Language 2, Verbs and Nouns(2) - Smartboard-Mimeo

ASSURE Model Template
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 9/E - Smaldino, Lowther, Russell
Analyze learners
State standards and objectives
Select strategies, technology, media, and materials
Utilize technology, media and materials
Require learner participation
Evaluate and revise
Instructional situation
Learners are second grade ESL students. The following lesson is a follow up lesson on both verbs and nouns.
Students have been introduced to them previously and should have a general idea of how to define and
identify either.
This lesson will be taught using the presentation named Verb or Noun (posted at the end of this document).
During the lesson students will be using the Smartboard to interactively participate. They will also need to use
their notebooks to write the definitions and examples that are outlined in the presentation.
Following the short, interactive presentation students will participate in an on line interactive activity called Ice
cream talk – Practice learning Nouns and Verbs (posted at the end of this document). The game gives the
students the opportunity to apply the knowledge they have learned.
Analyze learners
General characteristics
 Second grade students
 20 students: 8 girls, 12 boys
 80% visual learners, 20% Kinesthetic learners
 They are beginner/intermediate ESL students
Entry Competencies
 Students have been introduced to verbs and nouns. Before this lesson, students should have a basic
understanding of a noun and verb. They should be able to give an example
o Verb: Running
o Noun: Person
 80% of the class are visual learners and the remaining 20% are kinesthetic learners
State standards and objectives
 Introduce verbs and nouns using the Smartboard
Learning Objectives
 Group of 20-second graders. They are ESL students and are split between beginners and intermediate
 Using the Smartboard students will be introduced to verbs and nouns and will also use the smartboard
for interactive activities
Achievement Indicators
 Ability to define a verb and a noun.
o Verb: Action word
o Noun: Person, pace or thing
 Ability to give five examples of each
 Ability to recognize a verb and noun with in a sentence.
Select strategies, technology, media, and materials
 The most important tool for this lesson is the Smartboard
 Students will also need their notebooks in order to write down definitions of both a verb and noun and
 I will be using Smartboard because it is a great tool with my class. Knowing that the majority of my
students are visual learners, I prefer using images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize information
ASSURE Model Template
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 9/E - Smaldino, Lowther, Russell
and communicate with them. The Smartboard is a great tool for this. In addition, it is great for student
interaction and this is helpful for the kinesthetic learners in my class, as well as the others.
Utilize technology, media and materials Preview technology, media and materials
The technology has been extensively researched
o Please follow the following link from our teams Wiki page to learn more about the details on how
to use the device:
I have carefully chosen the lesson plan from Smartboard/Whiteboard friendly websites.
Arrange the facilities for effective use of the technology, media and materials
Prepare the learners
 To see what is expected of the students involved in the lesson review the objectives section and the
achievement indicators within this document.
Provide the learning experience
 The majority of the lesson will be learner centered otherwise known as student centered
o Students are actively involved
o Professor’s role is to coach and facilitate
o Professor and students evaluate learning together
Require learner participation
 Through the interactive game the students will actively participate in the lesson
 The Smartboard is a great addition to any classroom because of the interactive features. Please follow
the link below for a more detailed explanation of how the Smartboard is used to increase student
participation and the benefits.
Lesson: Verb or Noun
ASSURE Model Template
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 9/E - Smaldino, Lowther, Russell
Evaluate and revise
Lesson Assessment
Poor: 0-2
Fair: 3-5
Good: 6-8
Lesson Plan Implementation Item
Technology Instruction was effective (students achieved
curricular objectives)
Students were motivated by the use of technology
Technology enhanced the learning activities
The activity took an appropriate amount of classroom time
Equipment was sufficient for the number of students
completing the activity
Equipment and software functioned properly
Overall rating
Student assessment
0-2 points
3-5 pints
6-8 points
Ability to
in the target
Unable to
make clear,
concise points.
Ability to use
words to
the topic.
Ability to
define a verb
and a noun
Unable to
define either.
Ability to
partially define
either one.
Is able to clearly
use the target
language to
about the topic.
Uses full
sentences to
make points.
Ability to define
both clearly.
Ability to
verb or noun
within the
Score of 0-3 in
the game
Score of 4-6 in
the game
Score of 6-10
achievement of
bonus game.