LIU Post Sustainability Courses

Sustainability is a Primary Focus of these Fall 2011 – Spring 2014 Courses:
BIO 2L - Foundations of Biology II Lab
An introduction to biodiversity and the basic evolutionary and ecological principles
underlying the ways in which populations, communities, and ecosystems function. Topics
such as population growth, natural selection, animal behavior, and food webs will be
covered. Undergraduate.
BIO 104L - General Biology Lab
This course introduces patterns and processes of organisms and groups of organisms with
emphasis on their origin, evolution, and the relationships among them and their
environments. Topics include evolution, population genetics, systematics, animal
behavior and ecology. Undergraduate.
BIO 271 - Marine Biology
This course introduces life in marine waters. Topics include physical biological
properties of marine waters, identification and characteristics of major groups of marine
plants and animals, adaptive modifications to marine environments and the special nature
and diversity of marine ecosystems. Field and laboratory work emphasizes methods of
collecting, sampling, and analyzing marine organisms. Undergraduate.
BIO 290 - Concepts in Conservation Biology
Different faculty members will cover different topics in fields related to ecology and/or
evolution in various semesters in lecture or seminar format. The specific topic will be
announced in advance and the student may take the course only once. Undergraduate.
BIO 537 - Fisheries Biology and Aquaculture
This course is two hours of lecture and collateral readings. This course explores the
commercial and biological aspects of fisheries with emphasis on the history, methods and
potential of shellfish and finfish farming including methods of estimation of catch,
productivity of fishing grounds, migration of fish and conservation methods. Graduate.
CIN 303 - Film and Society I
This course examines a selected topic (varying from year to year) in the relationship
between sociopolitical issues and film as an art form, an entertainment medium, and an
index of cultural and historical values. Emphasis is placed on relating movies to the times
and places in which they were produced, and on interdisciplinary interpretations of
cinematic texts. This course is part of the LIU Post Honors Green Track Curriculum,
emphasizing environmental and sustainable topics. Undergraduate.
CIN 304 - Film and Society II
This course examines a selected topic (varying from year to year) in the relationship
between sociopolitical issues and film as an art form, an entertainment medium, and an
index of cultural and historical values. Emphasis is placed on relating movies to the times
and places in which they were produced, and on interdisciplinary interpretations of
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cinematic texts. This course is part of the LIU Post Honors Green Track Curriculum,
emphasizing environmental and sustainable topics. Undergraduate.
EDI 643 - Education for Cultural Diversity
The principles and practices of multicultural education are studied in this course, which
provides a practical approach to implementation of a culturally diverse Curriculum and
Instruction. Major issues covered include human rights, involvement of parents and the
community, criteria for multicultural curricula, assessment and evaluation strategies,
global issues in education, and formulating an agenda for educational and social action.
The use of the technology as it relates to teaching and learning will be examined.
ENG 48 - Ideas and Themes in Literature
This course is a close analysis of a body of literature bound together by a common factor
or concern, for example comic literature, literature of the East, the middle class in
society, the Industrial Revolution. This course may be taken more than once if topic
duplication is avoided. Undergraduate.
ENG 303 - World Literature I
This course is an Honors version of the same material covered in ENG 7 with additional
writing assignments to qualify students to complete the competency graduation
requirement in written composition. This course is part of the LIU Post Honors Green
Track Curriculum, emphasizing environmental and sustainable topics. Undergraduate.
ENG 304 - World Literature II
This course is an Honors version of the same material covered in ENG 8 with additional
writing assignments to qualify students to complete the competency graduation
requirement in written composition. This course is part of the LIU Post Honors Green
Track Curriculum, emphasizing environmental and sustainable topics. Undergraduate.
ENG 359 - The Horse in Literature
Special Topics Honors Course. Undergraduate.
ERS 1 - Earth Science I
This course is an introduction to physical geography, the Earth and its relationship to the
Sun, an introduction to map projections, meteorology and world climates, a consideration
of the biogeographical features, world soils and vegetation. Undergraduate.
ERS 2 - Earth Science II
Basic principles of geomorphology (study of landforms) and the use of topographic maps
and air photographs in landform interpretation are studied. Minerals, rocks and geological
structures are studied as factors in the evolution of surface topography. Other topics
include coastal processes such as sea level rise. Undergraduate.
ERS 12 – Meteorology
The earth's atmospheric environment and elements of weather are examined. Areas of
study are: solar radiation and temperature, moisture in the atmosphere, atmospheric
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circulation, air masses and fronts, weather forecasting and the influence of human beings
on meteorological processes. Undergraduate.
ERS/GGR 17 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is an important modern tool for the analysis
of geographical data for the natural and social sciences. This course is an
introduction to the hardware, software, and operations of GIS in addition to an
exploration of GIS applications. Undergraduate.
ERS/GGR 18 - Applications and Technical Issues in Geographic Information
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) algorithms, data structures, advanced
computational topics, and ways in which geographic and scientific principles and
techniques can be implemented in GIS. Students explore the use of GIS in answering
specific problems and describe applications of GIS in various fields of earth and
environmental science. Undergraduate.
ERS 501 - Mapping Environmental Data with GIS
This is a hands-on, introductory geographic information system (GIS) course on
managing spatial data using a computer. The course is based on the National Center for
Geographic Information and Analysis introductory curriculum using ArcView software.
The course addresses GIS principles, creating and querying spatial views and themes,
importing and exporting data, map projections, geocoding, attribute tabular data, charts,
layouts and applications. The course is lecture and laboratory and is designed for the
practitioner and as an introduction to practical GIS applications. Graduate.
ERS 502 - GIS Applications
This course explores technical issues in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the
application of GIS in addressing environmental problems. GIS applications for
environmental science and management decision support may include forest resource
inventory, water resources and modeling, coastal evolution and sediment-budget analysis,
and urban planning and zoning. Graduate.
EVS 501 – Principles of Environmental Sustainability
This seminar is designed to provide overarching context for students in the
Environmental Sustainability Program. The underlying philosophies, theoretical
perspectives, and contemporary practices and challenges pertaining to
sustainability are discussed. Graduate.
EVS 520 - Sustainable Land Use and Transportation
Metropolitan regions are home to over 80 percent of the country’s population and
consume comparable levels of resources. Building sustainable cities will require
redesigning buildings, neighborhoods, and entire metropolitan landscapes – but pricing
signals must support these goals. This course reviews and evaluates the tools and criteria
that urban professionals use to incrementally shift urban investments toward humane and
sustainable systems. Specific topics include suburbanization and sprawl, smart growth,
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transit oriented development, political ecology, and case studies from the New York
metropolitan region and other cities. Graduate.
EVS 530 - Sustainable Energy Systems
This course examines solar, wind, conservation, and efficiency from regional, national,
and international perspectives – with an emphasis on electric systems. What are the
strengths and weaknesses of different state and national frameworks for developing an
economically successful electric energy system? What cultural contexts, administrative
actions, legislation, and/or coalitions contribute to these successes? What scientific
principles enable technological innovations in wind, solar, and other renewable energy
systems? Graduate.
EVS 610 - Material and Energy Flow
This interdisciplinary course explores the flow of materials and energy from their
sources, through the urban/suburban environment, to the resultant wastes. Topics will
include conventional energy resources (coal, oil, natural gas, and uranium), building
materials (cement, asphalt, iron and other metals), food resources, and wastes (municipal
waste disposal, industrial waste, mine waste, air pollution). Lectures will present the
science of the acquisition, processing, usage, and disposal of each resource, followed by
analyses of the economic (and, where relevant, political) dynamics of these geographic
processes. Students will contrast existing resource flows with more sustainable
alternatives. Graduate.
EVS 620 - Environmental Sustainability Seminar
This end-of-program capstone course focuses on practical problem solving for
environmental sustainability with an emphasis on the New York/Long Island
metropolitan region. Coursework involves the selection of specific issues and problems
of concern to the region and the development of strategic approaches to manage,
mitigate, and address them. Students are guided in the formulation of solutions that
incorporate an interdisciplinary problem solving approach and that demonstrate an
understanding of the complex multidimensional issues related to the specific problems
under investigation. Graduate.
FIN 359 - Business of Clean Technology
This course focuses on clean technology and examines ways that businesses can
help improve the environment. Clean tech businesses can be looked at from an
investment standpoint, such as investing in alternative energies, as well as a
corporate standpoint in terms of the financial viability of capital budgeting projects.
The course will examine pressing environmental problems and then focus on energy
solutions such as solar power, wind power and geothermal power, in addition to
other forms of alternative energy. Business cases that focus on sustainable business
will be studied. Undergraduate.
GGR 11/ERS 11 - Introduction to Environmental Sustainability
This course is an overview of humanity's exponentially increasing demands on natural
resources; the resultant raw materials and environmental pollution problems and possible
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solutions humanity faces. Demographic, cultural, historical, economic and locational
factors are considered. Undergraduate.
GGR 27/ERS 27 - Sustainable Cities and Suburbs
Sustainable cities can be joyful, ecological, healthy, and socially just. They must also
balance land use, environmental quality, transportation, economic development,
taxes, and cultural diversity. Specific course topics include: sustainable and healthy
cities, campus ecology, urban sprawl and smart growth, green buildings, and the
greening of transportation. Undergraduate.
GGR 29 - Human Dimensions of Climate Change
Global climate change will shape human societies in profound ways and force us to
make difficult choices in the 21st century. The first half of the course will emphasize
how mass media, environmentalists, and global warming critics selectively filter the
work of scientists and the International Panel on Climate Change, IPPC. The second
half of the semester will examine the human impacts of climate change on our
economy, cities, ecological systems, and human health systems. Undergraduate.
GGR 43 - Geography of the United States and Canada
This course consists of a consideration of the United States of America and Canada
and its physical and human environments. General geographical principles are
applied in detail to establish the essential character of the region thereby clarifying
the major social, economic, and political features and problems. Undergraduate.
GGR 303 - Human Geography: Man, Environment, and Technology
In this course, you will become acquainted with geographic perspectives on humanenvironment relationships. We will discuss issues related to the evolution of human
livelihood systems with emphasis on agricultural production, industrialization, and
urbanization. Special attention will be paid to the historical and geographic
disparities between the so-called “developed” and “developing” regions of the
world, and the increasingly integrative forces of globalization and how they affect
people, places, and regions around the world. Undergraduate.
GGR 518 - Topics in Applied Conservation
The application of geographic principles to the problems of environmental conservation
is discussed. The course will include detailed studies of selected aspects of resource
conservation. Students must demonstrate an ability to explain the various ways in which
geographers and other environmental scientists organize knowledge and communicate the
results of their research in their disciplines. Graduate.
GLY 523/GLY 23 - Environmental Geochemistry
This course is the study of the chemistry of the earth with emphasis on the surficial
geologic environment. Topics include the chemistry of crustal rocks; chemical
weathering and its products; the chemistry of natural waters and of soils; isotope
geochemistry as a tracer of environmental processes; natural bedrock-related hazards
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such as radon; global chemical cycles, especially the role of geologic feedbacks in the
carbon cycle, and the moderating effects on global change. Graduate and Undergraduate.
GLY 550/GLY 50 - Environmental Geology
This course studies the geological foundations of environmental science. It examines
natural geologic systems in relation to human concerns, with special attention paid to
issues of relevance to Long Island and the New York metropolitan area. Topics include a
detailed study of soil properties and soil mechanics, mass wasting, fundamental
groundwater hydrology, analysis of stream flooding, earthquake seismology and risk
assessment. Graduate and Undergraduate.
SOC 98 - Environmental Sociology
This course introduces students to the growing interdisciplinary field of environmental
sociology, which examines the complex relationship between society and the
environment. Topics include the impacts of humans on the environment, how the
environment constructs human society, and more specifically, the debates on climate
change, natural disasters, food and agriculture, technology, energy, environmental
conservation, risks, environmental justice, and environmental sustainability in the global
world. We will also investigate the social-structural causes of environmental degradation,
such as consumption and commodity production, and how our own daily lives impact the
environment. In addition, we will examine social movements, NGOs, and individuals
who work to resist environmental degradation. Undergraduate.
JOU 40 - Environmental Reporting
Advanced special topics in journalism focusing on contemporary developments in the
field. Subjects determined and announced each semester. Undergraduate.
PHI 100 - Special Topics: Machiavelli to Marx.
Each time this course is offered, it will concern itself with a different topic chosen by the
instructor and announced in the Schedule of Classes. Undergraduate.
PHI 303 - History of Ancient Philosophy
The course begins with an introduction to the history of ancient Greek philosophy
from the pre- Socratics to the Hellenistic philosophers. Instructors may emphasize
the cultural environment of ancient Greek philosophy, non-Western traditions (in
particular Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism) or great Medieval philosophers,
such as Augustine and Aquinas. This course is part of the LIU Post Honors Green Track
Curriculum, emphasizing environmental and sustainable topics. Undergraduate.
PSY 99 - Wild Dolphin Behavior in Costa Rica
This course takes place on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica, and involves daily
observation of social interactions between two species of dolphins (bottlenose and
tucuxi). Focus of the study is to identify individual dolphins based on unique dorsal
fin markings, and to understand the social basis of inter-species mating that has
been observed. Students will document feeding activity, courting and reproductive
displays, aggressive encounters and other social interactions. Undergraduate.
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Sustainability is a Secondary Focus of these Courses:
ART 3 – Studio Foundation 2
ART 101 - Interpreting Art in the 21st Century
ARTH 2 - Art Therapy Theories for the Handicapped
ART Studio classes - emphasize the use of recycled materials
AST 9 – Introduction to Astronomy I
AST10 - Introduction to Astronomy II
BIO 1L - Linked with College 101
BIO 511 - Plankton
BIO 535 – Malacology
CGPH 18 - Digital Imaging Synthesis
CHM 21L - Organic Chemistry Lab
CHM 3L - Principles of Chemistry Lab
COL 101 – Service Learning Component
ECO 10 - Introduction to Microeconomics
ECO 11 - Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECO 37 - The Economics of Obesity
EDC 602 - Introduction to School Counseling & Ethics
EDC 613 - Diversity and Socio-Cultural Issues in Counseling
EDC 668 - Counseling Pre-Practicum
EDC 669 - Counseling Practicum
EDC 683 - Clinical Mental Health County Internship I
EDC 684 - Clinical Mental Health County Internship II
EDC 685 - Clinical Mental Health County Internship III
EDC 686 - Clinical Mental Health County Internship IV
EDI 14 - Historical, Philosophical and Sociological
Foundations of Education
EDI 15A - Psychological Perspectives: Teaching and Learning
EDI 16A - Curriculum and Assessment for Pre-service Teachers
EDI 63 - Methods in Teaching Elementary Social Studies
EDI 612 - Teaching Social Studies 3.00 in Grades 1-6
EDI 677 - Curriculum Development for the Classroom
EDI 700 - Introduction to Educational Research
EDS 611 – Literacy Assessment/Instruction For Diverse Populations
EDS 613 - Teaching Mathematics in Grades 1-6
EDS 617 - Literacy for Children with Disabilities: Birth - Grade 6
EDS 622 - Contemporary Issues and Research in Literacy: Birth – Grade 6
EDS 640 - Literacy in the Content Areas: Birth - Grade 6
EDS 641 - Literacy In Content Area 5-12
EDS 642 - Literacy & Language Arts Instruction B - GR 6
ENG 1 – Composition
ENG 7 - World Literature I: From Antiquity to the Renaissance
ENG 8 - World Literature II: From the Enlightenment
to the Present
ENG 48- Ideas and Themes in Literature
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ENG 151 - Survey of American Writers to the Civil War
GGR 1 - Human Geography: Man, Environment, and Technology
GGR 2 - Human Geography: The Cultural and
GGR 61 – Geography of Africa
GGR 70 - Geography of The People's Republic of
China and Taiwan
HE 201 - Critical Health Problems
HEB 2 - Elementary Modern Hebrew II
HEB 4 - Intermediate Modern Hebrew II
HIS 2 - The West and the World 3 Since 1750
HIS 11 - Roots of the Modern World--Nature
HIS 14 – Roots of the Modern World: Empires and
HIS 125 - U.S. Environmental History
HSC 101 – Introduction to Health Professions
JOU 4 – Beat Reporting
JOU 91/92 - Thesis
NUR 79 - The Philosophical and Conceptual Basis of
NUR 82 – Nursing Research
NUR 85 – Health Assessment
NUR 605 - Pharmacology for Advanced Practice
WLT 37 – The Making of the Superhero
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