Pedigree Practice #1 - Ms Kim`s Biology Class

NAME _________________________ DATE ____________ PER _________
Pedigree Practice #1
1. Place the genotypes of each individual below its symbol.
2. What is the genotype of individual #3 and 4?
3. Can either individual #8 or 9 be homozygous?
4. Explain the family relationship that #12 has with #2.
5. Label the genotype for each of the individuals below its symbol on the pedigree chart above.
6. Create a pedigree for the following family:
 Donald and Daisy are married with 2 sons and 3 daughters.
 One of their sons, Dewey, is married to Donna and they have one son, Danny.
 Dewey’s sister, Delia, is also married and has three daughters.
 Donald, Dewey, 2 of Dewey’s sister, (but not Delia), and Dewey’s son Danny are affected with
green beak disease.
7. How is this disease inherited? Dominant/Recessive
8. Create a pedigree for the following family:
 Aimee and Alexander are married and have one daughter, Allie.
 Allie is married and has four sons.
 One of Allie’s sons, Alan, is married and has one son and one daughter.
 Aimee, Alan, and one of Alan’s brothers are blue-eyed.
9. How is this disease inherited? Dominant/Recessive