Chemical Bonds Notesheet

I. Chemical Bonds
A. _________________________of attraction that holds _________atoms together.
B. The type of bond that forms from the joining of atoms depends on what atoms do with their
C. All atoms want to have ___________( a full energy level) in their outermost level.
D. ________________________ are atoms that have more or less electrons than protons
E. Atoms will bond according to the number of valence electrons they have
1. Atoms that have _____to ___________________valence electrons like to “_______________”
these electrons away.
2. If they have _________________ to _____________ electrons, they want to “_________________”
electrons. This type of bond is called an __________________ bond.
3. Atoms that share electrons are called _______________________________bonds.
Draw pictures of each of the bonds.
II. Chemical Reaction
A. Process in which the ___________________________ and ________________________________ properties of
the original substances change as new substances with different physical and chemical properties are formed.
B.____________________ or ____________________substances are combine to produce one or more substances.
C. In this process, bonds are broken and new bonds are formed.
D. There are 4 types of general reactions that are used to identify chemical equations.
1. Synthesis-two substances combine to form one substance
Ex. ___________ +________
2. decomposition-one substance breaks down into two or more smaller substances
Ex. _______________
_____________ + _______________
3. single replacement-one element takes the place of another in a compound
Ex. ___________ +________
________________ + _____________
4. double replacement-two compounds replace each other in a reaction
Ex. ___________ +________
________________ + _____________
III. Characteristics of a Chemical Reaction
A. Always form new substances
1.___________________-energy that is absorbed
B. Involves a change in energy
2. ____________________-energy that is released
C. Involves two kinds of substances
1. ___________________________________ -substance that enters a reaction
2. ____________________________________- substance that is produced by a reaction
Draw pictures of the parts of the reaction.
V. Clues:There are several clues to look for when determining if a reaction has taken place.
a. ____________________________________________________________________ (chemical change)
b. _____________________________________ of gas bubbles or a solid
(physical change)
c. Change in __________________________, given off as light, thermal energy or electrical (chemical)
VI. Energy
A. Energy (just as matter) is always involved in a reaction. It can be either _________________________
or ______________________________
B. The law of Conservation of energy( and matter) states that energy can be neither
___________________________ nor ____________________________________
C. __________________________________ is smallest amount of energy needed for substances to react.
VII. Factors : The rate of a reaction is affected by 4 factors.
A. __________________________-a measure of the amount of one substance dissolved in another.
B. __________________________: the amount of exposed surface; the more exposed the faster the reaction
C. Catalyst and inhibitors
1. _________________________-substance that speeds up a reaction without being changed
2.__________________________ substance that slows down or stops a reaction
D. Temperature
1. The ________________________ the temperature the ___________________ the reaction
2. The_________________________ the temperature the ___________________ the reaction