards of becoming a teacher because it is up to teachers to encourage and teach students; — parental involvement is necessary, too. Сontinue this list, and make up a short report on necessary changes in the educational system of Ukraine. Завдання 2. Прочитати текс та підкреслити речення, які вказані у завданні. Read the text of a newspaper article. Underline the sentences describing the educational reforms in Ukraine. Which of them concern: — pre-school education? — secondary schools? — vocational schools? — institutions of higher learning? YANUKOVYCH: SUCCESS OF EDUCATION REFORM IS MEASURED BY UKRAINE’S COMPETITIVENESS ON INTERNATIONAL MARKETS The success of education reform in Ukraine will depend on the ability of our country to compete on the international markets, based not on raw materials, but on the intellect of the nation, President Viktor Yanukovych said, speaking at a meeting of the Governing Council of the Committee on Economic Reforms, according to the Press Office of President Viktor Yanukovych. «We have started an active reform in the area of preschool education. The law on mandatory pre-school education for children of the age of five was approved. But further work has stopped», he said, adding that there are still no regulations that would specify the concept and functioning of preschool education. «The Ministry of Education must clearly explain to all how to apply the provisions- of the said Law, and guarantee prevention of any possible overcharges for first- graders’ parents», Yanukovych stressed. «The second problem», he said, «is the shortage of preschoolfacilities. We know that many of them were closed in recent years. The- 257 kindergartens that were opened last year is a lot, but not enough», he said, addressing also Prime Minister Mykola Azarov with the request to take the matter under his supervision. Viktor Yanukovych expressed his conviction that the start of secondary education reform was also good: the provision of educational districts was approved, which opened the way to optimizing the network. Certainly, Yanukovych'said, it is necessary to optimize the network. But the optimization must be performed not for the sake of itself or cutting budget expenditures, but for improving the quality of education for students, particularly in rural areas. So, before closing a school the authorities must determine where its students will be transferred, how better the new conditions will be for them, and how they will be getting to the new place of study every day. Provision of school buses, the President said, is a key factor of success of the reform. No school buses mean no educational district, and no optimization of the network. «1 draw your attention to the problem of school buses. This a priority issue! I know that you dedicate much attention to it, but that is not enough. Please, consider the opportunities of increasing the procurement of buses for this year. While forming the 2012 budget, please, think how to close the problem of school buses in Ukraine. Two and a half thousand buses is, in my opinion, an optimal.and feasible task», he said, addressing Prime Minister Mykola Azarov. The President drew special attention to the issue of restoring the system of vocational education. «Now that the economy lacks specialists of working trades, there are all preconditions for solving this problem. Big employers are willing to participate in the training, but the Ministry does not use these opportunities sufficiently», Yanukovych said. Another issue that has caused great public response according to Yanukovych was the Law on Higher Education. It was supposed to create the conditions for improving the quality of education and ensure integration into the European higher education and scientific research space. Instead of expanding the autonomy of universities, he said, the bill prepared by the Ministry continues the practice of virtually absolute control of the officials over high schools. The bill does not provide answers to such key questions as how to tie education and science in the research universities, and education and practice in those applied. «No new tools were proposed to improve the quality of higher education, incentives to strengthen these relations, or mechanisms of commercializing university science achievements», Viktor Yanukovych added. He expressed confidence that it is time to modify the concept of government order in higher education. According to him, it must correspond the mid-term forecast of the labour market. Budgetary funds should be spent on ordering the professions that are needed by the economy and the country. Завдання 3. Визначити головну ідею тексту та основні думки кожного абзацу. Виконати переказ тексту.