Knights of Columbus Council 10728 March 2015 Newsletter Grand

Knights of Columbus Council 10728 March 2015 Newsletter
Grand Knight
I hope you are keeping your Lenten obligations. I have some of mine and failed in others. That is
"Ok" because they say the Saints are regular folks that just never gave up trying ! So don't
despair if you are struggling, you are not the only one.
We have several events coming up in March. I feel sure we will have just as many Knights
unselfishly giving up their time and efforts to support the worthy causes.
Help me welcome our new members and Brother Knights that have transferred to our council.
Our council's webpage can be found on the Cathedral's website ( under
the "Organizations" tab or directly at The website is
updated regularly and includes council news, pictures, announcements, important dates and
useful links. The"Members Only" section also includes archives, newsletters and a roster of all
council members to inlcude email and home addresses. Any suggestions, pictures or items to be
included on the webpage should be sent to
Congratulations to Chris Gabriel for being chosen as Knight of the Month.
Our next business meeting is Mar 3rd. We recite the Rosary at 6:40pm and the meeting begins at
7pm. Until further notice we are meeting in the Library on the 2nd floor of the Parish Business
Office. As always, a meal will follow the meeting. Please plan on attending.
Our council Free Throw competition was recently held at the Cathedral School. The event was
very successful with a lot of students participating. The winners will now compete against other
winners from other schools in our district. We thank the Staff at the Cathedral School for
allowing us to conduct this and other activities.
Currently we are conducting the Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest. However, at this
time due to the inclement weather and school closing the judging portion has been delayed a few
Congratulations to Charles Adams and his family for being chosen as Family of the Month.
Eddie Cooper is bringing our new shirts to the meeting ! Yea !! If you ordered one please bring a
check or cash to pay for the shirt.
Our recently held Spaghetti Dinner was a success. We raised a substantial amount of funds that
will be distributed to our seminarians to help them with the costs they incur in their efforts to
become our future priests. Thanks to those Knights that volunteered at the event. We had a great
time setting up, cooking, serving and cleaning up afterwards. If you weren't there, you missed a
good time.
We will be helping Marian Council #3779 with the Polar Plunge at East Ridge Country Club on
Saturday Mar 14th to benefit Special Olympics. We need a volunteer to sit in the dunking booth.
If no one volunteers, someone will be appointed.
On March 27th Friday we will have a Fish Fry for Lent. We need a chairman and volunteers to
work this event. Please attend meeting for more information.
We welcome Angel Briseno, an Air Force Officer who recently transferred to our council from
We have 2(two) candidates that have submitted Form 100's that we will vote on at our meeting
on March 3rd. If accepted, they will attend the next 1st Degree ceremony available.
Our council has sponsored 2 (two) tables at the upcoming Pro Life Banquet to be held on Mar
11th at the Bossier Civic Center. For more information, please attend the meeting on Mar 3rd.
Please support our efforts in the 40 Days for Life Program that is currently underway. Pray for
the Unborn.
For all your insurance needs contact David Trombetta at 670-7293 or www.david.trombetta
Mar 3rd Tue
Mar 6th Fri
Mar 11th Wed
Mar 13th Fri
Mar 14th Sat
Mar 18th Wed
Mar 20th Fri
Mar 27th Fri
Council Business Meeting- 6:40pm Rosary - Meeting at 7pm in the
Library of the Parish Business Office
Stations of the Cross
ProLife Banquet - Bossier Civic Center
Stations of the Cross
Polar Plunge - East Ridge Country Club
Parish Penance Service
Stations of the Cross
Lenten Fish Fry after Station of the Cross