Standard Two: Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content and learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes identified in the ISTE-S. Name of Artifact: Word Skill Builder: Volcano Activity Rubric Date: October 2015 Course: EDUC 201: Technology in Education Brief Description: For this assignment, I created a word document as part of word skill builder activity that provides students with activity directions and selfassessment criteria. This activity representation will guide student learning and encourage collaboration and creativity. Rationale: To demonstrate my understanding of Standard Two: Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments, I have chosen to include my Word Skill Builder Volcano Activity Rubric. This assignment exhibits my mastery of using creativity to develop enriched activities by enabling students to manage their own learning and assess their own progress. By creating this document, I am able to better understand the necessity to customize and personalize learning activities to address multiple teaching strategies and abilities using digital tools and resources. Volcano Activity Learning Groups For this activity you will work in a group of up to four students. Each group will create a poster showing the parts of a volcano. When you have completed all of the steps below, use the attached rubric to self-assess your group’s work. Volcano Vocabulary Words Magma Vent Base Crater Ash Flank Conduit Lava Summit 1. Use Encarta or the Internet to discover what each of your volcano vocabulary words means and where on a volcano it is located. 2. Using a sheet of poster board and class art supplies, draw a volcano and clearly label each part. You may also use any art materials to add interest to your poster. 3. Word process a one page report using your volcano vocabulary that explains what happens when a volcano erupts. 4. Turn in your research, poster, and report at the Science Center when you are finished. Volcano Activity Rubric Grading Dimension Needs Improvement Below Average Average Above Average Excellent Research Little effort made to research topic inaccurate findings Some effort made to find and use accurate data Adequate effort made for researchin g the topic Accuracy Poster and report do not correctly reflect basic facts Poster and report have some factual inaccuracie s Poster and report correctly represent basic facts Complete Elements of report and poster missing Occasional omissions from report and/or poster Report and poster completed as required Excellent research with all data accurate and complete Basic and extended facts includes with complete accuracy as to detail Report and poster include extended information Presentation Poor, difficult to read poster and/or report, elements missing Somewhat difficult to read poster and report mostly correct Acceptable presentatio n on poster and report Good effort made to research and find accurate data All items in poster and report accurate with additional information provided Report and poster include some information beyond requirement Poster and report are clear and correct with some extras Clear, correct poster and report with extra elements