Natural materials/ an introduction to ecosystems - Science E-Unit

Brandi Shockley
Natural Material/ an introduction to ecosystems
Science Lesson Plan
A. Objectives
 Through investigation, students will obtain understanding of different
natural materials that the earth offers.
 Using booklets, students will record the information they have
B. Process Standards:
 Observe and record findings in journals or in oral and written form.
 Construct a hypothesis and investigate to verify its truth.
 Explore through centers and hands on activities.
C. Purpose
 “Today we will be learning about natural materials that our earth
provides for us. By learning about these materials, we can understand
how different plants and animals can live in different locations around
the world.”
D. Assessment:
 Formative: Throughout the lesson, I will assess the student’s
understanding of the information by observing the questions and
answers. I will then be able to assess if I need to restate or go over
 Summative: Students will record their findings, and what they have
learned in a recording book. I will collect these at the end of the lesson
to assess their understanding of the concept.
Concept Information
A. State Standard:
a. 3.2.5 Describe natural materials and give examples of how they
sustain the lives of plants and animals
B. Teacher Schema:
a. Teacher must have an understanding of different ecosystems.
b. Have an understanding of living and non-living natural materials
that are necessary to living.
c. Understand how these materials are used in different areas.
Safety Concerns
 Students should not eat or drink any materials in the centers.
 Anticipatory Set
i. I see a Kookaburra by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page
 Instruction
i. Items for sorting into buckets
1. Essential (water) and non-essential (television)
ii. Computer for video
iii. Interactive worksheet (located under indicated button)
iv. Crayons, colored pencils, markers
v. Pencils and recording booklets
 Classroom Arrangement
i. Students will sit in the reading corner for the anticipatory set.
ii. Mini lesson will take place while the students are at their desks.
iii. Teacher will dismiss students to the different centers. They will
travel around the classroom to each station.
1. Video for specific biomes
 Time
i. Total time= Approximately 60 Minutes
ii. Each section will be indicated
 Student Behavior
i. Student behavior will be positively reinforced for this lesson. Mrs.
Priday’s behavior plan will be continued. If negative behavior is a
problems, student names will be written on the behavior chart.
 Adaptations
i. Assistance from the cooperating teacher may be needed due to the
centers around the room.
ii. Early finishers will have further activities to work on at each center.
Anticipatory Set (10 minutes)
 Read I see a Kookaburra to the whole class.
 Before reading, tell the students to pay attention to what the animals do in
their environment.
 After reading the story, discuss for a few minutes about what the students
noticed about the different animals and environments. This will lead into
the instruction.
Instruction (50 Minutes)
A. State Problem/Purpose
a. “Much like the fossils that we just learned about, we need materials
provided by the earth to keep us alive.”
b. Our earth gives us natural materials to help us survive. These
materials can be living and non-living.
c. “What are some of these natural materials and how do they help
plants and animal survive?”
B. Develop hypothesis
a. The class will create a hypothesis together about what they think
natural resources are and what they do to help us survive.
b. The hypothesis will be written on the board and in each students
recording booklet.
C. Experimental investigations/Hands-on activities CENTERS -(30 Minutes)
a. “Today, each of you will be exploring a certain ecosystem. Can
someone raise their hand if they know what an ecosystem is?” Let
a student tell what they think an ecosystem is.
b. Restate what an ecosystem is and tell students that there are
different biomes that plants and animals live in.
c. “Our biome is named temperate forest biome. Can you raise your
hand and tell me some things about the seasons and temperatures
that you notice in our area.” Give time for answers. “What about the
plants and animals that you see?”
d. “Each biome is unique in the way that there are different plants and
animals. Those plants and animals use the natural material that we
will investigate. They may use them differently than the way we use
e. Pass out the recording booklets. Have the students write the
hypothesis in the indicated section. Be sure to tell the students to
write down their observations and answer the question because I
will be collecting the booklets.
f. Dismiss the students to their first station by groups.
Biome Videos
What do we NEED?
Interactive worksheet
 Students will be
 Students will
 Students will
assigned a
separate items
choose an
certain biome.
into two
animal from
their biome.
 They will watch
Labeledthe appropriate
 They will
necessary for
video and
complete the
life, not
information in
which will also
their booklets.
 After they have
be turned in.
separated the
They will use
 Extension:
items, they will
this for the next
Students can
writing lesson.
discuss the
them in their
differences and
 Extension:
Students can
between that
 They will then
discuss with
biome and the
area that they
Website below
in resources.
talk about where
they can get the
items that are
necessary for
Discuss how our
bodies use
those materials.
What do you
think would
happen if we do
not get these
each other what
they have
chosen and
what resources
would be
needed and
D. Draw conclusions
a. Let each group share a little bit about what they discovered about
their biome.
b. “What are some of the natural materials that you learned about?”
“Did you learn about how natural materials help us survive?”
E. Determine validity of hypothesis
a. Was the hypothesis correct? Why or why not?
b. After discussion, the teacher and class will decide whether the
hypothesis is correct.
F. Closure
a. Restate hypothesis correctly.
b. Discuss with students how the corrected hypothesis can be
supported with the data that they collected.
 Were children able to hypothesize?
 Were children able to collect information?
 Were children able to record results?
 Were children able to reach conclusions?
 Were children able to verbalize findings?
 Were children able to apply knowledge?
 Was the lesson successful?
 What were some strengths?
 What would you do differently?