Algebra II Honors - Fenwick High School

Algebra 2 - Course Outline
2015-2016 School year
Course Number - 1605
Mrs. Nowicki
Course Description: This is a required full year course for freshmen with a substantial background in
algebra who have high entrance exam scores or placement test scores. It is designed for a more indepth study of algebra and its applications. In addition to a review of algebra, advanced topics such as
quadratic, polynomial, radical, exponential, logarithmic, rational and inverse functions, the complex
number system and conic sections will be studied.
Course Goals: Students will develop and improve their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. They
will become familiar with the complex algebra language and its many properties and operations. This
course will also give them the preparation they need for Honors Geometry and Pre-Calculus.
Required Text: Glencoe Algebra ISBN: 9780076639908
Classroom materials:
-Three ring binder (1 or 1 ½ inch) with 5 dividers or large spiral notebook
- Graph paper and loose leaf notebook paper.
-Pencils, colored pencils and sharpener.
-Slim Dry erase markers and eraser
-Graphing calculator. (TI-84/Plus or TI-84 Plus Color)
If you are investing in a calculator, I highly recommend the TI-84 Plus CE.
-1 Class item (tissue, paper towel, batteries)
*All supplies including the textbook or IPad with the text must be brought to class daily.
Grading Scale:
64.9 below
Semester grades will be calculated as follows:
1st quarter average
2nd quarter average
Semester exam
Assessment and evaluation: Quarter grades will be based on a point system.
Due to the significant amount of information in each chapter, there will be 2-4 quizzes per chapter.
These quizzes will range from 10-60 points.
Tests: Each chapter will have one comprehensive test worth 75-100 points. This is designed so that
students learn to study greater amounts of material and to help them prepare for the final exam and
any examination in their lives with extensive content. The best way to study for math is to keep up with
it on a daily basis and lots of practice. The scheduled days for math tests at Fenwick are dates of the
month that are odd (example: October 3.)
Homework and Class work: Homework, class work and participation are expected on a daily basis.
Approximately 8-16 points will be awarded for homework/participation weekly. Homework will be
evaluated by turning it in, a check by the teacher for completion or in the form of homework quizzes.
Homework quizzes: These quizzes will be 2/3 problems that take 5-10 minutes to complete. They are
problems selected from the homework or very similar to the homework. They are given once
homework has been reviewed and corrected.
Math Competitions: All Honors’ students are expected to complete at least 3 of the outside math
competitions per semester. Failure to do so will lower your grade. Math competitions are also held
during class on occasion and all students are expected to give their best effort. Extra credit will be
awarded if more than 3 ‘outside of class’ competitions are attended. The contests that are held outside
of class are taken after school. If there is a legitimate reason that a student cannot attend an after
school contest, typically arrangements can be made to take the test during lunch or study hall.
Participation is an important part of the learning process. Weekly participation grades will be given. The
grade will be based on meaningful questions, board work and overall thoughtful contribution to class
discussions. Discussion or behavior that interferes with classroom learning will also impact the grade.
Absences of any kind will lower the participation grade.
Grades will be updated on Edline, Fenwick’s computerized grade system at least weekly.
Academic Integrity:
CHEATING will not be tolerated.
If a student is caught cheating, he/she will receive the grade ‘Zero’ for the work in question. The
student will face disciplinary measures taken by the Dean of Students as outlined in the student
The following are examples but are not limited to what is considered cheating:
-Copying another student’s work. This includes copying homework!!
-Cheat sheets and writing on the desks
-Attempts to copy or use a cheat sheet during a quiz or test
-A means to improve his/her grade in an unfair advantage.
Students are expected to be present for all classes. Absences are the most likely way to get behind in
math. If absent, an Admit slip from Student Services is needed to return to class. Students must be in
their seats when the bell rings otherwise they are considered tardy. A student is responsible to get
missed assignments if they are absent. This should be done with me outside of class or from another
responsible student. Please communicate any long-term absences.
Classroom rules and expectations are based one basic rule: RESPECT
For Yourself:
-The student should be prepared and have all necessary supplies on a daily basis.
-All work should be neat and legible. In math, it is imperative that a student show all their work.
-All work should have a name and period number on it or points will be deducted.
-Work should be handed in on time. Late work is not accepted.
-The student should take responsibility for all work.
-The student should remain focused during the lesson and ready to participate.
-Respect for yourself includes academic integrity and pride in one’s own work.
For Others:
-Students should be attentive and polite while others speak. This includes the teacher and
-All Fenwick rules are to be followed.
Consequence Procedure:
Students’ discipline will be handled on an individual basis, according to the severity and history.
Any type of discipline issue will be discussed with the teacher and student first to resolve. If necessary,
the next step will be to involve the parents/counselors and lastly the deans.
IPads: The use of IPads in the classroom will be to enhance learning not distract from learning. IPads
are allowed only when the teacher indicates they may be used. If students are using their IPad in class
to do anything that is not related to the class, they will lose their privilege to use the IPad during class.
Pictures and videos absolutely cannot be taken unless the teacher approves the action beforehand.
Cell phones: Phone use of any type is prohibited in the classroom. Phones should be turned off and put
away in backpacks or lockers during the school day. If a phone rings, a student is caught texting or the
phone is outside of his/her backpack the phone will be taken and given to the dean of discipline.
Extra Help:
Teacher: I am typically available in the mornings at 7:30 and during 11th period in room 35 where I
moderate the Friar Mentor program. I am available after 11th by appointment.
Fenwick Friar Mentors: These are student tutors who have been selected based on their knowledge of
the subject and their ability to help other students. They are an excellent resource for help and are
available before and after school. Specific times are posted in the math classrooms.