Tuesday, April 1, 2014
The meeting of the Keokuk County Agricultural Extension Council was held on the 4th day of March, 2014, at
6:00 p.m. at the Extension Office in Sigourney, Iowa.
Janis Collins, chairperson, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following council members present:
Mike Bensmiller, Janis Collins, Kay Witte, Brian Kitzman, Regina Leer The following council members
absent: Shirley Holm, Gail Weber, Doug Webster, Scott Swanson Others present were: Gene Mohling,
Michele Sieren, Katrinna Bain
Motion by Mike Bensmiller to approve the March 4 minutes. 2nd by Kay Witte. Carried unanimously.
Approval of March Financial Statements & Vouchers
Motion by Regina Leer to approve checks 9753-9776 plus the EFT’s. 2nd by Kay Witte. Carried unanimously.
Motion by Brian Kitzman to accept the Operating Checking account balance of $153,002.90 and the savings
account balance of $21,535.91 as of March 31, 2014. 2nd by Mike Bensmiller. Carried unanimously.
Council will approach Expo Board and offer to provide for overhead proximas for the conference room. Now
is the time review facility and equipment needs; please share needs with Katrinna Bain.
Lock In Update- huge success, 86 youth attended, the non 4-H members will be contacted and invited to join a
CYC Regional Meeting hosted March 31. Alliant Energy Grant for $1000 for the STEM joint effort was
awarded. Plus Keokuk County received $1000 for the summer county camps.
Mailing Address-confusion on mailing address exists (question of whether it is 22400 or 400) we will continue
to investigate.
Drop Box-the drop needs to be secure for storage of applications/materials and keys for deposit when the office
is closed, plus add a mailbox for volunteer and parent pick up for project materials etc.
Seeking nominees for the 4-H Hall of Fame, contact Michele Sieren if you have potential nominees.
Ricochet Training will be provided to county staff in the next few weeks. (character building curriculum)
Junior Camp – deadline is May 1; Michele will offer $25 support per person to attend the state 4-H center to
help lower registration fees.
Swine Weigh-In: To be held this Saturday, April 5; concern expressed over PEDv.
FSQA Training In Washington Co. on March 29 hosted 150 youth from the region and surrounding counties.
The next FSQA session is in Johnson Co. on April 7.
Trophy Sponsorships- are coming in and the return response for support is good.
Update of Fair Book & Expo Changes
New Purebred Swine Class
Beginning weight may be no more than 90 lbs.
One Purebred Market Class. Barrows and gilts will show together.
Purebred pigs can show in a pen of 3 class and purebred class, but not as individual Market of Breeding Gilt
Purebred Gilts are only allowed to show once individually, either as a Breeding Gilt or a Purebred Market Hog.
Purebred registration will have to be brought in at the Expo weigh-in. All information will have to match.
Horse & Pony
Halter – Remove “Each animal may be exhibited in one halter class (16.1-16.8)”
Halter - Change “Color Breed Exhibits showing in 16.15 may also show in other age appropriate halter classes”.
Performance - Add English Pleasure Class after Cart Class and before Ranch Horse Class.
Performance- English Pleasure Rule, “Exhibitor must wear appropriate English attire, boots, and ASTM/SEI
helmet. Jackets may be optional per discretion of judge and/or superintendent.
Timed Events- Remove “Exhibitors may show in each game class one time” Add “Exhibitors may show up to
two horses in a timed event”.
General Livestock Rules Change rule #5 to allow the use of tail extensions in horses.
Sheep Add 2 hair classes. One for breeding and one for market.
Brian Kitzman moved to approve the fairbook and guideline changes. 2nd by Mike Bensmiller
Membership Update- to date the membership is up 4% over last year and we are aware that the membership will
continue to grow
Regina Leer moved to approve Katrinna’s attendance at the 2014 Iowa Employment Conference. 2nd by Kay
Witte. Carried unanimously
Katrinna reported on staff work (Morgan and Katrinna) including PPAT, trophies spread sheet and tracking
payments, fruit sales, Office Professional Conference in Ames, FSQA training, Fair Book changes, File Maker
Pro updates for county fair, supporting 4-H events, OA staff training.
May Meeting, if needed the meeting will be by teleconference.
Motion by Mike Bensmiller to adjourn. 2nd by Brian Kitzman. Carried unanimously. Adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Kay Witte, Secretary