Fall 2011 - Medieval Studies - University of Illinois at Urbana

Fall 2011 Events
8 (Thursday)
Fall Medieval Studies Reception
1:30pm, Lucy Ellis Lounge, Foreign Languages Bldg.
15 (Thursday)
Lecture: Fiona Somerset (Duke Univ.)
“Once More with Feeling: Lollards and the History of Emotions”
5:30pm, Lucy Ellis Lounge, Foreign Languages Bldg.
16 (Friday)
Seminar: Fiona Somerset (Duke Univ.):
“Mouvance in Manuscripts: What is Moving?”
1:30-3:00pm Room 4080 Foreign Languages Building
Readings: Fiona Somerset, “Textual Transmission, Variance, and Religious
Identity” (unpublished; request copy by email to Charlie Wright
Bella Millett, “What is mouvance?”:
7-8 (Friday-Saturday)
Conference: The Dialectics of Orientalism in Early Modern Europe
Sponsored by the Departments of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese and the Department of
French; all sessions in Levis Faculty Center
7 (Friday)
Keynote I: Roberto Dainotto (Romance Studies, Duke) “Rhymes”
Panel 1A. Orientalism and the Idea of Europe I. Chair: TBA
Eva Johanna Holmberg (University of Helsinki). “In the Company of Franks: Early modern ‘European’
identities and English travelers in the Ottoman Empire c. 1600”; Raúl Marrero-Fente (University of
Minnesota). “Law and Orientalism in the Spanish Empire: Relación del origen y suceso de los xarifes y del
estado de los reinos de Marruecos, Fez y Tarudante by Diego de Torres (ca.1575); Toby Erik Wikström
(Tulane University). “Was There a Pan-European Orientalism? Comparing the Representation of Islam in
Captivity Narratives from Iceland and the Spanish Netherlands (1628-1656)”
Panel 1B. Orientalizing Humanists. Chair: Eleonora Stoppino (UIUC).
Seth Kimmel (Stanford University). “Reading with Arabic in Early Modern Europe”; Javier IrigoyenGarcía (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). “Defining Moorish and Classic in Early Modern
Spain”; Stephan Schmuck (University College Cork). “Diacritical Orientalisms - The Travels of Salomon
Schweigger & George Sandys”
Panel 2A. Orientalism and the Idea of Europe II. Chair: Mara Wade (UIUC)
Aigi Heero and Maris Saagpakk (Tallinn University). “Adam Olearius’ journey between Occident and
Craig M. Koslofski. “Moors, Blacks, and Germans in Otto Friedrich von der Groebeni’s
Orientalische Reise-Beschreibung (1694) and Des edlen Bergone (1700)”
Panel 2B. Orientalism’s Genders. Chair: TBA
Lori H. Newcomb (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). “Lady Mary Wroth’s Global Romance
and the Traffic in Fashion”; David Moberly (University of Nebraska-Lincoln). “Mediterranean Piracy and
the Female Captivity Experience in Early Modern Literature”
Keynote II: Barbara Fuchs (Spanish and English,
“Orientalizing Spain”
8 (Saturday)
Panel 3A. Continent vs. Empire: Europe’s Ottomans Chair: TBA
Natalio Ohanna (Western Michigan University). “The Invention of Europe and the Intellectual Struggle for
Political Imagination”; Marcus Keller (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). “Europe, France, and
the Ottoman Empire in the Essais: Montaigne’s Dialectics”; Heather Madar (Humboldt State University).
“Victor, Vanquished and Victim: Vienna, Tunis and the Representation of European-Ottoman Conflict”
Panel 3B. Empire and Its Orients. Chair: Mariselle Meléndez (UIUC)
José Luis Gasch Tomás and Natalia Maillard Álvarez (European University Institute, Florence).
“Discourses and Images of the Orients in the Hispanic Empire, New Spain and Castile, 1550-1650”; Adam
G. Beaver (Princeton University). “Pietro Martire in the Levant: Orientalism in the Age of Spanish
Empire”; Ana María Rodríguez-Rodríguez (University of Iowa). “Mapping Islam in the Philippines: Moro
Anxieties of the Spanish Empire in the Pacific”
Keynote III: Nabil Matar (English and History, Univ. of
Minnesota): “In Their Own Words: Eastern Christians of the
Ottoman Empire”
Panel 4A. Dialectical Visualizations of the Orient. Chair: D. Fairchild Ruggles (UIUC)
Lisa Rosenthal (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). “Amazon Battle and the Shaping of the
Seventeenth-Century Antwerp Painting Canon”; Opher Mansour (University of Hong Kong). “Popes and
Persians in the Sala Regia of the Quirinal Palace”; Lydia M. Soo (University of Michigan). “The
Architectural Setting of ‘Empire’: the English experience of Ottoman spectacle in the late 17th century and
its consequences”
Panel 4B. Religion and the Shaping of Ethnicity I. Chair: Mohamed Feisal (UIUC)
Kaya Sahin (Tulane University). “Between Humanist Ideals and Political Pragmatism: Busbecq’s Ottoman
Missions (1554-1562)”; Hafiz Abid Massood (International Islamic University, Islamabad). “‘Constellation
of Stars’: Schism in Christianity and Islam in Early Modern England”; José Alberto R. Silva Tavim (Centro
de Estudos Africanos e Asiáticos do Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, Lisbon). “The GrãoTurco and the Jews: translation to the West of two Oriental ‘powers’ (XVI-XVII centuries)
Panel 5A. Mediterranean Captivities. Chair: TBA
María Antonia Garcés (Cornell University). “Captive, Spy, Ethnographer: Antonio de Sosa in Algiers”;
Oumelbanine Zhiri (University of California-San Diego). “Bodies and Souls: European Captives in North
Panel 5B. Religion and the Shaping of Ethnicity II. Chair: TBA
Sean Clark (University of Arizona). “The Other ‘Others’: Eastern Christians in Early Modern German
Travel Narratives”; Robyn Radway (Rutgers University). “Representing the Christians of Ottoman Europe:
Self, Other, and the In-between in Costume Books of the Sixteenth Century”
Closing remarks
22 (Saturday)
Symposium: Cultural Transmission in Medieval East Asia:
A Workshop on East Asian Medievality
9:00am-4:00pm, 101 International Studies Bldg.
Co-sponsored by the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Zong-qi Cai (UIUC), “The Early Philosophical Discourse on Language and
Reality and Lu Ji’s and Liu Xie’s Theories of Literary Creation.”
Hwisang Cho (Columbia Univ.), “The Expansion of Epistolary Space in
Sixteenth-Century Korea.”
Naomi Fukumori (Ohio State Univ.), “The Kamo Festival: Reception and
Transmission of Imperial Ritual in Heian-period Women-authored
Meow Hui Goh (Ohio State Univ.), “Old Wine in New Bottles: The
Compositional Process in Early Medieval Chinese Literature.”
Alexander Mayer (UIUC), “Cultural Transmission: The Topology of Actor
and Place in the Writings on Xuanzang’s Life.”
Brian Ruppert (UIUC), “The Monk Saisen (1025-1115) and the Creation of
the Medieval Kōbō Daishi (Kūkai).”
4 (Friday)
Lecture: Merrill Kaplan (Ohio State Univ.)
“Practical Uses for Severed Body Parts in Old Norse Myth and Literature.”
4:00pm, Levis Faculty Center
10 (Thursday)
Lecture: Karl Steel (Brooklyn College)
“Feral Children, Brahmans, and Fish Knights: Several Medieval
5:30pm, Lucy Ellis Lounge, Foreign Languages Bldg.
11 (Friday)
Seminar: Karl Steel (Brooklyn College)
“Medieval Werewolves and Challenges to Humanism"
2:00-3:30pm, 4080A Foreign Languages Bldg.
Readings: (request copies of Crane and Derrida by email to Charlie Wright
Melion and Biclarel: http://www.liv.ac.uk/soclas/los/Werwolf.pdf
Marie de France, Bisclavret
Susan Crane, “Chivalry and the Pre/Postmodern,” postmedieval 2.1 (2011),
Selections from Jacques Derrida, The Beast and the Sovereign, vol. 1.