Georgia Regions Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan # 5
Teacher Ed. Candidate: Meagan Ingram
UWG Supervisor: Alice Lee Remler
Block #2
Supervising Teacher: Mrs. Copeland
Newnan Crossing Elementary
Date of Implemented Lesson Plan: October 25, 2012
Subject: Social Studies
Standards & Elements
Grade Level: 2nd
SS2G1 The student will locate major topographical features of
Georgia and will describe how these features define Georgia’s
– a. Locate all the geographic regions of Georgia: Blue
Ridge Mountains, Piedmont, Coastal Plain, Valley and
Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau
Essential Question
What are the regions of Georgia and where are they located?
Assessment/Evaluation The students will label the five regions of Georgia. The teacher will
(Describe the
evaluate the students according to a checklist.
evaluation as it relates
to the elements.)
 Checklist
-Student correctly labeled all 5 regions on the Map
-Students correctly labeled all 4 regions on the Map
--Student correctly labeled all 3 regions on the Map
-Students correctly labeled all 2 regions on the Map
-Students correctly labeled all 1 region on the Map
-The student is unable to label the regions of Georgia.
W H E R E method for Lesson Plan Development:
Acceleration & Previewing
Key Vocabulary
To activate prior knowledge the teacher will ask students if they
know about the five regions in Georgia.
(This can be done the day
before or at the beginning of
the lesson/combined with
the Activating Strategy)
The vocabulary words for this lesson are the Appalachian
plateau, valley and ridge, blue ridge mountains, piedmont, and
coastal plain.
The teacher will then move on into the hook which is asking the
students who would like to go on an in class field trip.
Activating Strategy
(Standard/EQ – What do the
students need to know by the
end of the lesson or unit?
Hook – engage all students
& tie to previous learning.)
Hook: The teacher will ask, who would like to go on an in class
road trip?
The teacher will present the Standard: SS2G1 The student
will locate major topographical features of Georgia and
will describe how these features define Georgia’s surface.
– a. Locate all the geographic regions of Georgia:
Blue Ridge Mountains, Piedmont, Coastal Plain,
Valley and Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau
The teacher will present the essential question: “What are the
regions of Georgia and where are they located?
Teaching Strategies
(Describe the activities
planned and the anticipated
actions of the students.)
Include differentiation
The teacher will start off by asking students who would like to
take an in class road trip. The students will then give their
responses. The teacher will then explain to students that they will
be taking a road trip around Georgia to visit the different
regions. The teacher will then explore the five regions by showing
the students a picture of each along with the name, where it is
located, and the animals that are located in it. The teacher will
then do a quick review of the different regions. The students will
then go to the back page in their booklet to do their assessment,
which is where they will label each region in Georgia.
For visual learners there will be pictures and visual aids within
the power point to show these students.
For auditory learners the teacher will verbally describe the
For hands on learners they will actually be able to write down the
information on the regions to gain a higher understanding.
For lower level learners, I would fill out part of their book which
would leave them with less to fill out.
For higher level learners, I would have more for these students to
fill out about the n.
Extending & Refining
(Activity that guides
students to rethink or think
beyond the learned skill –
may be incorporated AFTER
Those students who are able to complete the evaluation before the
rest of the class will then write one sentence on their favorite
region of Georgia and why.
The booklets that the students will get will have five pages for the
regions along with a map for the students to label the five regions
(Reflects evidence of student for their evaluation.
learning – evaluation –
Guided by the essential
question – All students
1. Describe the any additional adaptations/modifications planned for exceptional
students (EIP, Inclusion, Gifted, ESOL, RTI, students who have yet to be identified
with learning/behavioral disabilities, etc.)
2. Agenda: (see document titled “The Lesson Agenda”.
3. Reflection: (to be completed following the teaching of the lesson)
Lesson Agenda
• Read the Standards and Essential
• Buckle Up and Head on Our Way!!
• Travel to different destinations and
learn about them
• Head back to school and take a
• Follow Up with Standards and
Essential Question
SS2G1 The student will locate
major topographical features of
Georgia and will describe how
these features define Georgia’s
– a. Locate all the geographic
regions of Georgia: Blue Ridge
Mountains, Piedmont, Coastal
Plain, Valley and Ridge, and
Appalachian Plateau
Essential Question:
• What are the regions of Georgia
and where are they located?