IMAGE ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING BLOWFISH ALGORITHM IN MATLAB Akshit Shah, Aagam Shah, Prof. Tanaji Biradar EXTC, DJSCOE, Mumbai University, India EXTC, DJSCOE, Mumbai University, India EXTC, DJSCOE, Mumbai University, India,, Abstract: With the progress in communication technology, the necessity of information security has become a global issue. Due to advancement in multimedia application, security becomes an important issue of communication and storage of data. This paper is about cryptographic analysis of data using 64-bits Blowfish which is a secret key block cipher having a variable key size up to 448 bits designed in order to secure communication and improve its performance. It iterates simple function 16 times by employing Feistel network. The blowfish algorithm runs faster and prevents unauthorized attack than the popular existing algorithms. Here MATLAB is used to design and implement the algorithm. Keywords: Cryptography, Image encryption, Decryption, Blowfish, Block Cipher. I. Introduction: Imagine a situation where in a military personal wants to communicate with another person regarding the national security and someone else is able to intercept the message. How disastrous it can be? He can easily debase with the national security issue. It is also possible that the third person may not allow the message to receive to the receiver or intercepts the message and sends his own message instead of the original message. This is nothing but masquerading which can be a threat to the national security. Hence, there is a need to maintain security of these data. The solution to this problem is cryptography. Cryptography can be defined as the art of safeguarding documents and it makes sure that only the intended people are able to visualize its content. In order to assure the secrecy of the system every security system must provide a bundle of security functions. These functions are usually referred to as the goals of the security system. The five main goals behind using Cryptography includes Confidentiality, Authentication, Integrity, Non-Repudiation, Service Reliability and Availability. In this modern world data is stored more in computers, hard disk, compact disks, etc and a very less amount as papers in files. These data and images stored in computers, when needed, are to be transmitted over short and long distances through both secure and insecure computer networks for various applications. During their transmissions, there are chances for these highly confidential data to fall into wrong hands, thus leading to dangerous situations. Hence Cryptography comes into play to maintain the confidentiality and security of the same. There are many cryptographic methods to provide security from which this paper concentrates on Blowfish algorithm. D=Decryption Ke and Kd=Encryption key and Decryption key. Sender and receiver have pair of keys for encryption and decryption in the beginning and then they can begin to encrypt and decrypt messages between them using those keys. It is commonly used in Rivest Shamir Adlman algorithm and Diffie Hellman Key exchange. II. Cryptography types: The two types of cryptography are: 1. Symmetric key cryptography. 2. Asymmetric key cryptography. Symmetric key cryptography is also called as secret key cryptography or private key cryptography. In secret key cryptography a single key is used for encryption and decryption. It is represented by P=D(K,EP()). Where P=Plain text, E(P)=Encryption of plain text, D= Decryption, K=Key. Both the parties must agree upon the key before any transmission begin, and nobody else should know about it. Sender and receiver only have to specify the shared key in the beginning and then they can begin to encrypt and decrypt messages between them using that key. It is commonly used in Data Encryption Standard and Blowfish Algorithm. Asymmetric key cryptography is also called as public key cryptography or conventional cryptography system. In asymmetric key cryptography two keys are used, one for encryption and other is for decryption. It is represented by P=D(Kd,E(Ke,P)) where P=Plaintext, E(P)=Encryption of Plain text, Figure 1: Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption Figure 2: Cryptography types III. Blowfish Algorithm: Blowfish algorithm is one of the symmetric or private key cryptography techniques, which was designed Bruce Schneier in 1993 and placed in the public domain. Blowfish was designed with the intention of replacing the aging Data Encryption Standard (DES) and overcoming the problems with other algorithms. It is very popular in cryptographic software because it is available to everyone. This algorithm is a 64-bit block cipher technique where a message is divided into multiple blocks of data which has fixed length.It uses same secret key of variable length for both encryption as well as decryption of the messages. It is supposed to be faster than DES when implemented onthe Pentium and the PowerPC which are 32-bit microprocessors with large stack data. Since Blowfish algorithm is used where the key does not change much, it is apt for applications like communications link.The fundamental reason to design such an algorithm was to keep the algorithm as simple to implement and as secure as possible at the same time. It is designed using so many key bits such that the attacks which reduce the key bits become irrelevant. For example, The input is a 64-bit data element, a. If the input data is not 64 bits, then we pad zeros to make it 64 bits. The Blowfish encryption includes: 1. Manipulation of datain large blocks using random permutations. 2. It uses a scalable key, from 32 bits to at least 256 bits. 3. It employs and generates precomputable subkeys. 4. It takes into account simple operations that are efficient on microprocessors. 5. The no. of iterations varies for every encryption. 6. Usageof sub-keys that are a one-way hash of the key. Divide into two 32-bit halves: aL, aR. Blowfish algorithm constitutes of two main parts: Data Encryption and Key-expansion. The data encryption part constitutes of a 16round Feistal network wherein each round consists of permutations depending on the keys and substitutions depending on keys as well as data. The operations which are used are XOR, ADD and MOV which are chosen for faster speeds. In key-expansion, it converts a key of at the most 448 bits into various sub-key arrays, 4168 bytes in total.[1] Now we recombine aL and aR to get the encrypted text.[2] IV. Data encryption: As shown below, Blowfish data encryption uses a Feistal network with 16 rounds. A Feistel network is a generic method to transform any function (f function) into a permutation. The steps of how a single round of Feistal network works is as follows: 1. Split each block of divided message into two halves. 2. The old Right half of block becomes new left half. 3. Apply function f to the old right half and the key. 4. We get the new right half once we XOR the old left half and the result of step 3. Let Pb for b = 1 to 16 be the different sub-keys used. aL = aL XOR Pb aR = F(aL) XOR aR Swap aL and aR. Continue this till the end of the 16thround, swap aL and aR again to undo the last swap. In the end, aR = aR XOR P17 and aL = aL XOR P18. Nevertheless, if this computation is not done, the encryption operation should still be possible. P is an array of 18, 32-bit integers. S is an array of 32 bit integers which has dimensions 4x256. We initialize the P-array and only after that we will initialize the S-boxes in this order only, with a fixed string consisting of hexadecimal digits of pi. First entry of P-array (P1) = 0x243f6a88 Second entry of P-array (P2)= 0x85a308d3 Third entry of P-array (P3)= 0x13198a2e Fourth entry of P-array (P4) = 0x03707344 etc. 1. Now, we XOR P1 with the first 32 key bits, XOR P2 with the next 32 key bits and so on. We continue to do this until all elements of the Parray has been XOR’d by the key bits. 2. Then we encrypt the zero string using these sub-keys with the Blowfish algorithm. Figure 3: Feistel Network Figure 4: Generation of f function V. Data Decryption: To decrypt the data, we use the same techniqueas that of encryption. The only difference is that we use the sub-keys P1 to P18 in exactly the reverse order as that of encryption. VI. Generation of Sub-keys: Blowfish algorithm uses a large number of subkeys. These sub-keys are pre-computed in Blowfish before it can be applied to any data encryption or decryption. If this pre-computation is not done, the speed of operations will get compromised (i.e. it will get slower). 3. The output of step 2 is used to replace P1 and P2. 4. The output of step 2 is encrypted with the Blowfish algorithm using the modified keys. 5. P3 and P4 are replaced with the output of step 4. 6. We follow this process until all elements of Parray are replaced. After that we replace all 4 Sboxes in order only. The output of the ever changing Blowfish algorithm replaces these elements. We need 521 iterations in sum to generate all the sub-keys which are required for Blowfish encryption. 4KB of the data will be processed. These sub-keys can be stored somewhere rather than computing it multiple times.[5] VII. Advantages: 1. It has been accepted as one of the strong encryption techniques. 2. Blowfish is patent as well as royalty free. It can be used by any user. 3. It is the fastest encryption algorithm with the speed of 26 clock cycles per byte. 4. It is very compact with less than 5 KB of memory needed. 5. It is also secure due to variable length secret keys.[4] VIII. Disadvantages: Figure 5: Image 1 1. It can be cracked only using brute-force attacks if 256 bit keys are not used. 2. Susceptible to attacks on relatively weaker keys. 3. It is recommended not to use Blowfish encryption for files whose size is more than 4 GB due to its small 64-bit block size. 4. There are modern day successors of Blowfish like AES, Twofish, Threefish etc. However, these have not been as widespread as Blowfish has.[4] IX. Simulation and result: In this paper we have simulated the image processing part of Encryption and decryption in MATLAB software. Here we would be taking an image. Firstly we would be obtaining the matrix and pixels of the chosen image & then we would be encrypting the image matrix using blowfish algorithm. The result shows the original image, encrypted image and the decrypted image. The other image in the image will be hidden using a specific key and image hidden with a data is encrypted and decrypted by a 32 bit iteration loop and display in MATLAB. We will clearly see that the decrypted image is same as the original image. Figure 6: Image 2 Figure 7: Encrypted Image 1 Figure 8: Encrypted Image 2 Figure 9: Decrypted Image 1 Figure 10: Decrypted Image 2 Conclusion: Both color and black & white image of any size saved in tagged image file format (TIF), Bit map (bmp), Portable network graphics (PNG), Joint Photographic Experts group (jpg), etc. can be encrypted & decrypted using blowfish algorithm. Histogram of encrypted image is less dynamic and significantly different from the respective histograms of the original image. Blowfish cannot be broken until an attacker tries 28k+1 combinations where k is the number of rounds. Hence if the number of rounds are been increased then the blowfish algorithm becomes stronger. Since Blowfish has not any known security weak points so far it can be considered as an excellent standard encryption algorithm. References: [1]. Irfan Landge, Burhanuddin Contractor, Aamna Patel and Rozina Choudhary "Image encryption and decryption using Blowfish algorithm" Proceedings of the 2012 National Conference of Emerging Trends in Information Technology, Shirpur, Maharashtra, April 21 , 2012. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. Singhal, Nidhi and Raina, J P S. “Comparative Analysis of AES and RC4 Algorithms for Better Utilization”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, ISSN: 2231-280, July to Aug Issue 2011.