Oil Painting - The Art School of Peterborough

Oil Painting I
With Jenni Johnston
Course Description: The beginner oil painter will learn all there is to know about painting with oil:
brushes, paints and media, health and safety, colour theory, techniques, composition, and develop
observation skills. Each student receives plenty of one-on-one guidance. Students can choose to
follow the course curriculum, or explore their own imagery at any point.
In my painting class, each student has the option to follow the course curriculum, i.e., do the
painting assignments as I have suggested, or paint their own subject matter. You can do a
combination of both, perhaps following the curriculum until you feel confident to go on your own. I
have no preference, although I ask that you remain realistic about the scope of the projects you
choose, so that you are not discouraged while you are learning. Learning to paint well takes time.
This course will introduce basic ways of working with oil paint and will focus on the skill of seeing
colour and form. Simple subject matters will be explored in the beginning.
Class 1 - Introduction to painting with oil -Demo and in class work: Demo of painting techniques. Do an
alla prima painting using black, white, and one primary colour (red, blue or yellow). Paint a simple object
(object provided). Canvas board (surface) 9x12 is recommended
Class 2 - Basic Colour Theory, experimenting with colour, perceiving local colour. In class: colour wheel,
and colour experimentation. Do a simple still life (objects provided). Canvas Board (surface) 9 x 12 is
Class 3 - Creating depth - In class: Paint a simple landscape from a photograph- choose your own image.
Canvas Board 9 x 12 is recommended.
Class 4 – Discussion on glazing, glaze still life painting. - In class: landscape continued.
Class 5 - Discussion on Composition, Starting a painting to finishing a painting – Start you own painting
from an image of your choosing. Canvas (Surface 16” x 20” or larger) is recommended
Class 6 - Continue on painting
Class 7- Continue on painting / Finish
Class 8 - Finish painting – Mini Discussion on Finished Paintings. Start an new painting at least 16” x 20”
Class 9 - Continue on Painting #2
Class 10 – Finish up Painting #2
Oil Painting - Materials required
Supports and grounds options:
You can use any of these surfaces to paint on. It is recommended to have at least one surface to use
during each class time. : Masonite panels (gessoed ahead of time); Stretched canvas ; Canvas boards,
Palette options:
You can use a formal wooden artists’ palette, or a palette book with disposable pages, wax paper, a piece of
wood, board, glass, metal, disposable tin pizza pans. It should be at least 12” x 14”.
A variety of flats, brights, rounds, fans.
It is not necessary to purchase the most expensive brushes to paint with. It is necessary to have a range of
sizes. Be sure to have some fine brushes (size 0- 000) for detailed work. I use acrylic/oil painting brushes
or watercolour brushes. I do not use the course hogs hair bristle brushes, although having one is handy for
specific techniques.
Palette knives, rags (paper towel)
Paint: It is necessary to have all the colours of your palette by the 2nd class.
Titanium White
Cadmium Red medium*
Yellow Ochre
Iron Oxide, Mars Black or
Ivory Black
Alizarin Crimson
Burnt Umber
Cobalt Blue*
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Yellow medium*
Pthalo Blue
Ultramarine Blue
Lemon Yellow*
*a less expensive pigment for these colours may be substituted. It will be indicated by the term “hue” after
the colour name on the tube, or is sometimes called “Azo”.Winton, Van Gogh, other student grade paints
are acceptable.
Painting Medium:
Bring 1 glass jars with tightly fitting lids to class, have 1 -2 glass jars at home to recycle mineral spirits. The
jar that has “dirty” mineral spirits will settle and carefully poured into a clean jar in a few days.
Odorless mineral spirits
Liquin (optional but highly recommended) Used for glazing!
Drawing materials: Pencil crayons- browns, black, eraser