World Council of Comparative Education Societies Sociedad Mexicana de Educación Comparada Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Instituto de Investigaciones Sobre la Universidad y la Educación Seminario Interinstitucional Permanente de Educación Comparada El Colegio de Tamaulipas Call for papers II Conference of International and Comparative Education May 7th and 8th, 2015 VENUE: Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature UNAM I. The call is for students, professors, researchers and authorities of public and prívate universities with research or theoretical reflections about international or comparative education. Papers shoud be related to thext thematic areas: II. Thematic areas: 1. Theoretical developments about comparative education 2. Theoretical developments about international education 3. International educational policies 4. International academic networks 5. Critical perspectives of globalization 6. Comparative research and TICS 7. Comparative education and training 8. Comparative education and identity 9. Comparative education and gender 10. Comparative Education and Social Movements 11. Comparative Education and Multiculturality 12. Comparative Education and Adult Education 13. Comparative Education and relations between education and work III. Guidelines: Papers will be related to: a) Theoretical developments Theoretical contributions to cope with new research problems, discuss analitic categories or systems of categories used in comparative and international research. b) Projects, progress reports or research reports Contributions to knowledge about comparative studies; including problems of study, research questions, objectives, methodology, a discussion of results, theoretical and empirical frameworks and sources used. IV. Format for paper presentation: Full papers should be sent for peer review, according to next criteria: Identification -Title of paper -Author name -Thematic line -Abstract in 250 words -Keywords: no more than five Full text -Maximum extension: 5,000 words, including sources, figures and tables. -No footnotes -Notes and figures at the end -APA Reference System Format -Interline: 1.5 - Arial de 11 points - Microsoft® Word® or compatible V. Important dates -To receive papers the dateline is February 10th of 1915, to the next e-mail: -Results: March 10th 1915 (by e-mail). NOTE: Papers should state the temathic area to be enrolled Papers with a longer extensión or without an abstract will be rejected. VI. Fees Participants: Entrance will be free and and certificate os assistance will be granted prior registration in the e-mail: Note: To receive a certificate of assistance it is needed to attend both days of the conference Presenters A) Early registration (before April 10th) Students Professors Active members SOMEC 500.00 pesos M/N 1,000.00 pesos M/N 800.00 pesos M/N B) Inscripción tardía hasta el día del evento: 700.00 pesos M/N 1,500.00 pesos M/N 1,300.00 M/N Members SOMEC 1,000.00 pesos M/N 1,500.00 pesos M/N Fees should be deposited in the bank account: SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE EDUCACIÓN COMPARADA SCOTIABANK INVERLAT SUC. 004 BLVD. LOPEZ MATEOS CD. VICTORIA, TAM. NÚMERO DE CUENTA: 15805062551 CLABE: 044810158050625517 RFC. MEC0402127A5 Note: Participation certificate will be granted only with fees payment.