Thank you to the 82 patients who took the time to

Thank you to the 73 patients who took the time to
complete our Patient Survey in January 2014.
We were pleased that on average these patients were
‘Very or Fairly Satisfied’ with the service they receive,
and that 79% would definitely recommend us to others.
The fully analysis and report of the survey is available now
- look for the green ringbinder file in the waiting room
- which includes a copy of this display .
It is also on our website
Please ask if you would like a copy of the information.
We received many positive and a few negative comments and have
discussed them within our team and also with our Patient Group in order to
identify where we could review and improve our service.
A selection of issues were raised about things that could be improved, and
we would like to make the following responses:
You said……
Our response…..
“Booking an appointment
can be a pain as it can be up
to 2 weeks wait for an
We recognize that sometimes it is not possible to offer you a routine appointment
within a few days with the GP of your choice. We monitor availability of
appointments and will take action if there are no routine GP appointments within
one working week.
However, when one of our GPs is on holiday or taking study leave, the waiting
times do increase for them. This is particularly noticeable for our GPs who work
part-time and therefore offer less appointments than their full-time colleagues.
“Need to send confirmation
that a repeat prescription
(request) has been received”
Whenever a patient contacts us because they feel that they need urgent medical
care (i.e. something that cannot wait for a routine appointment), we do offer them
our ‘sit and wait’ clinic at the end of the morning surgery, or an opportunity to talk to
the Duty Doctor later in the day. In this way, we hope to create the right balance
between helping patients with medically urgent problems receive appropriate
treatment, and encouraging continuity of care by patients seeing their usual GP
where possible.
We have recently introduced a new online system for ordering repeat medications,
and booking (and cancelling) routine GP appointments.
Please ask at reception for your Patient Access Registration details so you can set
up your own account – this will enable you to view your current repeat items,
request them and track progress – which we feel is a better system that just
sending a confirmation email when we receive the request!
We aim to be a friendly welcoming practice but we don’t always get it right so please tell us how we can continue to improve by contacting
the practice manager Chris Wilkinson on or telephoning the main practice number and selecting Option 4 (where you
can leave a message for her if it’s not one of her working days).
You said……
Our response…..
“Quite often I have an
hour wait for my
We are aware that sometimes our patients do have to wait well past their appointment times to
be seen. Whilst we can apologise for these, it may be helpful to explain that there a variety of
reasons why doctors and nurses may not run to time with their surgeries:
Some patients have serious conditions which require urgent referral or liaison with hospital
services – this can take much longer than the allotted 10 minutes!
The GPs receive telephone calls from other healthcare professionals regarding patient care –
these interrupt surgeries and cause delays to patients in the waiting room.
Doctors do get called out to medical emergencies at patient’s homes, so the travelling time
added to the requirements for medical help when there, can add up to hours!
We ask our receptionists to inform patients if there is a long wait, and provide reassurance that
the patient has not been forgotten. However we do ask that you do not leave the premises
as the waiting situation can change quite quickly (e.g. if other patients do not arrive for their
appointments) and we would not want you to miss your turn!
We do build ‘catch up’ time into our appointment schedules in order to minimize the delays, but
do appreciate that this are not always enough to keep everyone to time.
The services that our nursing team offer are more predictable in terms of time required for
each patient e.g. for blood test, dressing or travel vaccination. Hence, our nurses generally
run to time although they are often asked to fit in ‘extra’ patients who need to be seen on the
day, which can also cause delays.
You can help us:
“The politics of the
NHS are not so good”
If you think you will need more than a standard 10 minute appointment, please book a
double appointment to allow more time for your consultation.
 If you have waited more than 30 minutes past your booked time, please check with
reception about estimate delays.
Cogges Surgery is a GP partnership that holds a contract with NHS England for the provision
of primary care services. Whilst we strive to offer excellent services for patients within limited
resources, we are also required to follow national and local processes for hospital referral,
health screening and monitoring patients with certain chronic conditions.
Thank you for all the positive comments written in this year’s survey:
 Doctors GREAT.
 Everyone always very helpful, polite and pleasant.
 She has explained everything brilliantly. Excellent care. Cannot praise enough.
 As an older patient have always had good service.
 Excellent and polite helpful staff.
 Good doctors and friendly staff.
 The appointment system works well, particularly if you need children to be seen.
 Doctor has shown fantastic care and attention.
 The care here at Cogges is very satisfactory, glad these people are my doctors
and nurses.