Byron Benter’s QLPs note: I already had these lessons in existence, but modified them to fit what I learned from our various guest teachers. Learner Centered Instruction / Constructivism STAGE 1 – DESIRED RESULTS Liking What You See: A Documentary__[Day 1]_ Established Goals: Reading of two pre-assigned articles on the internet concerning contemporary ideals of body image. (students are asked to read the article that is the opposite of their gender, and the third article) Understandings: Students will understand that… - CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.11-12.7 -Both sides of the issue of body image in the media, and the reason for each Essential Questions: -What is the effect of media advertising on the individual? -Why does advertising have this effect on the individual? -How can education change the way that bodies are represented in the media? Students will know: -the basic issues surrounding body image in the media Students will be able to: -hold a conversation about the basic issues of body image in the media STAGE 2 – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Performance Tasks: -hold an effective group conversation about the articles Other Evidence: -the students will produce and present their findings in small groups to the class Key Criteria: The main purpose of the day’s activities is to introduce them to the contemporary issue of body image in the media. Discussion should also be held on viewpoint and perspective. STAGE 3 – LEARNING PLAN Summary of Learning Activities: Ponder: “You are an advertising executive, and you have the choice of one of two images to put in your ad campaign. The first contains people who are considered to be attractive by your target audience. The second contains people who are of the average body type for your target audience. Which image do you choose to use in your campaign? Why?” During discussion of this, ask students to provide honest answers and give thoughtful reasons for their answers. The purpose of this discussion is to cause the students to sympathize with the motivations of the advertising industry. [15-20] Small Group Discussion [discussion of reading]: Ask the students to divide into groups of two boys and two girls. Then ask the students to share with the other gender to topic of the article they read, and the key points. Also ask students to discuss these issues with their peers. During this time, I will walk around in order to interject and evaluate conversation.[10] Class Discussion [class discussion of reading]: Bring the class back and ask groups to share with the class what they discussed. Encourage conversation within the class. After this, highlight specific parts of the articles that are important to the student’s understanding of the current event issue.[10-15] Lecture [broader discussion of the articles that were read]: Talk to students about the various ways that the media represents body image, and the reasons that it does so. In the midst of this discussion, use this video: [a video detailing the evolution of a model from beginning to end]. Let this lecture turn into a class discussion if it lends itself toward the interest of the students. [20-25] Conclusion: Summarize the conclusions of the articles that were read for the day. Also be sure to reference students back to the Ponder question so that they can understand the reason why these advertisements are created. Remind students to read the first half of Liking What You See: A Documentary by Ted Chiang for the next class [10]