Session 5 Facilitator’s Guide: Adapting and Creating Additional Module Assessments Sequence of Sessions Target for this Session I can adapt or design assessments for use within the context of the modules while still maintaining their alignment to module targets. High-Level Purpose of this Session In this session participants will use the materials here:, to learn how to create additional assessments for the modules. Related Learning Experiences This session relates to any other session in which participants learn about the 3-8 ELA Module assessments. Key Points Module assessments are part of a larger backwards design planning process. Module assessments follow guidelines for passage selection and quality item criteria. Session Outcomes What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? ● Know the steps in quality, Common Core assessment design. ● Compare their current assessment development process to the suggested process. Session Overview How will we know that they are able to do this? Observation Journal Entries Section 1. Greetings and Visual Representation Time 10 minutes Overview 2. Jigsaw of Documents 40 minutes Prepared Resources Facilitator Preparation Participants greet each other and draw in their journals a visual representation of their current assessment planning process. Participants share and discuss the visual representation with a table partner. Journals Facilitator’s Guide PPT Develop your own “presession” visual representation and perhaps share with group (in other words, don’t start the session with what their visual representations “should” be. Allow that to emerge over the session. You can show them another representation at the end). Participants split into groups of 4. Each group member selects on document/topic to read, capturing key ideas on a graphic organizer. Each group member shares his/her learning with the rest of the group. Passage Selection Criteria. Selection of Authentic Texts NYS Item Review Criteria Annotated Test Questions “Critical Components of Designing Common CoreAligned Assessments” graphic organizer. PPT Read the documents and complete the graphic organizer. Participants will hear the “story” of how a particular assessment was developed. Journals PPT Sample Grade 6 Assessment Target-Method Match chart EL Document – “ELA Assessment Design.” Pre-read the article. Variety of texts at different levels of complexity. Task Card PPT Prepare your own assessment. 3. EL “Think Aloud” 10 minutes 4. Practice 45 minutes ● Participants will follow a task card to review a standard, choose an appropriate text, and design an assessment task to address the standard. They will share their work with another team. 5. Synthesis and Closure 15 minutes ● Participants will revisit their visual representations and add new learning. ● Share with table partner. Journals Revisit your own visual representation. Session Roadmap Section1: Greetings and Visualization Time: 1 to 1:15 [10 minutes] In this section, you will prepare participants for the session and activate their schema of existing assessment design practices Materials used include: Time 2 minutes Slide #/ Pic of Script/ Activity directions Slide ● ● GROUP Introduce self and learning target for this session -- I Small groups at tables can adapt or design assessments for use within the context of the modules while still maintaining their alignment to module targets. Explain that the goal of this session is to “pull back the curtain” on the way assessments were designed in the modules so that a): participants can have confidence in them as standards-aligned assessments, and b): should they be adapting, they understand what changes to make to assessments. 1 minutes ● If appropriate, share a personal story related to assessment design – something that illustrates its complexity or importance. 4 minutes ● Ask participants to complete a “visual representation” (a flow chart, a picture, a symbol) that represents their current practice in designing assessments. Journals Facilitator’s Guide PPT Participants who do not routinely create assessments (principals, for example) should draw what they believe is the most often used process for designing assessments. 3 minutes ● Ask participants to share and explain their representations to a neighbor (about a minute each partner). 1 minute ● Explain that participants will be revisiting these visualizations at the end of the session to capture new thinking. Section 2: Jigsaw of Key Documents Time: 1:10 to 1:50 [40 minutes] In this session, participants will build new knowledge of critical components of Common Core-aligned assessment design. Materials used include: Time 5 minutes Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions Ask participants to divide into groups of 4. Direct their attention to the 4-Square graphic organizer and review its use: o Each participant reads his/her chosen text, annotating details related to “critical components of designing common core-aligned assessments.” o Each participant takes notes in her/her chosen section. o Each participant then shares those notes with the group which others capture thinking in the relevant box. GROUP Passage Selection Guidelines Selection of Authentic Texts NYS Item Review Criteria Annotated Test Questions “Critical Components of Designing Common CoreAligned Assessments” graphic organizer. 15 minutes Provide 15 minutes of silent reading/notetaking time. 20 minutes Each participant has 5 minutes to fill his/her group in on what was read. Section 3: EL “Think Aloud” Time: 1:50 t o 2 p.m. [10 minutes] In this session, participants follow a standard through assessment to see how EL designed it’s assessments. Materials used include: Time 1 minute 1 minutes Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions RI.6.3 RI.6.4 RI.6.6 1 minute Tell participants EL carefully followed the steps and recommendations described in the documents just read when designing assessments in the modules. Refer participants to the sample assessment in their notebooks . Our goal was to assess these Grade 6 standards: Analyze in detail how a key individual or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes). Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings. Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text. Participants should discuss the key words in these standards that have implications for assessment. GROUP PPT Journals Sample Grade 6 Assessment Target-Method Match Chart EL Document – “The 3-8 Curriculum Modules: A Look at Assessment Design.” 1 minute Show key words: RI.6.3 RI.6.4 RI.6.6 1 minute 2 minutes Analyze in detail how a key individual or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes). Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings. Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text. First important task is to find an appropriate chunk of text: o Allows for the assessment of the intended standards. o Right level of complexity o Not offensive or overly biased o “Cold” read (not studied in class), but connected to what students are learning (relevance). Next task is to think about right type of assessment for the level of skill required (target-method match) Analyze = show thinking/performance assessment (graphic organizer) Determine = identify. (selected response) Determine + explain = written response Direct participants to the Target-Method match chart for further resource. 1 minute Finally, design the tasks themselves, test-drive, and refine them. 1 minute Once the assessment is in place, design/adapt the lessons that teach the necessarily skill/lead up to the assessment. Direct participants to the document “The ELA 3-8 Curriculum Modules: A Look at Assessment Design” for further reference. Section 3: Practice Time: 2 to 2:45 [45 minutes] Participants examine standards, select and appropriate text, and design appropriate assessment tasks for Grade 5. Materials used include: Time 5 mins 30 mins Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions If/as schools find themselves adapting the modules, they may have a similar need to adapt assessments. In addition, schools may want to add assessments to gather student data more often. Schools may want to add items to assessments in order to check on previously mastered standards and/or to preassess standards yet to be addressed. Assessments may become invalid over time, for example, if students gain access to the assessments prior to their administration. For all of those reasons, it is worth practicing text selection and assessment item creation. Participants should work in groups of 2. Direct participants’ attention to the folders of texts and a task card that has been placed on their tables. They should select one folder and follow the task card within: GROUP Collection of texts. Task Card: Developing Assessments PPT Journals 10 mins Analyze the standards. Analyze the texts for which will be allow for assessing the standards at the right level of complexity. Choose the best text. Write appropriate assessment items for that text and that standard. Meet with another group at the table and share: What did you determine about the standard? What text best supported assessment of this standard and why? What type of assessment task did you create and why? 5 minutes each team, for a total of 10 minutes. Section 3: Closing Time: 2:45 to 3 p.m. [15 minutes] Participants “revisit” their visualizations to capture new learning. Materials used include: Time Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions 5 minutes Ask participants to find the visualization of assessment design they created at the beginning of the session and revise/add to it based on what they learned/remembered in this session. 5 minutes Invite participants to share their new visualizations with the same partner they shared their first one with and GROUP Journals discuss differences. 5 minutes Participants should capture key takeaways from the session in their journals. Turnkey Materials Provided Facilitator’s Guide and Powerpoint Selected EngageNY documents. EL Document “The 3-8 Curriculum Modules: A Look at Assessment Design” Collection of texts for analysis. Task Card: Developing Assessements