Art 20 student syllabus

Art 20
Ms. Griffin 2014
Email :
Welcome to Art20! I look forward to working with you this year!
Supply List:
The following supplies are required. Please bring them to every Art Class. Needs to be bought
by February 10th.
- Sketchbook
St. Andrews will provide your brushes and pencils as well as paint, paper, printmaking and
sculpture materials. More materials may be requested later in the semester for individual work.
If any school materials need to be taken home, there is a sign out sheet for students. Any
supplies ruined (in or out of class), or that does not come back, is to be replaced by the student.
Course Outline
Course Objective:
To foster enjoyment of an appreciation for the visual arts
To provide opportunities for visual expression in both two and three-dimensional media
To explore a variety of technique, media and approach through the creation and
appreciation of images.
To develop creative solutions through visual problem solving.
To improve understanding and better articulate visual meaning through art making,
speaking, and writing.
To develop a respect for individual differences and expression
Unit 1: Art Folders
Unit 2: Drawing: students will use various tools and media to learn the fundamentals of
Perspective drawings
- Still life drawings
- Gesture drawings
- Portraiture
- Model sessions
Unit 3
Painting: students will study the fundamentals of colour theory and learn basic painting
- Acrylic techniques
- Canvas painting
Unit 4
Sculpture: students will learn the fundamentals of three-dimensional form using various
- Figure sculpture
- Found item’s sculpture
Unit 5
Multimedia: students will learn and practice use and identification of the elements and
principles of design in this final unit.
- Elements and principles of design
- Mixed media collage’
- Altered Book
Art history will be studied throughout the year and will be interwoven with studio and
sketchbook projects.
Visual Journal: sketchbooks will have to be purchased outside of school and assignments,
objectives and deadlines will be provided. Please include all handouts and notes given out in
class in your sketchbook.
Student understanding of concepts covered in class will be assessed through group critiques,
self-evaluation, studio work and visual journal. There will be no written final.
In class projects will have set deadlines and will be evaluated in a timely manner. Students will
be given appropriate class time to complete assignments, although some personal time will be
expected for visual journal assignments.
Guidelines with objectives and criteria will be given with each project so students will
understand for marks are arrived at. Grading rubrics are used for each project. The rubrics will
target development and progress in the following areas: concept, technique, craftsmanship,
sketchbook, attitude, and cleanliness. Opportunity to re-do or re-work assignments will be
given when appropriate.
Studio Projects 80%
Visual Journal 20%
Student Expectations:
As high school students, it is your responsibility to be punctual to class and prepared to learn.
Each student should show a good attitude and respect for oneself, others, and materials and the
classroom. You are responsible for the clean-up of your area and materials. You are not allowed
to leave the art room without cleaning up your mess. Cell phones, tablets, and music devices are
to be put away during lessons and class discussions. Music devices are permitted during work
time only. Cell phones and tablets are to be used for research purposes only. If a cell
phone/tablet becomes a distraction to yourself and/or others it will be confiscated for the rest of
class. If it becomes a continual issue, the student will be banned from using the item in class. If
a student does not follow the guidelines and rules set, they will be removed from the class. By
following these expectations you will have the best art experience.
Student and Parent will sign this outline and return it on
the second day of class.
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Student Signature
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Parent Signature