Sculpture 1


Sculpture 1

Mrs. DeBiase-Wheeler

2.5 credit/Half Year Course

Room 628

Course Description: The Sculpture course is the study and construction of three dimensional projects made from various materials. Students will investigate form and structure based on good design and problem solving techniques. There will be written quizzes, tests, and final exam.

Course Content: Students will learn additive, subtractive, assemblage and manipulative techniques throughout the course. While learning the technical aspects of the sculpture studio, students will also learn vocabulary, the elements & principles of design, proper studio care and safety, craftsmanship, how to critique and evaluate artwork, and how to keep a quality sketchbook. Students will have periodic quizzes and tests as well as a final exam. Students will also learn how sculpture can cross curricular lines into math, science, history and other academia.

Course Outline: Individuals will create items such as, but not limited to: Planar sculptures, clay sculptures, found objects sculptures and transformative sculptures. Students will have a sketchbook to keep class notes, project reflections and evaluations in. Some homework and research is necessary for some projects. A written final exam is mandatory for this course and worth part of your final grade. The course is designed to get progressively more challenging with each project. Information and skills learned during this course are sequential in nature.

Student Expectations: All students must have a sketchbook to work in, just like a notebook in any other class. You will be expected to arrive on time to class, and conduct yourself in an appropriate manner.

You will be expected to participate in every project and critique. You will be expected to keep your studio area clean and orderly. You should plan to be focused and pace yourself to finish all projects on time.

Grading Policies: are as follows: 10% sketch book/ homework

90% class room projects/ daily studio practices

Quizzes and tests will be factored in as a project grade.

Daily productivity and studio care will also be factored in as a project grade.

It is important to complete each assignment; classwork and homework. A project can take anywhere from 2 weeks to an entire quarter to complete so I usually have only a few grades to base your quarterly grade on. Everything we do will count! Pieces are considered complete when they are decorated and glazed, unfinished work and late work will receive a lower grade.

Attendance is important. Every third unexcused tardy is recorded as an absence. You are allowed 7 absences a quarter. Please make sure you bring in notes when you are out. You are responsible for finding out what you missed while you were absent! Please ask me or someone in class!!
