here - Archif Menywod Cymru

Index 19992010
Compiled by Avril Rolph
September 2011
AMC/WAW Newsletter Index – 1999-2010
100 Welsh Heroes: Culturenet Cymru Project – need for more women to be included
2003 Oct
Aaron, Jane: speaker Valleys Women Writing WAW 2002 Conference, Aberdare 2002 Oct ;
Alleyne, Naomi, Director of SE Wales Race Equality Council: on panel at 1999 Conference
Aims 1999 April
Away-Day October 2008 2009 Jan see also AMC/WAW Plans/suggestions
Blog 2009 Jan
Bookmark 2007 Jan
Charitable status 2001 Apr / 2001 Oct
Collecting Policies 1999 July / 2000 Sept / 2006 Oct
Committee 2009 Jan /2009 March /2009 Sept /Dec 2009 /2010 Sept / 2010 Dec
Constitution (Rules) 2009 Jul
Dinner -Great Suffrage Dinner (1998) 1999 April
Directory of Members 2001 October / 2003 Feb / 2003 Jul / 2003 Oct
Donation of £500 2001 Apr
Donations of money encouraged 2009 July
Fundraising 2007 Jan / 2007 July / 2008 Jan / 2009 Sept
Gift Membership 2009 Dec
History 1999 April / 2006 March
Move to South Wales Miners Library & Emily Phipps Building 2009 Sept
North Wales Regional Network 2008 Jan / 2008 May / 2009 Jan
Plans/suggestions 2007 Jan / 2009 Sept see also AMC/WAW AwayDay
Progress 1999 July
Publicity 1999 July
Subscriptions 1999 July see also Gift Aid
Web site 1999 April / 2002 Oct / 2003 Feb /2004 Mar
AMC/WAW Collections: see Collections
AMC/WAW Roadshows: see Wales Women’s History Roadshows
Ancestral Voices: talk at Llandrindod Wells Roadshow by artist and film-maker Blue
2009 Jan
Andrews, Elizabeth: notice of talk given by Glenys Kinnock, MEP, IWD 2003 2003 Feb
Arandora Star: commemoration of 70th anniversary of sinking and unveiling of Welsh
Memorial 2010 Sept
Architecture: ‘Visible in Stone – women’s history through buildings, 1850-1950’, English
Heritage / TUC Library / Women’s Library Project 2010 Dec
Archive Menywod Cymru: see AMC /WAW
Feminist Archive: move 2008 Jan
Glamorgan Record Office: move 2009 Dec
Swansea University Archives: news 2009 Dec
Beddoe, Deirdre: speaker at 1999 Conference 1999 Apr; appeared on S4C Digital Wedi Cinio
1999 July ; article on Margaret Haig, Lady Rhondda published in New Welsh Review
1999 Jul ; talk and launch of Out of the Shadows : a history of women in 20th century Wales
at WAW Conference 2000 2000 Sept; launch of Changing Times IWD 2003 2003 February
/2003 July ; speaker Women’s History in Wales at Re-presenting the British Past
Conference 2004 2004 Sept ; speaker at joint Llafur / WAW Conference 2006 2006 Oct ;
talk on Betsy Cadwaladyr, Bangor Conference 2007 2008 Jan ; awarded Val Feld Award
2008 2009 Jan ; speaker at Remembering Ursula Masson Conference 2009 2009 Sept
Black Mountains: Mary Macnamara and 19th century boundary stones in Black Mountains
2008 Jan
Blog: AMC/WAW 2009 Jan
Blue plaques 2006 Mar / 2009 Dec
Bookmark: AMC/WAW 2007 Jan
Braude, Dawn: member of original working group, died December 2005 2006 March
Brunt, Angela: had Victorian Christmas stall to raise funds for WAW at WAW Conference,
Bangor 2007 2008 Jan ; had WAW fundraising stall + raffle at WAW Conference,
Aberystwyth 2008 2009 Jan see also Fundraising AMW/WAW
Buildings: ‘Visible in Stone – women’s history through buildings, 1850-1950’, English
Heritage / TUC Library / Women’s Library Project 2010 Dec
Cadwaladyr, Betsy: subject of talk by Deidre Beddoe, Bangor Conference 2007 2008 Jan
Ceramic Decoration in Britain 1870-1920: research project 2010 Sept
Changing Times: Welsh women writing 1950s & 60s: book launch 2003 Feb / 2003 July
Charles, Geoff: photographic collection housed at National Library of Wales 2010 Mar
Cold War Wales: information on study day to be held at University of Glamorgan 2009 Sept
Collections (AMC/WAW)
Collections deposited in Glamorgan Record Office, West Glamorgan Archives,
Carmarthen Record Office, National Library of Wales 2000 September
Equal Opportunities Commission, Wales: papers deposited in NLW 2001 Apr
Feld, Val: papers to be deposited in West Glamorgan Archives 2003 Jul
Honno Welsh Women’s Press: papers to be deposited in NLW (photo) 2009 Jan
James, Agnes Iris (nee Macdonald) (Geologist & Senior Mistress, Merthyr Grammar
School): deposited in Glamorgan Record Office 2008 July
Lewis, Margery (women’s peace movement of 1980s-90s): collection in Glamorgan
Record Office 2005 Sept
Llanelli YWCA (Carmarthen Record Office) 2009 March
Masson Ursula (Glamorgan Record Office) 2008 July
Masson Ursula (West Glamorgan Archives) 2010 Jul
Welsh Women’s Aid deposited in NLW 2006 Oct
Women for Life on Earth Collection in Glamorgan Record Office transferred to
AMC/WAW by Ann Pettitt, original depositor 2003 Oct
Conferences : AMC/WAW & Llafur joint conferences 2004: Re-Presenting the British Past: women, gender and history in the British Isles,
2006: Women, Wales & Politics in the 20th century, Pontypridd Museum 2006 May
2009: Honouring Ursula Masson, notice 2009 July / 2009 Sept
Conferences: AMC/WAW Conferences
1998, Swansea: account 1999 Apr
1999, Aberystwyth: advance notice 1999 Jul
2000 Merthyr: programme 2000 September
2001 Cardiff: programme 2001 October
2002 Aberdare: programme 2002 October
2003 Carmarthen 2003 July / 2003 October
2004 Swansea Museum 2005 Feb
2005 Aberystwyth 2005 May / 2005 Sept
2005 Aberystwyth: see also Women’s History Roadshows
2007 Bangor: account 2008 Jan
2008 Aberystwyth: 2008 Jul / 2009 Jan
2009 Cardiff 2009 July / 2009 Sept ; report 2009 Dec
2010 Suggestion of Broneiron for venue 2009 Dec
2010 Swansea: notice 2010 Mar / 2010 Jun / 2010 Sept ; accounts 2010 Dec
2011 venue in North Wales suggested 2010 Jun
Cranogwen aka Sarah Jane Rees (1839-1918): Entry in dictionary of 19th century journalists
Cwmdonkin Shelter, Swansea 2006 Oct
Cymryd Rhan! account of digitization project to include WAW papers held in Glamorgan
Dafydd, Fflur: winner of Daniel Owen Memorial Prize 2009 2009 Sept
Davies, Elizabeth: see Cadwaladyr, Betsy
Davies, Russell: speaker Saints, sinners and sirens: some aspects of the history of women in
Dinner: AMC/WAW Great Suffrage Dinner, October 1989 1999 April
Directory of Members: AMC/WAW 2001 October /2003 February / 2003 July / 2003 Oct
Edwards, Susan, Archivist Glamorgan Record Office: speaker on Archives System in Wales at
WAW Conference Swansea, 2004 2005 Feb
Elfyn, Menna, poet and Welsh language activist: part of panel at 1999 Conference 1999 Apr
Equal Opportunities Commission, Wales: deposit of papers to NLW 2001 Apr
Ethnomedia Project: herbal medicine project taking place throughout UK 2009 Jan
Evans, Jane (nurse in Crimea): information given at Bangor Conference 2007 2008 Jan
Evans, Margiad: reprint of The Wooden Doctor in Honno Classics Series 2005 May
Evans, Neil: speaker at Remembering Ursula Masson Conference 2009 2009 Sept
Exhibitions :
Action Women: the real story of the Women’s Institute, Newport Museum: notice
2007 Jan
AMC/WAW Roadshow Material from Llangefni exhibited in Anglesey Record Office
2009 Dec
Goddesses of Industry, Blue MacAskill, for Eisteddfod, 2006 Swansea 2006 Oct
History of the Women’s Institutes : British Library touring exhibition Mar 2006
Local Heroines: St Dogmaels History Group 2010 Jul
Menna Gallie: Exhibition at Mamwlad Conference, Trinity College, Carmarthen 2000
Prostitution: what’s going on? Exhibition at Women’s Library, London 2007 Jan
Putting the Record Straight (created as part of Roadshow project), Glynn Vivian Art
Gallery, Swansea 2010 Mar
Their Past, Your Future: Swansea Museum 2005 Sept
Welsh costume: Abergavenny Museum 2009 Mar
What Women Want: stories from the Women’s Library Women’s Library Exhibition
2005 Sept
Women Artists Exhibition (On Reflection): Glynn Vivian Art Gallery Swansea 2008 Jul
Feld, Val: on panel at 1999 Conference (than Director of EOC Wales) 1999 Apr;
information on memorial fund + lecture & dinner 2002 Oct ; papers donated to
AMC/WAW to be deposited in
West Glamorgan Archives 2003 July ; jazz evening in
memory of Val Feld – account 2005 Feb ; notice of 4th Val
Feld Memorial Lecture
2005 May / 2005 Sept ; Deirdre Beddoe awarded Val Feld Award 2008 2009 Jan
Feminist Archive: move of Feminist Archive (South) to Bristol University Archives proposed
2008 Jan
Ffrancon, Gwenno: speaker Rachel Thomas, Sian Phillips and on-screen image of the Welsh
Mam at WAW Conference, Aberystwyth 2008 2009 Jan
Freeman, Michael: speaker Traditional Welsh Costume at WAW Conference, Aberystwyth
2008 2009 Jan
Fundraising, AMC/WAW: 2007 July / 2008 Jan/ 2009 Sept : see also Brunt, Angela
Gallie, Menna: Collection deposited in NLW 2000 Sept ; Exhibition at Mamwlad
Conference 2000 Sept ; subject of Annual Conference 2005 (+ photo) 2005 May
Genesis Project: report on partners meeting at Women’s Library, London 2002 Oct
Gift Aid: information on 2003 Feb ; tax implications 2009 Mar
Glamorgan Archives: news of move into new building 2009 Dec
Glamorgan Family History Society Open Day: AMC/WAW to have stall 2005 Sept
Glamorgan Record Office: see Glamorgan Archives
Glamorgan, University of: Cold War Wales – study day information 2009 Sept
Goddesses of Industry Exhibition: account of project for Eisteddfod, Swansea & Gwaith
Cymru, Blue MacAskill 2006 Oct
Gomer, Rhiannon: with Sue Hamill & Justine Hankins, spoke about Roadshow Project at
WAW Conference, Bangor 2007 2008 Jan
Gramich, Katie: speaker at 1999 Conference 1999 Apr; organised Mamwlad Conference,
Trinity College Carmarthen 2000 Sept
Great Suffrage Dinner: (AMC/WAW 1st Annual Conference, 1998) 1999 April
Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp: website 2007 July : see also Women for
Life on Earth
Greenham, Women and Peace: theme of 4th Annual Conference, Cardiff 2001 2001 Oct
Gurden-Williams, Celyn: speaker Lady Llanover: mother and matriarch at WAW Conference,
Cardiff 2009 2009 Dec
Gwyn, Marian: speaker Sugar & Slavery: the Penrhyn Connection WAW Conference, Bangor
2007 2008 Jan
Gwyther, Sue (later Hamill, q.v.): helped organise Mamwlad Conference 2000 Sept ;
worked on development of collection funded by HLF Small Grants 2000 Sept
Hamill, Sue: with Rhiannon Gomer & Justine Hankins, spoke about Roadshow Project at
WAW Conference, Bangor 2007 2008 Jan
Hankins, Justine: with Sue Hamill & Rhiannon Gomer, spoke about Roadshow Project at
WAW Conference, Bangor 2007 2008 Jan
Hannam, June: speaker on Lucy Middleton and Labour politics in 1930s at Re-presenting the
British Past Conference 2004 2004 Sept; speaker, 2nd Ursula Masson Memorial Lecture
Writing to history: autobiographies of the first Labour women MPs 2010 Mar
Helluvagirl : BBC Radio Wales programme on women in Welsh History – announcement of
2nd series 2001 Oct
Herbal Medicine: Ethnomedia Project taking place throughout UK 2009 Jan
Heritage Lottery Fund: see HLF
Heroes, Welsh: search for by National Waterfront Museum, Swansea 2003 July
Herstoria (women’s history magazine): to publish an article about AMC / WAW 2010 Sept
HLF: proposal for research project being worked on 2001 Oct
HLF Major lottery bid: success 2007 July
HLF Small Grants: Application 1999 July ; Grant awarded 2000 Sept
Honno (Welsh Women’s Press): involved with AMC/WAW for 2003 IWD Event – account
2003 July ; news 2005 May ; Honno archives given to AMC/WAW for deposit in NLW
2009 Jan (+illus)
Howard, Sharon: speaker on women’s images in film and TV at Re-presenting the British Past
Conference 2004 2004 Sept
Hutt, Jane: Speaker at 4th Val Feld Memorial Lecture 2005 Sept
Idiom of Dissent: protest & propaganda ed T Robin Chapman published including chapters
from Ursula Masson & Avril Rolph 2006 May
Information requests received by AMC/WAW :
Unmarried mothers in 1930s 2004 Mar
Swansea women in World War II 2004 Sept
Opinions on Abortion Act 1967 40 years on 2007 Jan
Why women in Wales are under-represented in public roles 2010 Jun
International Women’s Day: Account of AMC/WAW / Honno event 2003 2003 Feb ; Events
2003 2003 Feb/2003 July; AMC/WAW involved in event in Cineworld Cardiff 2006 Mar
Ireland Women’s History Project 1999 April; Director Maria Luddy spoke at Re-presenting
the British Past Conference 2004 2004 Sept
Jackson, Dilys (sculptor): notice of monograph on her work 2003 Oct
James, Agnes Irene (Renee) (formerly Macdonald): collection of papers deposited in
Glamorgan Record Office 2008 July
James, Deborah: speaker at Re-presenting the British Past Conference 2004 2004 Sept
James, Sian MP: speaker at Remembering Ursula Masson Conference 2009 2009 Sept
Jazz Heritage Wales: changes name from Women in Jazz Swansea, moves to Swansea
Metropolitan University 2010 Mar ; see also Women in Jazz Swansea
John, Angela V: speaker on Margaret Wynn Nevison at Re-presenting the British Past
Conference 2004 2004 Sept ; speaker Place, Politics & History: the life and novels of Menna
Gallie at WAW Conference, 2005 Aberystwyth 2005 Sept: advance notice of her new book
on Evelyn Sharp 2009 Mar
Jones, Alice Gray (1952-1948): entry in Dictionary of 19th century Journalists 2009 July
Jones, Carol Byrne: speaker on author Allen Raine at WAW Conference, Aberystwyth 2008
2009 Jan
Jones, Elizabeth Mary Owen of Rhydlewis (1878-1953) a.k.a. Moelana: subject of talk by
Katie Gramich at 1999 Conference 1999 Apr
Jones, Noragh: speaker Women as memory keepers and memory makers at WAW
Conference, Aberystwyth 2008 2009 Jan
Jones, Rosemary: speaker Women and protest in 19th century Wales at WAW Conference,
Aberystwyth 2008 2009 Jan
Journalists: Sarah Jane Rees & Alice Gray Jones included in Dictionary of Nineteenth Century
Journalists 2009 July
Kinnock, Glenys: speaker at Val Feld Memorial Lecture 2002 2002 Oct ; notice of talk on
Elizabeth Andrews, Cardiff, IWD 2003, 2003 Feb
Kirkland Collection: papers of Jennie & Margaret Kirkland in Swansea 2004 Mar
Lamb, Susan: on panel at 2001 WAW Conference, Cardiff 2001 Oct
Land of Our Mothers: TV series on women in Welsh history, notice 2007 Jan
Lewis, Margery: collection in Glamorgan Record Office 2005 Sept
Libraries, Women’s: research into 2004 Sept
Llafur: Joint conferences with AMC / WAW - University of Glamorgan, April 2004 2004
March / 2004 September ; Annual Conference 2006: notice 2006 Oct ; ‘Honouring Ursula
Masson’,2009, 2009 July / 2009 Sept
Llanelli YWCA: collection deposited (Carmarthen Record Office) 2009 Mar
Local Heroines Exhibition: at St Dogmaels, near Cardigan 2010 Jul
Lock-Lewis, Rachel: speaker Maternity in Monmouthshire 1945-75 at WAW Conference,
Cardiff 2009 2009 Dec
Luddy, Maria: Director, Irish Women’s History Project: speaker at Re-presenting the British
Past Conference 2004 2004 Sept
MacAskill, Blue (artist and film-maker): Ancestral Voices, talk at Llandrindod Wells
Roadshow, November 2008 2009 Jan; : Goddesses of Industry Exhibition, Eisteddfod,
Swansea 2006 Oct
McDermid, Jane: speaker at Re-presenting the British Past Conference 2004 2004 Sept
Macnamara, Mary: connection with 19th century boundary stones in Black Mountains
2008 Jan
Mamwlad (Motherland) Conference, Trinity College Carmarthen 2000 Apr / 2000
Mary’s Stones: 19th century boundary stones in Black Mountains connected with Mary
MacNamara 2008 Jan
Masson, Ursula: forthcoming book Women’s Rights and Womanly Duties: the Aberdare
Women’s Liberation Association 1891-1910 2005 Feb ; death of in April 2008 (+ photo)
2008 May (plus supplement) ; papers deposited in Glamorgan Record Office, books
being sorted 2008 July ; books mainly deposited in South Wales Miners Library,
2009 Mar ; update to collection held in West Glamorgan Archives, Swansea
2010 Jul ; Second Ursula Masson Memorial Lecture – report 2010 Mar
Matters, Muriel 1977-1969: Australian suffrage activist who moved to London in 1905 and
toured Wales 2010 Sept
Membership : see AMC/WAW Membership
Mendus-Thomas, Annie: memories of voyage from Cardiff in 1893 on barque commanded
by her father, held in Swansea Museum 2010 Sept
Merched y Wawr: Prosject Hanes Llafar / Menywod yng Nghymru 1920-60 Apr 2001 /
Oct 2003
Mess up the Mess Theatre Project: work on women and the miner’s strike, AMC/WAW
involvement 2009 Dec; Strike, Streic film produced by them shown at AMC Conference,
Swansea 2010 2010 Dec
Miles, Elizabeth: hotelier who purchased Metropole Hotel (then Bridge Hotel) Llandrindod
Wells, 1897 2010 Sept
Minerva: the journal of Swansea History, welcomes articles about women 2005 Feb
Moelana: writing name of Elizabeth Mary Owen Jones of Rhydlewis (1878-1953) – subject of
talk by Katie Gramich at 1999 Conference 1999 Apr
Mollett, Joyce: publication of book on a Llanelli woman 2006 Mar ; Talk given at Llanelli
Roadshow Feb 08 2008 May
Morgan, Elaine: on panel at launch of Changing Times IWD 2003 2003 Jul
Morgan, Julie, MP: on panel at 1999 Conference 1999 Apr
Morgan, Sharon: work to celebrate her 60th birthday 2010 Jun
Motherland Conference: Trinity College Carmarthen, April 2000 - report 2000 Sept
National Assembly of Wales: female members invited to join 1999 July ; Gender balance
2003 July
National Museum, Cardiff: free lunchtime lectures to accompany Wales at Work exhibition
2005 Sept
National Waterfront Museum, Swansea: search for nation’s ‘heroes’ 2003 July ; Opens
October 2005 2005 Sept
Newsletter, AMC/WAW: members asked if they are willing to receive by email in future
2010 Mar
North Wales Regional Network of AMC/WAW 2008 Jan/2008 May/ 2009 Jan
Obituaries: Taylor, Anne Marie 2003 Oct
Braude, Dawn 2006 Mar
Masson, Ursula 2008 May + separate insert
Oral History Project: Prosject Hanes Llafar / Menywod yng Nghymru 1920-60 (Women in
Wales 1920-80) (Merched y Wawr) 2001 Apr / 2003 Oct
Osborn, Ruth: on panel at WAW Conference 2001, Cardiff 2001 Oct
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: new edition published September 2004 & contains
biographies of many Welsh women 2005 Feb
Parkin, Molly: on panel at launch of Changing Times IWD 2003 2003 July
People’s History Collection (later People’s Collection): proposals 2008 May ; Roadshow
images and audio clips to be added to People’s Collection 2010 Jul
Peris, Ceridwen aka Alice Gray Jones: entry in Dictionary of 19th century Journalists
2009 July
Permanent Waves: history and information 2003 Feb ; involved in IWD event, Cardiff, 2003
2003 Feb see also Women’s Arts Association
Pettitt, Ann: on panel at WAW Conference, Cardiff 2001 2001 Oct ; transfer of ownership of
Women for Life on Earth papers to AMC/WAW 2003 Oct
Phipps, Emily (1865-1943): short biography in connection with AMC/WAW moving files etc.
into Emily Phipps Building, Hendrefeolian Campus, Swansea University 2009 Sept
Preston, Catherine: speaker Welsh women: Poor Law Guardians at WAW Conference,
Cardiff 2009 2009 Dec
Prosject Hanes Llafar, Menywod yng Nghmru 1920-60, Merched y Wawr Project 2001 April
/ 2003 October
Rees, Dame Dorothy (1898-1987): blue plaque erected in Barry 2009 Dec
Rees, Sarah Jane (Cranogwen) (1839-1918): entry in Dictionary of 19th century Journalists
(+ photograph) 2009 July
Research: Nostalgia and Identity: hand-painted ceramic decoration in Britain 1870-1920
2010 Sept
Aaron, Jane & Masson, Ursula Eds The Very Salt of Life: Welsh women’s political writings
from Chartism to Suffrage reviewed by Angela V John 2008 Jul
Adie, Kate Corsets to camouflage: women and war 2004 Mar
Baker, Eileen Eileen – memories of a working class girl in depression and war 1919-1945,
reviewed by Robin Chapman 2007 Jan
Beddoe, Deirdre Ed Changing Times : Welsh women writing on the 1950s and 1960s
2003 Jul
Bruley, Sue The Women and Men of 1926: a gender and social history of the general
strike and miners’ lockout in South Wales reviewed
by Angela V John 2010 Sept
Francis, Mair Ed Up the DOVE: the history of the DOVE workshop in Banwen reviewed by
Jen Wilson 2009 Jul
Gass, Katrina – Working for peace in 20th century Wales reviewed by Ursula Masson
2006 Mar
Mackness, Sandra A Family Business reviewed by Rhiannon Packer 2007 Jul
Masson, Ursula For Women, for Wales and for Liberalism : women in Liberal politics in
Wales 1880-1914 reviewed by Helen Thomas 2010 Jul
Parry, Winnie Sioned Ed Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan & Kathryn Hughes; reviewed by Catrin
Stevens 2003 Oct
Pitman Liz Pigsties and Paradise: lady diarists and the tour of Wales 1795-1860
reviewed by Jenny Sabine 2009 Dec
Stevens, Catrin Santes Dwynen/ Saint Dwynwen reviewed by Sian Hopkin 2006 Mar
Wallace, Ryland The Women’s Suffrage Movement in Wales 1866-1928 reviewed by
Katrina Gass 2010 Mar
White, Carol & Williams, Sian Rhiannon Eds Struggle or Starve: stories of everyday
heroism between the wars (new edition) reviewed by Stephanie Ward 2010 Jul
Williams, Jane (Ysgafell) Ed The Autobiography of Elizabeth Davis, Betsy Cadwaladyr : a
Balaclava nurse (1857) , reviewed by Jane Aaron 2008 Jan
Rhondda, Lady (Margaret Haig Thomas): Report of article by Deirdre Beddoe in New Welsh
Review 1999 July
Richardson, Ruth Elizabeth: new book Mistress Blanche: Queen Elizabeth 1’s confidante
2008 Jan
Roadshows: see Wales Women’s History Roadshows
Roberts, Gwyneth Tyson: speaker at WAW 2000 Conference 2000 Sept ; new book on
women travellers forthcoming 2005 Feb; speaker Lady Llanover and her part in the
publication of Jane Williams (Ysgafell)’s pamphlet ‘Artegall’ at WAW Conference,
Cardiff 2009 2009 Dec
Rolph, Avril: with Jenny Sabine, appointed honorary Vice-President of AMC/WAW 2010 Dec
Roseneil, Professor Sasha: keynote speaker at 4th Annual Conference, Cardiff, 2001
2001 Oct
Sabine, Jenny: with Avril Rolph, appointed honorary Vice President of AMC/WAW 2010 Dec
Salisbury, Jane: on panel at launch of Changing Times IWD 2003 2003 Jul
Scadden, Rosemary: speaker Welsh women’s experiences in domestic service, WAW
Conference Cardiff 2009 2009 Dec
School History: resources for 2006 May ; women’s history not being taught in schools
2010 Dec
Sharp, Evelyn: notice of new book by Angela V John 2009 Mar
Sibley, Emily & John: research into family history by Canadian family at Glamorgan Record
Office 2009 Mar
Stevens, Catrin: Director of Merched y Wawr Oral History Project 2001 April ; speaker
Menywod yng Nghmru 1920-60, WAW Conference 2003, Carmarthen Jul 2003/ Oct
2003; speaker on Merched y Wawr Oral History Project, WAW Conference, Bangor 2007
2008 Jan
Stoughton-Harris, Clare: speaker on textile conservation at WAW Conference, 2004 Swansea
2005 Feb
Strike, Streic: film produces by Mess up the Mess Theatre Group shown at WAW
Conference, Swansea 2010 2010 Dec
Suffragette Doll (i.e. anti-suffrage doll): account of ‘rescue’ by Paulette Pelosi and Jenny
Sabine (+ photo) 2007 Jul ; second anti-suffrage doll on temporary display in National
Waterfront Museum, Swansea 2010 Mar
Swansea Women’s History Group: films made by Ursula Masson, Jen Wilson & Gail Allen
shown at Remembering Ursula Masson Conference 2009 2009 Sept
Swansea University Archives: news 2009 Dec
Tanner, Duncan: speaker on women’s history and oral history at WAW Conference, Bangor
2007 2008 Jan
Taylor, Anne Marie : death of 2003 Oct
Thomas, Margaret Haig (Lady Rhondda): report of article by Deirdre Beddoe in New Welsh
Review 1999 July
Thompson, Steve: speaker Politics of women’s health in industrial South Wales at WAW
Conference, Cardiff 2009 2009 Dec
Toasts: given at Great Suffrage Dinner, 31.10.98 1999 April
Tonge, Olivia Frances: watercolour painter born in Wales in 1858, information on greeting
card 2010 Jun
Vice-Presidents: Jenny Sabine and Avril Rolph appointed honorary Vice Presidents
2010 Dec
Visible in Stone – women’s history through buildings, 1850-1950’ : English Heritage /
TUC Library / Women’s Library Project 2010 Dec
Wales Women’s History Roadshows:
Gorseinon, Swansea 2004 Mar / 2004 Sept
Swansea Museum 2005 Feb
Lesbian History Roadshow 2007, notice 2007 Jan
Wales Women’s History Roadshows: HLF funded project
successful application 2007 Jan ; team begin work 2008 Jan ; progress reports 2008
Jul / 2009 Jan ; exhibition in Anglesey Record Office 2009 Dec ; images and audio to
be put on The People’s Collection 2010 Jul ; update (Final Report sent out) 2010 Jul
Wales Women’s History Roadshows: HLF funded project – reports of Roadshows
Launch, Cardiff Bay: report 2008 May ; Llanelli Roadshow, a visitor’s impression 2008
May ; Llanelli, Monmouth, Dolgellau and Swansea Waterfront Museum Roadshows:
report 2008 May ; Newport & Caernarfon Roadshows: report 2008 July ;
Haverfordwest, Aberystwyth, Llandrindod Wells, Carmarthen Roadshows: report
2009 Jan ; Mold Roadshow: report 2009 Mar ; Wrexham and Merthyr Roadshows:
report 2009 Jul
Wales Women’s National Coalition: information 2005 May
Wallace, Ryland: speaker at joint Llafur / WAW Conference 2006 2006 Oct
Web site: AMC/WAW 1999 Apr / 2002 Oct / 2003 Feb / 2004 Mar
Web site: Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp 2007 Jul
Webster, Wendy: speaker on women’s images in film and TV at Re-presenting the British
Past Conference 2004 2004 Sept
Welsh Assembly: see National Assembly of Wales
Welsh Costume Exhibition at Abergavenny Museum 2009 Mar
Welsh Heritage Schools Initiative 2009 Jan / 2009 Jul / 2010 Mar
Welsh Women’s Aid Collection: deposited in NLW 2006 Oct
West of England and South Wales Women’s History Network: see Women’s History
West Wales Museum of Childhood, Carmarthenshire : account of visit 2006 May
Wiliam, Annest: gave readings from works of Menna Gallie at WAW Conference, 2005
Aberystwyth 2005 Sept ; reading from Menna Gallie’s You’re welcome to Ulster at
WAW Conference, Swansea 2010 2010 Dec
Williams, Grace (1906-1977) (composer): blue plaque erected and events organised to
celebrate centenary of birth of Barry composer (+ photo) 2006 Mar
Williams, Margaret Lindsay (1888-1960) (artist): blue plaque erected in Barry 2009 Dec
Williams, Sian Rhiannon: speaker at Re-presenting the British Past Conference 2004
2004 Sept
Wilson, Jen: provided music at Great Suffrage Dinner, October 1998 1999 Apr ; speaker at
Remembering Ursula Masson Collection 2009 2009 Sept ; musical presentation at WAW
Conference dinner, Swansea 2010 2010 Sept
Women for Life on Earth Collection: in GRO, ownership transferred to AMC/WAW by
original depositor Ann Pettit 2003 Oct
Women Heroes: suggestions for National Waterfront Museum, Swansea 2003 Jul ;
suggestions for more names for Culturenet Cymru’s ‘100 Welsh Heroes’ project
2003 Oct
Women in Jazz Swansea: news 2005 Feb / 2006 May ; news, including change of name to
Jazz Heritage Wales 2010 Mar
Women in Wales: notice of exhibition and events to be held in National Museum, Cardiff
2001 Oct
Women in Wales 1920-80: see Merched y Wawr: Prosject Hanes Llafar / Menywod yng
Nghymru 1920-60
Women of the Year Lunch, London, 2006: Deirdre Beddoe & Ursula Masson invited to
attend 2007 Jan
Women’s Archive of Wales: see AMC / WAW
Women’s Arts Association (formerly Permanent Waves): new address 2004 Mar
Women’s History Network (South West & South Wales): information on 1999 July ; Study
Day at University of Glamorgan 2001 Apr; call for papers for 2005 conference 2005 Feb;
information on 2005 Conference 2005 May
Women’s History Project, Irish 1999 April
Women’s History: Sources – planned database 2004 Mar
Women’s Hour: discussion on women’s history in schools 2010 Dec
Women’s Institute Archives: account of training event 2007 Jul
Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom: Wales, history 2005 Feb
Women’s Liberation Movement: account of Cardiff workshop 2009 Jul
Women’s Liberation Movement: research project 2009 Mar
Women’s Liberation Music Archive: request for input 2010 Dec
Women’s Libraries: research project 2004 Sep
Women’s Library, London: Prostitution: what’s going on? Exhibition 2007 Jan ; The History
of the Women’s Institutes touring exhibition 2006 Mar ; What Women Want: stories
from the Women’s Library exhibition 2005 Sept
Young Women’s Christian Association see YWCA
YWCA Llanelli collection deposited (Carmarthen Record Office) 2009 Mar
Introduction to the first AMC / WAW Newsletter, edited by Avril Rolph, April 1999
AMC/WAW Newsletter - Author Index
Allen, Gail A People’s History Collection 2008 May
Allen, Gail An Honour for our President 2009 Jan
Beddoe, Deirdre A Tale of Two Dolls 2010 Mar
Beddoe, Deirdre Archive wins major heritage Lottery Fund award 2007 Jul
Beddoe, Deirdre The Sinking of the Arandora Star, 1940 2010 Sept
Bernays, Lara Julia Remembered remedies – an ancient art, a modern science : preserving
our oral knowledge for the future 2009 Jan
Betts, Juliet Llanelli Roadshow – February 22nd 2008: a visitor’s impression 2008 May
Bowyer, Sue Report of 2009 Conference 2009 Dec
Brunt, Angela M Fund-raise for the Archive? Free stock available 2009 Sept
Edwards, Susan Muriel Matters, 1977-1969 2010 Oct
Edwards, Susan We’re closing in : targeting benefit fraudsters 1901 style 2009 Mar
Gass, Katrina An Historic and successful conference, Bangor, November 2007 2008 Jan
Gass, Katrina The Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom in Wales 2005 Feb
Gomer, Rhiannon Caernarfon Roadshow 2008 Jul
Gomer, Rhiannon Roadshow at Mold 2009 Mar
Gomer, Rhiannon Women’s Archive Exhibition 2009 Dec
Green, Frankie Were you involved in music? (Women’s Liberation Movement Music Archive)
2010 Dec
Griffiths, Miriam Mary’s Stones 2008 Jan
Hamill, Sue Exciting new deposit 2009 Mar
Hamill, Sue Roadshow on the road to success 2008 May
Hamill, Sue Roadshow team ready to go mobile 2008 Jan
Hamill, Sue Roadshow update 2009 Jan
Hamill, Sue Sue’s Roadshow Diary 2008 Jul
Hankins, Justine Newport Roadshow 2008 Jul
Hankins, Justine Our next Roadshow 2009 Mar
Hankins, Justine The Final Roadshows 2009 Jul
John, Angela V Mess up the Mess Theatre Project 2009 Dec
Jones, Elin Welsh Costume...the truth behind the myth 2009 Mar
Law, Cheryl ‘Visible in Stone’ – women’s history through buildings, 1850-1950
(English Heritage / TUC Library / Women’s Library Project) 2010 Dec
Law, Cheryl Donations to the Archive : financial and otherwise 2009 Jul
Law, Cheryl Two Welsh women journalists 2009 Jul
Lock-Lewis, Rachel Report on 2009 Conference 2009 Dec
MacAskill, Blue Goddesses of Industry and the Women’s Archive Collide 2006 Oct
MacGregor Mary Remembering Ursula (account of joint AMC/Llafur Conference) 2009 Sept
Masson, Ursula The Feminist Archive: endings and beginnings 2008 Jan
Meredith, Luned Annual Conference 11-12 October 2008 - report 2009 Jan
Pelosi, Paulette Ancestral voices are clearly audible! 2009 Jan
Pelosi, Paulette Places to to see! 2006 May
Pelosi, Paulette Suffragette doll 2007 Sept
Reeves, Rosanne Annual Conference 11-12 October 2008 2009 Jan
Richards, Lyn Impressions of the (2010) Conference 2010 Dec
Roberts, Gwyneth Tyson Report on 2009 Conference 2009 Dec
Roberts, Gwyneth Tyson Re-Presenting the British Past: Women, Gender & History in the
British Isles (conference) – report 2004 Sept
Rolph, Avril A Short history of AMC/WAW 2006 Mar
Rolph, Avril AMC/WAW at the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea 2010 Mar
Rolph, Avril An Interesting collection 2008 Jul
Rolph, Avril Catch this – new Greenham website 2007 Jul
Rolph, Avril Do you want to be more involved in the archive? Some ideas to think about
2009 Mar
Rolph, Avril Emily Phipps (1885-1943) 2009 Sept
Rolph, Avril New! AMC/WAW BLOG – tell us what you think 2009 Jan
Rolph, Avril Still Sisters – Wales’ Women’s Liberation Movement Workshop 2009 Jul
Rolph, Avril The Archive Collections – Margery Lewis Collection 2005 Sept
Rolph, Avril Update to the AMC/WAW Ursula Masson Collection in West Glamorgan
Archives, Swansea 2010 Jul
Rolph, Avril Women’s Liberation Movement Research Project 2009 Mar
Rolph, Avril YOU can help the archive in fundraising 2008 Jan
Sabine, Jenny A Happy New Year to all! (report of Away-day) 2009 Jan
Sabine, Jenny Introducing our bookmark 2007 Jan
Sabine, Jenny Report of Motherland / Mamwlad Conference 2000 Sept
Sabine, Jenny Report of the Genesis Project Partners’ Meeting 2002 Oct
Sabine, Jenny School History 2006 May
Sabine, Jenny Suffragette doll 2007 Jul
Sabine, Jenny The Kirkland Collections 2004 Mar
Sabine, Jenny WI Archives 2007 Jul
Sabine, Jenny Welsh Heritage Schools Initiative 2009 Jan / 2009 Jul / 2010 Mar
Sabine, Jenny A Cautionary tale 2009 Mar
Sabine, Jenny This year’s AGM 2009 Jan
Sabine, Jenny Women’s History – how much is it taught in our schools? 2010 Dec
Saywell, Celia Impressions of the (2010) Conference 2010 Dec
Stevens, Catrin Fleur Dafydd, winner of the Daniel Owen Memorial Prize 2009 2009 Sept
Stevens, Catrin Oral History Project : Women in Wales 1920-80 2001 Apr / 2003 Oct
Stevens, Catrin The Geoff Charles Photograph Collection 2010 Jun
Talbot, Kathy Nostalgia and Identity: hand-painted ceramic decoration in Britain 1870-1920
(account of her research) 2010 Sept
Thomas, Helen Joint Llafur AMC/WAW Conference, Honouring Ursula Masson – advance
notice 2009 July
Thomas, Helen The Second Ursula Masson Memorial Lecture – report 2010 Mar
Thomas, Susan Cmdonkin Shelter, Swansea 2006 Oct
Tyler, Alyson Women’s Libraries 2004 Sept
Williams, Annie Report from North Wales 2008 May
Wilson, Jen New Name and home for Women in Jazz 2010 Mar
Wilson, Jen News from Women in Jazz 2006 May
Withers, Deborah Were you involved in music? (Women’s Liberation Movement Music
Archive) 2010 Dec