
February 11, 2015
Dear Eighth Grade Parents/Guardians,
It is hard to believe that we are already half way through the school year! Before we
know it, graduation will be upon us, and high school around the corner. Please make note
of the important dates in this letter, especially since some have changed. Our
number one priority is to successfully prepare your child both academically and
behaviorally for their high school experience. It is extremely important that your child
stay focused the last three months. Beginning in March, our students will be taking the
Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). These test
scores will be given to the high school that your child attends. Also, they will take the
Spring NWEA test towards the end of April. Both test results will be sent to the
high school that your child will be attending. Please discuss with them the importance
of doing well and giving it their all.
Please understand that all 8th grade activities are considered privileges that we hope
your child will be able to experience. However, if your child receives 5 detentions
between March 2nd and the end of the school year, they will not be able to attend
the 8th grade picnic. If they receive 6 detentions during that time, they will not be able
to attend the 8th Grade Trip. If they receive 7 detentions during that time, they will
not be able to attend the 8th Grade Dance. A suspension will count as 2 detentions.
Students will have the opportunity to “erase” 1 detention by doing 2 hours of community
service with a teacher. Parents and students will know when a student is close to losing
an 8th grade activity because the student will be placed on a point sheet/behavior
contract upon receipt of their 4th detention. It is our hope that every 8th grader will
have the opportunity to attend each activity if they so choose. Besides behavior, our
8th grade students must also maintain passing grades (which means no Ds or Fs) in
each of their classes in order to attend any of the 8th grade activities. If we work
together, I know we will see amazing results.
Graduation: The scheduled date for graduation is TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd at Glenbard
East High School. The ceremony will begin at 7:00. Requests for tickets will be
available in the spring. All fees and fines must be paid prior to tickets being issued.
8th Grade Dance: The MMPA will again host this year’s eighth grade dance on May 29th
from 7-9 p.m. All eligible students will be invited to participate. Students who plan to
attend must be in attendance for the full day of the dance. Only MMS students will
be allowed to attend this event. No jeans please. Boys are encouraged to wear dress
slacks and a nice shirt. Ties and jackets are optional. Girls may wear either slacks or a
dress. Dresses may not be backless, too short or too low cut. If they are strapless,
they must have a jacket of some kind. They should be appropriate for middle school.
Feel free to stop by the office and check whether or not your dress is appropriate.
8th Grade Trip: The trip this year will be to The Mystic Blue in Downtown Chicago and
Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. The trip will take place on Monday, May 18th. More detailed
information will be forth coming. It is expected that students will dress nicely.
Please sign, indicating that you have received this letter and understand the
contents. Without your signature, your son/daughter will not be able to participate
in any activities. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to call.
We look forward to a safe and productive remainder of the year.
Marie Cimaglia, Principal
Meredith Haugens, Assistant Principal
Matt McDonald, Assistant Principal
Eighth Grade Staff
Student Name (please print)
Parent Signature