DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH OFFICER OF THE PRINCIPAL GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC VISAKHAPATNAM-530 007. TENDER SHEDULE No.2/GPT-VSP/MHRD/2012 TENDER DATE: 08/03/2013 Issued to M/S __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Total Number of pages:09 DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC - VISAKHAPATNAM-530 007. Tender Notice (No.2/GPT-VSP/MHRD/2012 DATED 08/03/2013) Sealed tenders are invited from the reputed and registered Manufacturers / Authorised dealers for the supply of Civil Engg., Electrical & Electronics Engg., Mechanical Engg. Metallurgy & Pharmacy laboratory equipment (approx. total cost value of 140 Lakhs). Tender documents per each department can be had on all working days from Principal on Payment of Rs.550/- (Rupees five hundred and fifty only) in person or Rs.600/- (Six hundred only) by post in the form of D.D. drawn in favour of “Principal, Government Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam, Payable at Visakhapatnam OR through website .Last date for the receipt of sealed Tenders is 15/03/2013 up to 3.00 P.M. Tenders will be opened by 3-30 P.M. on the same day. Downloaded Tender schedules should contain Rs. 550/- DD, without which schedule submitted will be rejected. PRINCIPAL. DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, VISAKHAPATNAM-530 007. Tender Schedule issued to : ______________________________________ Invitation for tender for supply of equipment for establishment of Pharmacy Department LABs under MHRD Scheme. 1. You are invited to submit your most competitive tender for the following equipment : COPY ENCLOSED. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (E.M.D.): At the time of submitting of tender of tender schedule 2% of the amount quoted shall be paid through D.D. drawn in favour of “The Principal, Government Polytechnic payable at Visakhapatnam” in any Nationalised bank. Note: If tender schedule was downloaded through web site a separate DD for Rs.550/has to be enclosed along with tender schedule without which tender will be rejected before opening tender i.e. 15/03/2013 3.00 P.M. 1.0 TENDER NOTICE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: a. Sealed tenders will be received in the office of the Principal, Government Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam from the Registered Suppliers (TIN number) / Authorized Dealers. The Cover must be super scriber as supply of Equipments to Metallurgy DEPARTMENT LAB under MHRD Scheme under named cover to “The Principal, Government Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam” on or before Dt.15/03/2013, 3.00 P.M. in office hours only. b. The tender should be in the prescribed form obtained from the Principal’s office during the office hours and also by post/web site. Tender schedules are available on payment of Rs.550/- (Rupees five hundred and fifty only) in person or Rs.600/- (Rupees Six hundred only) by post in the from D.D. draw in favour of “The Principal Government Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam” payable at Visakhapatnam. c. The tender will be opened by the Principal or any concerned authorized person at the Principals room, Government Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam in his presence on dt:15/03/2013 by 3.30 P.M. d. For the tender schedule obtained by post, any loss or delay in transit etc., shall be born by the supplier. The tenders received after the expire date and time shall not be considered under any circumstances. e. Tender written in pencil will be not be valid. The rates quoted shall be written both in figures and words with pen or ballpoint pen. f. In case any correction made in the tender, that should be attested by the tenderer strictly without fail. g. The rates quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes like A.P.G.S.T., VAT Registration etc., and also inclusive of free delivery at this office. The tenderer shall accept to receive the supply orders immediately as and when placed by this office and shall supply the same duly following the terms and conditions laid down in the tender form and according to the rates approved. h. Price variation on any account will not be allowed on the price mentioned in purchase order. The tender shall be quoted their APGST/CST/VAT/TIN Registration number for audit purpose (enclose Xerox copy). i. The Government Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam, will retain EMD and any deposit till the completion of the contract in the case of successful tender and will not carry any interest. j. The suppliers can authorize any other person for receipt of tender schedule and for submission of tenders by enclosing authorization letter duly attesting the signature of the person deputed. k. In case if any tenderer or his agent is absent at the time of opening tenders, the tender opening officer shall prepare a statement of the attested and unattested corrections, in that of absentee tenderer and shall be read out in the presence of other tenderers and this statement shall be accepted by the absentee tenderer. l. The Successful tenderer will be informed and the tenderer has to submit a security deposit equal to 10% of total worth of order, as and when informed by this office., before received the supply order. m. The successful tenderer shall give in writing his unconditional acceptance to the purchase order and make supplies. The Principal reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without reason thereof. n. The Successful tenderer shall arrange to replace defective material supplied at his own cost to the complete satisfaction of the Principal, Government Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam immediately after receipt of intimation from the principal. o. The delivery period of 30 days for the supply will be informed in the purchase orders stands automatically on the expiry of the delivery period stipulated unless the date of delivery is extended by the authorities of the Government Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam in writing. p. The supply should be strictly as per the specifications mentioned and should take up Installation, testing and free training. The successful tenderer will be paid the cost of the equipment on supply and installation of equipment and receiving satisfactory report from the In-charge concerned.Each bidder shall submit only one tender. q. Tender shall remain valid for a period not less than 15 days after the deadline date specified for submission. r. Operation, maintenance and related manual should be supplied with each unit by the supplier. s. Along with the tender schedule the tenderer shall submit proprietary / dealership certificate of the product / equipment without which the tender will be rejected. t. The principal reserves right to go for second lowest tender if the first lowest tender does not meet the specifications/ conditions u. The rates to be quoted for the equipment / product shall be F.O.R. destination. v. Any legal matter pertaining to this tender process shall be with in the jurisdiction of Visakhapatnam. 2.0 VALIDITY OF TENDERS:a. The principal has full right to accept or cancel any tender at any time prior to the award of contract in case of the tenderer are not complying with the standard specification. b. If any tenderer gets even a part of the total value of the items. The total E.M.D. paid by him/her will be forfeited and the E.M.D. amount will be paid back along with bill payable to him for the supply made by him. c. Negotiations are not permitted at any level or at any time of the process of tender. Incomplete tenders will not be accepted. 3.0 ISSUE OF PURCHASE ORDER: a. On completion of the tender opening, purchase order WILL BE ISSUED TO THE SUCCESSFUL tenderer after obtaining administrative sanction from higher authorities. The Purchase order will be placed to the successful tenderer soon the tenders opening and receipt of administrative sanction process is completed. The supplier can receive the order in person or by post. b. If successful tenderer will not respond to the supply of the items within the validity time as mentioned in purchase order, the purchase order shall be deemed to be cancelled and the Principal has right to issue the purchase order to the next lowest quoted tenderer in time. 4.0 RETURN OF E.M.D TO UNSUCCESSFUL TENDERER: a. The Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderer soon after receiving administrative sanction. 5.0 CONDITIONAL TENDER: a. Tender not submitted in proper form or with in due date will be rejected. 6.0 RIGHT TO OMIT ONE OR MORE ITEMS: a. The principal shall have right omit one or more items put in the tender. The registered forms of APGST or form “D” with TIN only will be allowed as per the rates in vogue. 7.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS: a. The Equipment shall be supplied up to the destination i.e. Government Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam and also all equipment should be under warranty for minimum of 12 months from the date of commissioning the equipment. b. The concerned bills will be processed after receiving the equipment in good working condition and after proper installation only. We look forward to receive your tenders and thank you for your interest in this project. Purchaser Name : Address : Telephone No : Fax No. : e-mail ID : Sd/ Principal, Government Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam-530 007. 0891–2558251, 9912342009. FORMAT OF TENDER Sl. No. Description of Equipment Specifica tion Qty. Unit Quoted unit rare in Rs. VAT/ TAX Total amount in Rs. In Fig. In words Remarks if Grand Total Cost Rs.: We agree to supply the above equipment in accordance with the technical specifications for a total contract price of Rs. In figures (Rs. amount in words) within the period specified in the invitation for tenders. We also confirm the normal commercial warrantee / guarantee of Twelve months shall apply to the offered equipment. Signature of the supplier. GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, VISAKHAPATNAM Metallurgical Engineering Section List of Equipment required : S.No 01 02 Description of Equipment Qty. required with maximum temperature of 1200 0 C; Digital temperature controller cum indicator with internal chamber dimensions (approx.) 40 cmX 20cmX 20 Cm. with rating up to 6 KW and with temperature regulator. 01 Muffle furnace: Sand washer: for determining clay content of foundry sand with stirrer and attached with electric motor. 03 Universal sand testing machine: for measuring dry & green sand strengths of foundry sand with compressive and shear strength testing plates. 04 02 01 Rapid sand moisture teller: 02 with dial gauge to measure the moisture content of foundry sand. 05 Mechanical weighing balance with two pans to weight up to 5 Kg. with all measurable weights from 5 grams to 5 Kg. 02 Sd/ Principal 09